© '03 Media Free Times (t.m.) -AdBan (t.m.)


... random samplings, excerpts, quotes and blog from "Artificial Inorance (t.m.), the conspiracies that are not theories exposed." A series by George Kasey, a chapter intro and video entitled "The Technological Chair*"


"Media Free Times - Artificial Ignorance Series "(t.m.)

*A definitive interactive work in progress toward Ethics in Technology - "FAT" the Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics

"Dr. Benjamin Rush is cited here to have invented the straitjacket and the tranquilizer chair. "Terror acts powerfully upon the body through the medium of the mind and should be employed in the cure of madness. Fear accompanied with pain and the sense of shame has sometimes cured the disease". That was written almost two centuries ago in 1818 by Dr. Benjamin Rush, father of American psychiatry, and the first president of the APA, whose face still appears on the official seal of the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Rush advocated and practiced terror by designing and using the straitjacket, the tranquilizer chair and "fear of death" on numerous inmates in 19th century lunatic asylums." Psychiatric Fascism* .

What Dr. Rush did not add, but what Advertisers did was that : "Terror acts powerfully upon the body through the medium of the mind and could be employed..." to create sucrose and multiple addictions in young children. In fact, according to Dr's. Nourse and Phelps in "_The Hidden Addiction_" Sucrose, falsely called "Sugar", is the root of multiple addiction, including nicotine, alcohol, drug and pharmaceutical addictions. Furthermore advertising that employs the very same "fascist" technology. "Fear (Violence) accompanied with [the] pain" of sucrose induced insulin shock, may create or exacerbate the symptoms of co-dependency, the core issues of dis-ease. These so called "mental illness" are a major source of profits for anti-nutrient multi-nationals and their sister narco-pushers, the pharmaceutical industry. The offspring of "Big Sugar," the "Junk Food" cartel. Yet these are the major advertiser(s) and control, as Bagdikian writes, "_The Media Monopoly_". "THEY" have hijacked the public media [and the Arts], for their own profits. "THEY are not just out there on the streets but come into our living rooms and talk to our three year olds before they have any idea of what is being done to them ...this is like pushing drugs on children" to quote Consumer advocates,in the Image Assocates of Santa Barbara video entitled "_Sugar Trap_". What democracy is there, Where citizens are on "Soma" (Sucrose) from birth? If any resistance to the plutocracy of "THEM", is systematically corrupted, in the words of McLuhan, "...marginalized, quarantined, homogenized and then cloned...". If any dissenting work(s) released are generally toned down info-overloaded versions or entirely feeble mystifications, titles such as "_Media Virus_ ", "_Ad Busters_ ", "_Manufacturing Consent_ ","_No Labels_" often steeped in very sophisticated subliminal semiotics themselves. Otherwise for example, books like "_The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television_" by Mander, would otherwise be more profitably be entitled "_...Arguments for the Elimination of Advertising_". Despite rhetorical gestures at "alternatives", little if anything at all, is made available to the public, of the essential struggle for the global abolition of propaganda, as in the media of advertising, or for that matter the restriction of any indoctrination technique, as in the form of imperial religionist agendas that "compel" anyone, in any way, to do or think anything. Case in point, the continued obstinate dis-information about humanities heritage to "Herbal Birth Control" (t.m.) as described in John Riddles "_Eve's Herbs_", as it would mediate the public schism surrounding the controversy after "Roe and Wade" and "Minus Zero Population Growth"( "-ZPG" (t.m.)). In not responsibly preventing "children from having children" with indigenous education as to natures own emmenagogues, this kind of so called "religious training" is little more than blatant pedophilia. Although "Free Speech" is to be protected, it's abuse through human degradation by fear or violence, or it's exploitation as pornographic commodities, bondage and domination, food and herbal adulteration, are what have to be " marginalized and quarantined ", not the reverse. Toward this purpose, the "Ad Ban"(t.m.) consciousness has been presented, since 1972, in the precursor _"Media Free Times."_ A truly underground, "not glossy" resistance. Interactive redaction of the material is in progress now, for media release under the title "Artificial Ignorance". Your participation will make it available to the public. In recovery we have a choice. Not to sit in the _"The Matrix"_ of a technological tranquilizer Chair "from cradle to grave", but to be willing to find a personal "Higher Power" within, a self-realized consciousness of being, "happy, joyous and free." Not to keep the monitor template in our face as a blinder to slavery, but to see the big picture of life in the full 360 degrees and to "Be Here Now." Remember, If we are not recovering in the solution, we are participating in the problem.

The What's missing in this link about psychiatric abuse and the "Gothic" chair ? Missing is the image of little children watching a junk food ad on television, or on the computer in kindergarten.

Donate Now and recieve a video monologue. An effective headcleaner for Media Addicts. Part of the work in progress on "Artificial Ignorance - a definitive independent study in technethics." George Kasey's, "The Chair"


Key Words : Artificial Ignorance

"There is natural ignorance and there is artificial ignorance. I should say at the present moment the artificial ignorance is about eighty-five per cent."

- Ezra Pound

"...this artificial ignorance and learned gibberish," is "a good expedient to cover their ignorance, with a curious and inexplicable web of perplexed words, and procure to themselves the admiration of others, by unintelligible terms, the apter to produce wonder because they could not be understood... Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided.""

- John Locke

"It might seem like I'm afraid of progress, afraid of technological advancement, afraid of synthetic homemade cookies, I will say that I am not so much afraid of Artificial Intelligence as I am of Artificial Ignorance- information that has been deliberately tailored to be palatable by societies lowest common denominator."

- Matthew Rick


"But I can't help but think that artificial ignorance is no substitute for the real thing."

- Brian Marick

"I'm working on transferring my system ... I'm running into "muck". Has *** developed "Artificial Intelligence"? or more aptly "Artificial Ignorance"?...Ok so I install it. Look what happens.."

- Anthony Moulen


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