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Prostate cancer forum issues call for action

CMAJ 1997;157:9

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association

A Toronto oncologist says Canadian men have united on an issue that represents a looming crisis -- prostate cancer. Dr. Neill Iscoe, who participated in the May release of recommendations from the National Prostate Cancer Forum, said the incidence of prostate cancer has been rising by 5.3% annually since 1985 and represents "a human and financial burden that we can no longer shoulder."

The forum cited data that prostate cancer already costs Canadians more than $250 million annually in lost productivity and immeasurable costs in suffering. It recommended that funding bodies earmark more money for prostate cancer research and randomized control trials. Advocacy, communication and patient support are also recommended.

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| CMAJ July 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 1) / JAMC le 1er juillet 1997 (vol 157, no 1) |