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Wawanesa: The Community: Schools
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Small Ruaral Schools
Picture of the Nesbitt School The Wawanesa area was settled during the late 19th Century. By 1900 the countryside was dotted with small one roomed school houses. The schools arose at roughly the same time that churches emerged in the area. This speaks volumes about the importance of both faith and education to the early settlers. Initially some schools such as Nesbitt (to the left) offered only elementary school; high school was not popular, especially amongst boys, who were needed to work on the farm. Eventually most schools enlarged their mandate to include secondary education.
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In the early days these one roomed school houses were heated by wood burning. The schools were outfitted with desks, chalk boards, cupboards, and books. Some of the schools, notably Fairbank, had stables built next to them as a number of students had to travel a significant distance to reach their school.
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Above is the first school built in Nesbitt. It was later be supplanted by a larger building and then closed in 1968 when its students began to attend the school at Wawanesa.
Picture of inside of one room school house
By the 1960's the existence of these small schools was not feasible. Rural population was declining and cheaper motor vehicle transportation made the trip to Wawanesa easier. By the 70's all of the small schools in the area, save the Hutterite schools, had disappeared, and their students were being bussed to Wawanesa. Below is a list of schools in the area, dates of establishment, and dates of closing.
Picture of the Treesbank School
Nesbitt School 1893-1968

Fairbank School 1888-1948

Hilton School 1887-1961

Treesbank School 1899-1967

Northfield School 1882-1960

Stratherne School 1884-1962

Tenterfield School 1891-1961

In 1957 Treesbank built a new school, seen here to the right of its predecessor. In 1967 when the school closed, the new building was sold to the Mennonite Congregation to be used as a church.
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