[1]See T.B. Shebuoth 35B; Targum Onkelos and Targum Jonathan ben Uzziel, Rashi, Ramban, Radak, also Rashbam and Chizkuni, also the commentaries of Rabbi Saadia Gaon and Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra to Genesis Chapter 18, Verses 1-4. Compare Judges Chapter 6, Verses 13-16 and the commentaries of Targum Yonathan, Rashi, Radak, and Ralbag thereto. See The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Treatise II, Chapter 7 by Rabbi Saadia Gaon and The Guide of the Perplexed, Part II, Chapter 42, by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides); compare The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow by Rabbi Judah Messer Leon, Book 4, Chapter 63.
[1a]See Targum Onkelos and Targum Jerushalmi; also The Hebrew Lexicon (Oxford).
[1b]See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 14, Verse 13; Also the commentary of Radak, Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 1.
[2]See T.B. Shabbath 127B.
[3]See T.B. Shabbath 127A; also Shebuoth 35B; the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 3.
[3a]See the commentary of Bartenura to this Mishna, compare Targum Onkelos and Targum Jonathan ben Uziel to Genesis 18: 1-3.
[3b]Compare the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 41, Verse 12.
[4]Compare Deuteronomy Chapter 10, Verse 19; Exodus Chapter 22, Verse 20; Exodus Chapter 23, Verse 9; Leviticus Chapter 19, Verses 33-34; Deuteronomy Chapter 24, Verses 14-15.
[5]T.B. Aboth 1, -15; Aboth D'Rabbi Nathan Chapter 7, -13 -17.
[6]See T. B. Kiddushin 40B, Rashi.
[7]See T. B. Shabbath 127A; also Kiddushin 39B.
[7a]See Aboth D'Rabbi Nathan Chapter 13.
[8]See T. B. Kiddushin 40B-41A.
[8a]See T. B. Baba Meziah 87A, the commentary of Radak to Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 5.
[8b]See Rashi, Ibn-Ezra, Sforno to Ecclesiastes Chapter 10, Verse 12.
[8c]See the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra, Ralbag to Proverbs Chapter 27, Verses 8-10, 17, 19.
[9]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 48, -9.
[10]See Deuteronomy Chapter 9, Verse 9.
[11]See the commentary of Rashi, Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 8.
T. B. Baba Meziah 86B-87A.
[12]T. B. Baba Meziah 86A, Derek Eretz Chapter 5.
[13]See Yalkut Shimeoni to Deuteronomy Chapter 15, Verse 10; also the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 15, Verses 10-11; the commentary of Rabbi S. R. Hirsch; T. B. Baba Bathra 9B-10A; Shabbath 156B and 63A; Berakoth 6B. Also see Yalkut Shimeoni to Deuteronomy Chapter 13, Verse 18.
[14]See T. B. Shabbath 151B; also Bezah 32B.
[15]The foregoing was an actual experience by the author.
[15a]See the Midrash Koheleth Rabbah Chapter 11, Verse 2.
[15b]See the commentaries of Ibn-Ezra, Rashi, also Sforno, to Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, Verses 1-2.
[16]See the commentary of Rashi and Onkelos to Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 14.
[17]Compare also Genesis Chapter 21, Verse 2; also Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 21.
[18]See the commentary of Rabbi S. R. Hirsch to Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 17.
[19]Genesis Chapter 18, Verses 12-13.
[20]Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 17.
[21]See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 17. Compare also Targum Onkelos thereto.
[22]See T.B. Berakoth 7B, also Yoma 83B, also the commentary of Rabbi S. R. Hirsch to Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 17, Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 71, -3. Compare also T. B. Baba Meziah 86B.
[22a]Compare the commentaries of Rashi, Radak to Genesis Chapter 13, Verse 7 and Rashi, Ramban, Rabbenu Meyuchas ben Elijah to Exodus Chapter 19, Verse 5.
[23]Compare The Guide of the Perplexed Part 3, Chapter 49; also T. B. Yebamoth 63A.
[23a]Compare the commentary of Sfarno to Genesis Chapter 17, Verse 3.
[24]Compare my commentary to Genesis Chapter 11, Verse 4.
[25]See the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 19, also the commentary of the Ramban, also Radak to Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 17. See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 49, 3-4.
[26]Compare T. B. Aboth 5, -3 -4, also Berakoth 7A. Also Aboth 2, -19. See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 39, -6, also 49, -9.
[27]See Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 49, -9.
[28]See T. B. Sanhedrin 104B, 109A-109B. Also see Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 41, -7.
[29]See the commentaries of Rashi, Radak to Ezekiel Chapter 16, Verses 46-50.
[29a]See Mishneh Torah Book 1, Hilchoth Deoth Chapter 6, -1.
[29b]See Radak, Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Hameiri and Midrash Shohar Tob to Psalm 1, Verse 2; T. B. Sanhedrin 19A. See my commentary to Exodus Chapter 15, Verses 1-2. (The sequence of Malachi to Psalms in is of note.)
[30]See the Yalkut Shimeoni to Psalm 1.
[31]See T. B. Sanhedrin 105B.
[32]Compare Zohar 1, -119B; see the commentary of Rashi to Genesis Chapter 22, Verse 2. See also the commentary of Ibn Ezra to Genesis Chapter 22, Verse 4.
[32a]See the commentaries of Rashi, Radak to Psalm 11, Verse 5.
[32b]See the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn-Ezra to Proverbs Chapter 3, Verses 11-12.
[33]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 32, -3; 34, -2; 55, -2. Compare commentary of Ramban to Genesis Chapter 22, Verse 1.
[34]Compare Zohar 1, 119A. Also see the commentary of Ibn-Ezra Genesis 22, Verse 4.
[34a]See the commentary of Rashi to Deuteronomy Chapter 12, Verse 31, Sifre 81; compare the commentaries of Ibn-Ezra, Sforno to Leviticus Chapter 18, Verse 21. The commentary of Rabbi J.H. Hertz to Deuteronomy Chapter 12, Verse 31.
[35]See T. B. Berakoth 5A.
[36]Particularly the days of 26 Iyar-2 Sivan 5727, (June 5-10, 1967).
[37]See the commentary of Radak to Genesis Chapter 13, Verses 15-16; also to Genesis Chapter 15, Verses 5-6.
[38]Compare Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 41, -8.
[39]Midrash Bereshith Rabbah 41, -9.
[40]T. B. Berakoth 13A.