[1]See the commentary of Rabbi Abraham Ibn-Ezra to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1, and The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 2, Chapter 30, Part 3, Chapters 9-10, by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon-Maimonides; Compare T. B. Hagigah 12A-B, Tamid Chapter 4; T. J. Hagigah 2, -1; The Conciliator to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1 by Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel, Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer Chapter 18, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 1, Chapters 1 and 3, by Rabbi Saadia Gaon.
[1a]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 1, Chapter 40.
[2]See the commentary of Rabbi David Kimhi (Radak) to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1. Isaiah Chapter 46, Verses 9-10. See also Rabbenu Meyuchas ben Elijah.
[3]See and compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 1, -15; 3, -7 -9; 9, -2; 12, -3 -4; Midrash Shemoth Rabbah 15, -22; 30, -3; Tanhuma Yashan to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1; The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 2, Chapter 29; T. B. Erubin 18A, Kethuboth 8A, Berakoth 61A, Hagigah 11B-12B, Rosh Hashanah 31A, Sanhedrin 97B, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Introduction, by Rabbi Saadia Gaon. See the commentary of Radak to Isaiah Chapter 45, Verse 7. Rabbenu Meyuchas ben Elijah.
[4]See Deuteronomy Chapter 6, Verse 4 and the commentaries of Rashi, Sforno and Ramban thereto; also The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 3, Chapter 45.
[5]See the commentaries of Rashi and Kli-Yokor to Leviticus Chapter 19, Verse 18; Kallah Rabbathi 53B; Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 24, -7; T. B. Shabbath 31A, Aboth 3, -11 -12.
[6]Compare the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1 and Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 7.
[6a]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 65, -20.
[6b]Compare Yalkut Shimeoni to Isaiah Chapter 40, No. 446; the commentary of the Abrabanel (Rabbi Don Isaac Abrabanel) to Exodus Chapter 10, Verses 1-2. Compare Rabbenu Meyuchas ben Elijah.
[6c]See Midrash Shemoth Rabbah 13, -1.
[6d]See the commentaries of Rashi and Ibn-Ezra to Malachi Chapter 2, Verse 17.
[6e]See the commentaries of Rashi, Radak, Yalkut Shimeoni to Isaiah Chapter 40, Verse 28, T. B. Taanith 2A, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 2, Chapter 1, by Rabbi Saadia Gaon.
[7]See the commentaries of Radak, Ibn-Ezra to Isaiah Chapter 45, Verse 7; The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 2, Chapter 30. There are many interpretations for this. See T. B. Hagigah 12A, Abrabanel to Genesis Chapter 1, Verses 3-4; The Conciliator by Rabbi Menashe ben Israel to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 4.
[8]Compare Proverbs Chapter 3, Verses 13-22, the commentaries of Rabbi Levi ben Gershon-Ralbag, Rashi thereto; The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 3, Chapter 54.
[8a]See T. B. Aboth 5, -1 and the commentaries thereto.
[8b]See Targum Yerushalmi, Ibn-Ezra, Rashi, Sforno, Ramban, Radak to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 26; Also The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 1, Chapter 1.
[9]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 1, Chapter 1 and Part 2, Chapter 6. Among many places in the Talmud see T. B. Sanhedrin 37A-39A, Erubin 18A, also the commentaries of Radak to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 18 and Ibn-Ezra, Ramban and Radak to Genesis Chapter 1, Verses 26-28; The Conciliator, Volume 1, Question 8, to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 26; The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 2, Chapter 6, Treatise 6, Chapter 4.
[10]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 8, -16, also 8, -8 -9, and Midrash Bamidbar Rabbah 16, -24. See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 1, Verses 26-28.
[10a]See the commentaries of Ibn-Ezra, Radak to Isaiah Chapter 11, Verse 9.
[10b]See and compare The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 3, Chapters 10-13. Ibn-Ezra to Isaiah Chapter 11, Verse 9, The Conciliator, Volume 1, Questions 11, 12, 13 to Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 31.
[10c]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 2, Chapter 30; The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 2, Chapter 12; The Conciliator, Volume 1, Questions 14, 15, 16; Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer, Chapter 18; T. B. Sotah 14A.
[10d]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 1, Chapter 67; The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 2, Chapter 12.
[11]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 10, -9 and the commentaries of Ramban to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 2, also Radak to Genesis Chapter 2, Verses 1-3, Kli Yokor to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 3.
[12]Compare the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 2; Yalkut Shimeoni to Genesis Chapter 2, Verses 1-3; Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 10, -10.
[13]See the commentary of Ibn-Ezra to Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 3. Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 10, -9.
[14]See Exodus Chapter 20, Verses 8-11, Exodus Chapter 31, Verses 16-17 and the commentary of Rashi thereto. It is of note that there can not be, and there is no creation without a Creator, Exalted Be His Name.
[15]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 11, -8.
[16]Compare Exodus Chapter 23, Verse 12 and Deuteronomy Chapter 5, Verses 12-15, and the commentary of Rashi thereto.
[16a]See the commentaries of Ibn-Ezra, Rashi to Psalms 33, Verses 14, 15, 4, 5.
[17]See the commentaries of Sforno, Ibn-Ezra, Radak to Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 1; T. B. Baba Bathra 16A; The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 2, Chapter 30; R. Saadia Gaon to Genesis 3:1, Numbers 21:24, Pirke D'R. Eliezer Chapter 13.
[18]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 19, -1 and Midrash Koheleth Rabbah 1, -18 -1. The translation of Onkelos should be compared to the verse of Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 5. See also T. B. Soferim 36B, Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer Chapter 13; also Yalkut Shimeoni No. 25 to Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 1.
[19]Compare T. B. Aboth 2, -13 and the commentary of Bartenura thereto.
[20]Compare T. B. Aboth 4, -2 and the commentary of Bartenura thereto.
[21]See the commentaries of Radak, Ibn-Ezra and Ramban to Genesis Chapter 3, Verses 6-7. Note the meaning of the first word of the verse of Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 7.
[21a]See the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra, the Targum to Ecclesiastes Chapter 7, Verse 24, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise 1, Chapter 1. Compare to T. B. Hagigah 13A.
[22]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 19, -5 -6.
[22a]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 3, Chapter 54.
[23]See The Guide of the Perplexed, Part 1, Chapter 2.
[23a]See the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra, Ralbag to Job Chapter 5, Verses 12-16.
[24]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 20, -12.
[25]Compare ""--"light" written as aleph-vav-resh with ""--"skin" written as ayin-vav-resh.
[26]See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 21.
[27]Compare T. B. Pesachim 114A and Hullin 84B.
[28]Compare the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 45, Verse 24.
[29]See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 12.
[30]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 19, -11 -12.
[31]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 17, -7.
[32]See the commentaries of Radak, Ibn-Ezra, Ramban and Or- Hachayim to Genesis Chapter 3, Verses 8-14.
[32a]See the commentary of Rashi and my commentary and notes to Genesis Chapter 24, Verse 67; also pages 19 and 21 of my commentary to Genesis, first edition.
[33]Compare T. B. Aboth 3, -9 -17.
[33a]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 24, -7 to Genesis Chapter 5, Verse 1.
[33b]See The Conciliator, Volume 1, Question 22, to Genesis Chapter 5, Verse 2.
[34]See the commentaries of Ramban, Radak to Genesis Chapter 5, Verses 1-3.
[35]See the commentary of Radak to Genesis Chapter 6, Verse 6 and the commentaries of Radak and Ibn- Ezra to Psalms 104, Verse 31.
[36]See Targum Onkelos; the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra to Psalms 90, Verses 2-4.
[37]See the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra to Psalms 33, Verses 8-9.