La Scena Musicale - Vol. 3, No. 8 Juin / June 1998
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(c) La Scena Musicale 1998



Les Concerts Populaires
Montréal, 24 juin-5 août

Amphithéâtre (aréna) Maurice-Richard, 2800 rue Viau, coin Pierre-de-Coubertin, métro Viau. Stationnement public: entrée nord. Les concerts ont lieu à 19h30. Les portes ouvrent à 17h30. Divers types d'abonnement (Parterre table de 2 (224$) ou 4 (448$) personnes; Gradins individuel 63-77$ rouge/ 49-63$ blanc). Géré par Tourisme Hochelaga-Maisonneuve et la Ville de Montréal. Info: 4375 Ontario Est, Montréal H1V 1K5, 254-0203, fax 256-0459. Notez également le concert des jeunes du camp musical "La symphonie estivale", organisé par T.H.-M., le 17 juillet.


24  19h30. Musique de la francophonie: Legrand, Brel, Lévesque, Leclerc, Vigneault. Chantal Lambert, soprano, Orchestre Métropolitain, Joseph Rescigno, chef


1   19h30. Premières. Marc Fortier et son orchestre. Lauréats du CMM 1998

8   19h30. Opéras du monde: Verdi, Mozart, Rossini, Bizet, Donizetti, Massenet, Strauss. Nora Sourouzian, mezzo, Marc Hervieux, ténor, René Brampton, baryton, OM, Joseph Rescigno

15  19h30. Mozart. Lise Beauchamp, hautbois, OM, Joseph Rescigno

17  20h. Concert de clôture du camp musical "La Symphonie Estivale", Marc Fortier, direction. HORS-SÉRIE

22  19h30. Marc Fortier et son orchestre, Le Grand Choeur de Montréal

29  19h30. L'opéra italien en français. Julie Nesrallah, mezzo, Claude Robitaille, baryton, OSM, Clyde Mitchell, chef


5   19h30. Souvenirs de Russie: Borodine, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Moussorgsky, Glinka. Alexander Marcovich, piano, OSM, Marco Parisotto, chef

Festival de musique de Lachine

Lachine, Québec, 16-26 juillet. Aréna, 1925 St-Antoine; Hôtel de Ville de Lachine, 1800 boul. St-Joseph


16  20h. Aréna. EL. Concert d'ouverture. Lehar, Strauss, Suppé. Stéphan Laforest, chef, Louise Marcotte, soprano

17  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Poulenc, Roussel, Gaubert, Dammase. Claude Regimbald, flûte, Claude Webster, piano

18  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Brahms, Fauré, Debussy, Ravel. Duo Caron, piano 4 mains

19  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Prix d'Europe 1998

21  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Ravel, Schubert, McDonald. Trio Ville-Marie

22  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Schubert, Poulenc, Liszt. Paul Stewart, piano

23  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Duparc: Mélodies (intégrale). Lyne Fortin, soprano, Jean-François Lapointe, baryton, Michael McMahon, piano

24  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Fauré, Brahms. M. Fabi, piano, M. Mallette, violon, J. Puchammer, alto, Annie Gadbois, violoncelle. Co-prod Festival de musique de musique de chambre d'Ottawa

25  20h. Hôtel de Ville. EL. Hahn, Poulenc: Mélodies; Poulenc: La Voix humaine. Chantal Lambert, soprano, Esther Gonthier, piano

26  20h. Aréna. EL. Concert de clôture. Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia, L'Italiana in Algeri, La Cenerentola, Guillaume Tell, etc. (extraits). Danielle Leblanc, mezzo; Jean-François Lapointe, baryton

Festival international de Lanaudière

Joliette et les environs, Québec, 29 juin-1 août. Billets: 800-361-4595 (Canada), 800-678-5440 (USA), 800-561-4343 (le Québec), 800-363-7777, 759-4343, 790-1245, 842-2112 (Montréal). Autobus Navette Festival-Express 13$, vendredi & samedi soirs 17h45, départ au 1001 Square Dorchester près du métro Peel, arrêt au coin sud-est de Berri/Ste-Catherine (magasin Archambault). Amphithéâtre de Lanaudière, 1565 boul. Base de Roc, Joliette


29  20h. Église de Berthierville. 22$. Schubert/Zender: Winterreise (Le voyage d'hiver). Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Lorraine Vaillancourt, dir., Scot Weir, ténor

30  20h. Église de Notre-Dame-des-Prairies. 22$. Raymond Daveluy (Montréal): Sonate pour violon seul (création); Quintette avec piano. Anne Robert, violon (sonate), Andrée Azar, violon, Guylaine Lemaire, alto, Annie Gadbois, violoncelle, Louise Bessette, piano


3   20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Mendelssohn: Elijah. Orchestre du Festival, Choeur du Festival, Iwan Edwards, chef, Christine Goerke, soprano, Danièle Leblanc, mezzo-soprano, Anthony Dean Griffey, ténor, Christopher Schaldenbrand, basse

4   20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-22$. Brahms: Concertos pour piano #1 et #2. OM, Joseph Rescigno, chef, Anton Kuerti, piano

5   14h30. Amphithéâtre. 10-19$. Les voix de Soweto, représentant les neuf tribus sud-africaines chantent des hymnes à l'espoir, au combat et à la solidarité. Imilonji KaNtu Choral Society (Soweto, Afrique du Sud), George Mxadana, direction

6   20h. Église de St-Alphonse-Rodriguez. 22$. Scarlatti: Deux sonates, L.257 et 233; Mozart: Sonate en do majeur, K.330; Schumann: Scènes de la forêt, op.82; Chopin: 4 Nocturnes, op.15 #1, 37 #2, 62 #2, posth.72 #1; Ravel: Miroirs (extraits): Noctuelles, Oiseaux tristes, Une barque sur l'océan. Delphine Bardin, piano (Grand prix du Concours Clara Haskil 1997)

7   20h. Église de St-Jacques. 22$. «César Franck, le grand orgue de Sainte-Clotilde et son héritage». Franck, Pierné, Tournemire, Bonnal, Langlais. Jacques Boucher, orgue

10  20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-30$. Vivaldi: Concerto pour 2 violons en la mineur, op.3 #8; Pergolesi: Stabat Mater; Handel: Water Music (version intégrale). Les Violons du Roy, Bernard Labadie, chef, Nicole Trotier, violon, Julie Triquet, violon, Karina Gauvin, soprano, Catherine Robbin, mezzo-soprano

11  20h15. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Williams: Suite de «Star Wars»; Holst: Les Planètes (avec présentation, sur grand écran, d'un film d'images spatiales réalisé par Mark Hatch de la NASA). OSM, Charles Dutoit, chef, Marc Garneau, astronaute, narrateur, Iwan Edwards, chef de choeur, Choeur Féminin

12  14h30. Amphithéâtre. 10-19$. Vivaldi et arrangements de François Dompierre. Angèle Dubeau et Ensemble féminin La Pietà

13  20h. Église de St-Zénon. 22$. Scarlatti: 2 Sonates: K.9 et K.29; Beethoven: Sonate #13, en mi bémol majeur, op.27, #1; Chopin: Sonate #2 en si bémol mineur, op.35, «Marche funèbre»; Liszt: Après une lecture de Dante: Fantasia quasi sonata; Fauré: Premier nocturne en mi bémol mineur; Poulenc: 3 Novelettes, 2 Nocturnes: #5 en ré mineur, #7 en mi bémol majeur Toccata. Jean Dubé, piano (France, 16 ans, gagnant du concours Francis Poulenc 1997)

14  20h. Église de St-Calixte. 22$. Hume, Coprario, Ferrabosco, Simpson, Dowland, Jenkins. Suzie Le Blanc, soprano, Les Voix Humaines (Susie Napper et Margaret Little), duo de violes de gambe

17  20h. Amphithéâtre. 10-26$. Chopin: Concertos #1 & 2 pour piano; Andante spianato et grande Polonaise (tous en version de musique de chambre). Dang Thai Son, piano (gagnant du concours Chopin en 1980), Quatuor Claudel (Elaine Marcil, Marie-Josée Arpin, violons, Annie Parent, alto, Elisabeth Dolin, violoncelle), Michael Leiter, contrebasse

18  20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Chostakovitch: Le Roi Lear (extraits); Moussorgsky: Chants et Danses de la mort; Verdi: Un Ballo in Maschera, «Eri tu» (air de Renato); Il Trovatore, «Il balen» (air du Comte di Luna); Don Carlo, «O Carlo, ascolta» (scène de la mort de Posa); Respighi: Les Pins de Rome. OSM, Charles Dutoit, chef, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baryton

19  14h30. Amphithéâtre. 10-19$. Mozart: Divertimento K.136; Symphonie #29; Tchaïkovsky: Andante cantabile; Nocturne; Debussy: Épigraphes antiques; Haydn: Symphonie #39. Orchestre de chambre Amadeus (France, Suisse, Belgique), Laurent Hirsch, chef

19  10h30. Cathédrale de Joliette. EL. Schubert: Messe #2 en sol majeur. Choeur de Laval, Yannick Nezet-Séguin, chef

21  20h. Église de Lavaltrie. 22$. Chopin: Nocturne en si majeur, op.32, #1; Barcarolle en fa dièse majeur, op.60; Berceuse en ré bémol majeur, op.57; Polonaise - fantaisie en la bémol majeur, op.61; Turina: Tres danzas fantasticas, op.22; Albéniz: La vega; Navarra. Alicia De Larrocha, piano

23  20h. Église de Ste-Julienne. 22$. Mendelssohn: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges; Gruß; Reiselied; Schumann: Dichterliebe, op.48; Brahms: 7 chansons folkloriques allemandes; Strauss, R.: Nichts; Heimliche Aufforderung; Morgen; Du meines Herzens Krönelein; Zueignung. Olaf Bär, baryton, Kevin Murphy, piano, Alicia De Larrocha, piano

24  20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Rossini: Ouvertures et airs d'opéras. OM, Joseph Rescigno, chef, Ewa Podles, contralto colorature

25  20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Saint-Saëns: Symphonie #3 avec orgue; Tournemire: Symphonie #6, pour ténor, choeur et orchestre, op.48. OSM, Charles Dutoit, chef, Anthony Dean Griffey, ténor, Iwan Edwards, chef de choeur, Choeur St-Laurent et Choeur du Festival

26  14h30. Amphithéâtre. 10-19$. Léveillée: Un événement Léveillée symphonique. OS Trois-Rivières, Gilles Bellemare, chef, Claude Léveillée, chansonnier, pianiste

27  20h. Église de St-Paul. 22$. Beethoven: Sonate #5, op.24, «Le Printemps»; Brahms: Sonate #2 en la majeur, op.100; Prokofieff: 5 Mélodies, op.35bis; Franck: Sonate en la majeur. Julian Rachlin, violon (Lithuanie, 22 ans), Itamar Golan, piano

28  20h. Église de l'Assomption. 22$. Arcadi Volodos, piano (Saint-Petersbourg). Collab. Corporation Hector-Charland

31  20h. Amphithéâtre. 15-30$. Rosetti: Symphonie en si bémol majeur; Mozart: Concerto pour piano #19 en fa majeur, K.459; Concerto pour 2 pianos en mi bémol majeur, K.365; Symphonie #29 en la majeur, K.201. Concerto Köln, Andreas Staier, Ludwig Semerjian, fortepianos


120h. Amphithéâtre. 15-42$. Wagner: Entrée des Dieux dans le Walhalla (L'Or du Rhin); Lever du jour et Voyage de Siegfried sur le Rhin (Crépuscule des dieux); Murmures de la forêt (Siegfried); Marche funèbre (Crépuscule des dieux); Richard Strauss: 4 Interludes symphoniques (Intermezzo); Suite de valses (Der Rosenkavalier). OSM, Franz-Paul Decker, chef

Festival d'été de la Maison Trestler
85 ch de la Commune, Dorion, 6 juillet-24 août. (514) 455-6290


6   20h. 15-20$. Morley, Couperin, Van Eyck, Blavet, Telemann, Gershwin, Leenhouts, Maute. Matthias Maute et Sophie Larivière, flûtes

13  20h. 15-20$. Beethoven, Dvorak; Debussy; Ravel. Duo Ouellet-Murray, piano 4 mains

20  20h. 15-20$. Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Beethoven: Quatuors à cordes. Quatuor Alcan

27  20h. 15-20$. Couperin, Duphly, Bach. Dom André Laberge, clavecin


3  20h. 15-20$. Gershwin, Weill, Satie, Bruant, Schoenberg, etc: Musique de cabaret. Jody Karin Applebaum, soprano, Marc-André Hamelin, piano

10  20h. 15-20$. Piaszzolla, Rodriguez, Joplin, Leblanc, Laurenz, Hunt, Villoldo, Canaro, etc.: Tangos et milongas. Quartango (violon, contrebasse, piano, accordéon)

20  20h. 15-20$. Haydn, Bizet, Chopin. Jean-Marc Luisada, piano

24  20h. 15-20$. Mozart: Sonates K.305, 481, 377, 526. Jean-François Rivest, violon, David Breitman, fortepiano


Festival d'été de Québec
«du Maurier»

Info Festival Bell (418)692-5200,

Le programme sera disponible en juin, gratuitement, chez les Épiciers Unis Métro-Richelieu.

Les rendez-vous se tiendront sur les scènes de l'Esplanade du Parlement et du Parc de la Francophonie, ainsi qu'à la place Métro de Place d'Youville. Le Parc Montmorency et les Jardins de l'Hôtel de Ville seront aussi des espaces de découvertes et de rencontres.

Volet «classique»

Musique de chambre à Ste-Pétronille (15ième année)

Ste-Pétronille, Île d'Orléans, près de Québec, 25 juin-20 août

Concerts dans l'église du village. 418-828-1410


25   20h30. 20$. Strauss, Seiber, Fauré: Quatuor pour piano et cordes. György Terebesi, violon, Douglas McNabney, alto, Annie Gadbois, violoncelle, Michel Fournier, piano


2   20h30. 20$. Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, lieder. Donna Brown, soprano, Stéphane Lemelin, piano

30  20h30. 20$. Chopin, Szymanowski, Lutoslawski, Liszt. Janina Fialkowska, piano


6   20h30. 20$. Schubert, Kodaly, Bartok. Quatuor à cordes Keller

13  20h30. 20$. Bach, Beethoven, Paganini, Ravel. Judy Kang, violon, Michel Franck, piano

20  20h30. 20$. Beethoven, Arad, Brahms, Vieuxtemps. Atar Arad, alto, Évelyne Brancart, piano


Festival d'Orford
Centre d'arts Orford, Orford, Québec, 2 juillet-15 août. 819-843-9871, 888-310-3665


2  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

3  20h. 14-22$. Rossini: Petite messe solenelle pour quatre voix, ensemble vocal, piano et harmonium (1863). Choeur régional Vittoria d'Île de France, Michel Piquemal, chef, Julie Nesrallah, mezzo, Desmond Byrne, baryton, Christine Riel, soprano, Hugues St-Gelais, ténor, Christine Lajarrige, piano, Régis Rousseau, clavecin

4  20h. 14-22$. Clarinettissimo. Mozart: Quatuor pour clarinette et cordes, K.378; Quintette pour clarinette et cordes, K.581; Bartok: Contrastes pour clarinette, violon et piano; Denisov: Ode pour clarinette, percussions et piano. Charles Neidich, clarinette, Robert Leroux, percussions, Jean Angers, violon, Jutta Puchhammer, alto, Yuli Turovsky, violoncelle, Eleonora Turovsky, violon, Lorraine Prieur, piano

5  11h. EL. Reich: Drumming. Classe de percussions de Robert Leroux. Suivi d'un repas champêtre (0.00$-6.75$-13.50$)

8  20h. Église St-Patrice, Magog. EL. L'École en tournée. Concert de stagiaires. Présenté par Ville de Magog

9  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

10  20h. 14-22$. Beethoven: Sonate pour violon et piano «Le printemps» op.24; Sonate pour piano op.101; Sonate pour violoncelle et piano #2 op.5; Trio pour clarinette, violoncelle et piano op.11. Anton Kuerti, piano, Janos Starker, violoncelle, Reiko Shigeoka-Neriki, piano, James Campbell, clarinette, Emanuel Borok, violon

11 14-22$. Soirée gala au bénéfice du Centre d'Arts Orford. Robert Tessier (pdg Gaz Métropolitain), président d'honneur

12 11h. EL. Les Matinées animées. Concert de stagiaires commenté. Suivi d'un repas champêtre (0-6.75-13.50$)

16  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

17  20h. 14-22$. Soirées à l'opéra. Rossini: Le Barbier de Séville (aussi 18, 19). Orchestre du Festival Orford sous la direction de Yuli Turovsky; Solistes: nos meilleurs stagiaires en chant; mise en scène: Nathalie Deschamps; professeur de chant: Rosemarie Landry; préparation musicale: Louise-Andrée Baril

18  20h. 14-22$. Soirées à l'opéra. Rossini: Le Barbier de Séville (voir le 17)

19  11h. 14-22$. Matinée à l'opéra. Rossini: Le Barbier de Séville (voir le 17). Le repas champêtre, aux couleurs de l'Italie, sera servi à l'entracte (concert + repas = 24-29$, svp réservez)

22  20h. EL. L'École en tournée. Concert de stagiaires. Présenté par Canton d'Orford

23  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

24  20h. 14-22$. J.S. Bach: Sonate pour flûte et clavecin, BWV 1030; Weber : Grand Duo Concertante pour clarinette et piano op.48; Kodaly: Sérénade pour deux violons et alto op.12; Brahms: Trio pour cor, violon et piano op.40. Jean Saulnier, piano, Lorraine Prieur, clavecin, Kathleen Rudolph, flûte, Theodore Baskin, hautbois, André Moisan, clarinette, Roland Pandolfi, cor, Eleonora Turovsky, violon, David Halen, violon, Robert Verebes, alto

25  20h. 14-22$. Rachmaninov: Concertos pour piano #1-3. Sergei Babayan, André Laplante et le stagiaire lauréat du Concours Rachmaninov, pianistes; I Musici de Montréal et les stagiaires d'Orford, Yuli Turovsky, chef

26  11h. EL. Les Matinées animées. Concert de stagiaires commenté. Suivi d'un repas champêtre (0-6.75-13.50$)

29  20h. Église St-Édouard, Eastman. EL. L'École en tournée. Concert des stagiaires. Présenté par Municipalités d'Eastman et Stukely

30  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

31  20h. 14-22$. Fine: Partita pour quintette à vent; Dohnanyi: Sérénade pour cordes op.10; Debussy: L'après-midi d'un faune pour flûte, clarinette et piano; Mozart: Quintette pour piano et cordes, K.452. Henri Brassard, piano, David Halen, violon, Neal Gripp, alto, Guy Fouquet, violoncelle, Wesley Foster, clarinette, Louise Pellerin, hautbois, Roland Pandolfi, cor, Christopher Millard, basson, Robert Langevin, flûte


1  18h30. Terrasses du Centre d'Arts Orford. 8-15$. Concert Pique-Nique. Mozart: Don Giovanni, La Flûte enchantée, extraits; Beethoven: Fidelio, extraits. Wesley Foster, clarinette, Christopher Millard, basson, Roland Pandolfi, cor; stagiaires en hautbois, clarinette, basson et cor

2  11h. EL. Les Matinées animées. Concert de stagiaires commenté. Suivi d'un repas champêtre (0-6.75-13.50$)

6  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

7  20h. 14-22$. Invitation à la danse. Franck: Sonate pour violoncelle et piano; Milhaud: «Cheminée du Roi René» pour quintette pour instruments à vent (avec fantaisie chorégraphique); Bozza: Ballade pour trombone et piano; Orban: Sonate pour basson et piano; Loeffler: Deux rhapsodies pour hautbois, alto et piano: L'étang et La Cornemuse. Jean-Paul Sévilla, Danielle Boucher, pianos, Louise Pellerin, hautbois, Christopher Millard, basson, Fred Rizner, cor, Peter Sullivan, trombone, Robert Langevin, flûte, Allan Dean, trompette, Wesley Foster, clarinette, Neal Gripp, alto, Daniel Domb, violoncelle, Atelier de danse moderne de Montréal

8  20h. Église Saint-Patrice de Magog. 17-25$. Grande Soirée Symphonique. A. MacDonald: Oeuvre commandée par le Centre d'Arts Orford; Krommer: Concertino pour flûte, hautbois et orchestre; Strauss: Don Juan; Till Eulenspiegel op.28; Mahler: Symphonie #5, adagietto. I Musici de Montréal, les stagiaires d'Orford, Yuli Turovsky, chef, Robert Langevin, flûte, Louise Pellerin, hautbois

9  11h. EL. Les Matinées animées. Concert de stagiaires commenté. Suivi d'un repas champêtre (0-6.75-13.50$)

12  20h. Haskell Opera, Stanstead. EL. L'École en tournée. Concert de stagiaires. Présenté par Ville de Stanstead

13  20h. EL. Concert de la relève, musiciens en stage à Orford

14  20h. 14-22$. Musique de chambre pour cuivres. Casterède: Sonatine pour trombone et piano; Dukas: Villanelle; Fauré, Cantaloube, Auric: Vocalises françaises pour trompette et piano; Delerue: «Vitrail», pour quintette de cuivres; Loeillet: Sonate op.2 #5; Bozza: Quintette pour cuivre; Debussy: Le petit nègre; Bizet: Suite Carmen pour quintette de cuivres. Danielle Boucher, piano, Fred Rizner, cor, Alain Trudel, trombone, Alain Cazes, tuba, Allan Dean, trompette, et deux stagiaires en trompette

15  20h. 14-22$. Soirée des lauréats. Sarasate, Saint-Saëns, Bach, Paganini, Boccherini, Liszt, Britten, Strauss. Orchestre du Festival Orford, Yuli Turovsky, chef; et les lauréats du 3e Concours international de musique du Centre d'Arts Orford

Festival International du Domaine Forget

St-Irénée, Charlevoix, 20 juin-22 août. Musique classique. (418) 452-3535 poste 876


20  20h30. 27$. Alain Marion, flûte, Michael Radulescu, orgue, Les Violons du Roy, Bernard Labadie, dir

21  14-17h journée portes ouvertes. EL. Robert Girard, Robert Sigmund, clavecin et orgue, Ensemble Arabesque

26  20h30. 24$. Musique de chambre pour vents et piano. Philippe Magnan, Jacques Tys, hautbois, Marie Picard, Robert Spring, clarinettes, Richard Gagnon, Michael Sweeney, bassons, Guy Carmichael, cor, Eric Lesage, piano

27  20h30. 24$. Emmanuel Pahud, flûte, Eric Lesage, piano

28  14h. 21$. Claire Guimond, flûte baroque, John Toll, orgue et clavecin, Richard Boothby, viole de gambe


4  20h30. 24$. Los Angeles Guitar Quartet

11  20h30. 24$. Nigel North, voix et luth

17  20h30. 24$. Ensemble Romulo Larrea

18  20h30. 24$. Henri Brassard, piano, Trio Oliver Jones

22  20h30. 24$. Andrea Lucchesini, piano

24  20h30. 24$. Andrew Dawes, violon, Paul Katz, violoncelle, Christopher O'Riley, piano

25  20h30. 24$. François Rabbath, contrebasse, Suzanne Goyette, piano

26  20h30. 24$. Régis Pasquier, violon, Gérard Caussé, alto, Paul Katz, violoncelle, Emmanuel Strosser, piano

29  20h30. 27$. Christine Brandes, soprano, Les Violons du Roy, Bernard Labadie

30  20h30. 24$. Quatuor Allegri

31  20h30. 24$. Dale Bartlett et ses invités


1 20h30. 24$. Joseph De Pasquale, alto, Angela Chang, piano

2 14h. 21$. Quatuor Vocal du Jaquemart

5 20h30. 24$. Paul Badura-Skoda, Ludwig Semerjian, pianoforte

7 20h30. 24$. Pierre Amoyal, violon, Philippe Muller, violoncelle, Dale Bartlett, piano

8 20h30. 27$. Martin Chalifour, violon, Desmond Hoebig, violoncelle, Orchestre du Festival, Paul Watkins, dir

9 14h. 21$. Trio Ville-Marie, Dominique Gagné, baryton, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, flûte

12  20h30. 24$. Raoul Sosa, piano

14  20h30. 24$. Ik-Hwan Bae, Ian Swensen, violons, Steven Dann, Douglas McNabney, altos, Ken Slowik, Paul Watkins, violoncelles

15  20h30. 27$. Choeur et Orchestre du Domaine Forget, Chantal Masson-Bourque et Fernando Eldoro, dir

16  14h. 21$. Susan Neves, soprano, Glenn Morton, piano

18  15h-18h, 20h30-22h30. 5$/h ou 21$. Musique de chambre à la carte

21  20h30. 24$. Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Lorraine Vaillancourt, dir

22  20h30. 24$. Jean-Marc Luisada, piano


Festival Canada 1998

Ottawa, June 30-August 1. Classical, jazz and world music (listed below), pop music, theatre, comedy, family entertainment; symposium "The Artist and Human Rights, Recognition and Celebration"; exhibitions: John Humphrey, "Crossings", "Returning the Gaze", "Reservation"; Premier Film series. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Delaration of Human Rights. John Cripton, Director. 613-755-1111, fax 613-947-7112. Box office NAC, P.O. Box 1534 Stn "B", Ottawa K1P 5W1


30   8pm. NAC Opera. $27-57. Gala Opening. Beethoven: Symphony #9. Readings from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Performance dedicated to John Humphrey, to mark 50th anniversary of the UDHR. Wendy Neilson, Sandra Graham, Gary Rideout, Bruce Kelly, NAC Orchestra, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Zdenek Macal, cond, Graham Greene, Michelle Rossignol, narrators (also Jul 1)


1  2pm. NAC Opera. $18-27. Beethoven: Symphony #9, NAC Orchestra (see Jun 30)

1  4:30pm. RMOC Plaza. FA. Unisong 98. Young singers from all ten provinces, an exuberant massed choir, Robert Cooper, cond

3  8pm. NAC Opera. $25. Musaïc, orchestra of various acoustic instruments from around the world, John Wyre (founding member of NEXUS), cond

4  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, National Gallery of Canada. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (presented by CBC Radio Two & NGC), features musicians from the National Capital Region (also 8, 11, 15, 18, 22). July Fourth: American music

4  8pm. NAC Opera. 27-57$. Operatic excerpts. Denyce Graves, mezzo, NAC Orchestra, Mario Bernardi, cond

6  8pm. NAC Opera. 25$. Imilonji KaNtu (Soweto, South Africa 50 voice choir)

7  9pm. NAC Studio. $25. Natalie Choquette, La Diva II, hilarious send-up of eccentric opera stars (in French) (see also 8 9 10 11)

8  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, NGC. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (see 4). Ensemble Zafiro (sephardic music)

8  9pm. NAC Studio. $25. Natalie Choquette (in French) (see 7)

9  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. $30. American Indian Dance Theatre

9  9pm. NAC Studio. $25. Natalie Choquette (in French) (see 7)

10  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. $30. American Indian Dance Theatre

10  9pm. NAC Studio. $25. Natalie Choquette (in English) (see 7)

11  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, NGC. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (see 4). Trumpet and piano

11  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. $30. American Indian Dance Theatre

11  8pm. NAC Opera. 22-49$. Dvorak: Stabat Mater. Donna Brown, Susan Platts, Richard Margison, Marcel Beaulieu, NAC Orchestra, Ottawa Choral Society, Jiri Belohlavek, cond

11  9pm. NAC Studio. $25. Natalie Choquette (in French) (see 7)

15  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, NGC. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (see 4). String Trio

16  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. 30$. New contemporary opera by Atom Egoyan & Rodney Sharman: Elsewhereless (also 17, 18)

17  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. 30$. Elsewhereless (see 16)

17  8pm. NAC Opera. 30$ (preview). Gilbert and Sullivan: The Mikado. Brian Macdonald, director, NAC Orchestra, Stephen Woodjetts, cond (until 25)

18  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, NGC. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (see 4). Flute and piano

18  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. 30$. Elsewhereless (see 16)

18  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

19  8pm. Confederation Park (Elgin /Laurier). $15. Jazz Under The Stars, Tribute to jazz legend Thelonious Monk. T.S. Monk Sextet, NAC Orchestra, David Amram, cond. Collab. Ottawa International Jazz Festival

19  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

20  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

21  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

22  12 noon. Rideau Chapel, NGC. 7$. CBC Noon Hour Concerts (see 4). Saxart (saxophone)

22  2pm, 8pm. NAC Opera. 35-55$ 2pm, 45-65$ 8pm. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

23  8pm. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Theatre. $25. Inti-Illimani, Chilean world-music maestros

23  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

24  7:30pm. NAC Theatre. 24$. Recital in conjunction with Human Rights Symposium. Anton Kuerti, piano

24  8pm. NAC Opera. 45-65$. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

25  2pm, 8pm. NAC Opera. 35-55$ 2pm, 45-65$ 8pm. The Mikado, NAC Orchestra (see 17)

26  2pm. NAC Opera. FA tickets required. National Youth Orchestra, Kazuyoshi Akiyama, cond

Festival de musique de chambre d'Ottawa

Ottawa. (613)234-8008.
http:// July 25-Aug. 7. Emerson Quartet, Tokyo, Keller, Penderecki string quartets, Beaux Arts Trio, etc.

Festival Alexandria 1998

Alexandria, Ontario, June 14-Aug 2

8th season. Chamber music. In a century-old barn on the Second Concession of Kenyon, just south of the town of Alexandria, Ontario, half-way between Montréal and Ottawa. See map in ad on page 11 of this issue. $12 adults, $9 students and seniors, children under 12 admitted free. Series subscriptions $84 /$63. Mini subscription of any 5 concerts $55 /$40. Indoor seating is limited, first come, first served. Festival Alexandria, 5131 Belmore Av., Montréal H4V 2C7. (514) 484-9076 or (613) 594-3642. Fax (514) 484-1254 or (613) 594-4940.


14  3pm. $9-12. Songs and Poems of Nature: Quartets, solos, poetry. Beverley McGuire, soprano, Ruth Barrie, contralto, Charles Marcil, tenor, Claudel Callender, basse-baritone, Lauretta Altman, piano, Henry Beissel, poet

21  3pm. $9-12. Haydn, Martinu, Rorem: Piano trios. Women with Fast Fingers: Liselyn Adams, flute, Hélène Gagné, cello, Lauretta Altman, piano

28  3pm. $9-12. A Musical Exploration. Bach, Lachner, Vaughan Williams, Poulenc. Ruth Barrie, contralto, Angela Casagrande, oboe and English horn, Mervyn Games, piano


5   3pm. $9-12. Mini Violin Fest. Mendelssohn, Bartok. Richard Roberts, violin, Lauretta Altman, piano

12  3pm. $9-12. Haydn, Mendelssohn. The Very Necessary String Quartet: Phillipe Djockic, Linda Rosenthal, violins, Mary Ruth Ray, viola, Susan Salm, cello

19 3pm. $9-12. Mini Violin Fest. Fauré et al. Linda Rosenthal, violin, Lauretta Altman, piano

26 3pm. $9-12. Mini Violin Fest. Beethoven: Sonatas (Kreuzer, etc). Yuval Waldman, violin, Lauretta Altman, piano


2  3pm. $9-12. Continental Tour, baroque music from Italy, France, Germany. Bach, Rameau, Corradini, Fontana, et al. Jeffery Ray Miller, flute, Kevin James, violin, Anne Contant, cello, Danielle Dubé, harpsichord


The Elora Festival
P.O. Box 990, Elora, Ontario N0B 1S0Tel.: (519) 846-0331, Fax: (519) 846-5947

RS = reserved seating


10  8:00 pm. Gambrel Barn. $30 RS + reception in the Festival Tent behind the Barn. Haydn: The Creation. Ann Monoyios, Benjamin Butterfield, Daniel Lichti, Elora Festival Singers and Chorus, Elora Festival Orchestra, Bramwell Tovey, cond

12  2:00 pm. St. Mary's Church. $18.00. English Romantic Part Songs. Sullivan, Elgar, Stanford, Parry, Bennett. Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison, cond

12  4:00 pm. St. John's Church. $18 RS. Beethoven: Piano sonatas op.53 "Waldstein"; op.57 "Appassionata". Robert Silverman, piano

14  8:00 pm. St. John's Church. $20 RS. QuartetFest. Glen Buhr: Quartet #1 (1992); Barber: Dover Beach; Beethoven: Quartet in a op.132. Penderecki String Quartet, Ted Baerg, baritone

16  8:00 pm. St. John's Church. $20 RS. QuartetFest. Glen Buhr: Quartet #2 "sixblues"; Three Songs for Quartet and Mezzo; Shostakovich: Quartet #11 op.122; Beethoven: Quartet in F op.135. Penderecki String Quartet, Anne-Marie Donovan, mezzo

17  8:00 pm. Gambrel Barn. $20 RS. Handel: Secular Oratorio. Karina Gauvin, Christine Brandes, Benjamin Butterfield, Daniel Lichti, Elora Festival Singers, Elora Festival Baroque Orchestra, Bernard Labadie, cond

18  8:00 pm. Gambrel Barn. $22 RS. On Broadway with Louise Pitre. Selections from Broadway and West End musicals, Piaf and many surprises. Louise Pitre, David Warrack

19  2:00 pm. St. John's Church. $18 RS. Song of David. Bernstein: Chichester Psalms; Canadian Jewish composers; Robinovitch and Glick; Temple chant, Israeli folk-song and Yiddish dance. Michael Bloss, organ, Carol Bauman, percussion, Daniel Taylor, countertenor, Leslie D'Eath, piano, Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison, cond

19  4:00 pm. St. John's Church. $18 RS. A Spanish Humour. Tobias Hume: The Earle of Montgomeries Delight; My Hope is Revived; The King of Denmark's Health; Sorrow, Come; John Dowland; Lachrimae Amantis; Flow My Tears; Can she excuse my wrongs. Daniel Taylor, countertenor, Susie Napper, Margaret Little, viola da gamba duo

22  8:30 pm. Elora Quarry. $30 (barge seating $75). 16th century madrigals to arrangements of today's most popular music. The King's Singers (Cambridge)

23  1:00 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. The First Viennese School. Mozart: Quintet for winds and piano K.452; Beethoven: Quintet for winds and piano op.16. Peter Shackleton, clarinet, Heather Toews, piano, Derek Conrod, horn, Jim Mason, oboe, Kathleen McLean, bassoon

24  1:00 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. The Second Viennese School. Schoenberg: Phantasy op.47 for violin and piano; (arr. Webern) Kammersymphonie op.9; Webern: Drei Kleine Stucke op.11 for cello and piano; Berg: Vier Lieder op.2. Peter Shackleton, clarinet, Heather Toews, piano, Sibylle Marquardt, flute, Julie Baumgartel, violin, Anne-Marie Donovan, mezzo, Margaret Gay, cello

24  3:30 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. Sublime Sextets. Mozart: Grande Sestetto Concertante (1808 transcription of Sinfonie Concertante K.364); Brahms: Sextet #2 in G op.36. Erica Raum, violin, Julie Baumgartel, violin, Angela Rudden, viola, Pat Jordan, viola, Simon Fryer, cello, Margaret Gay, cello

25  1:00 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. Hungarian Contrasts. Dohnany: Serenade op.10 for string trio; Bartok: Contrasts for violin, clarinet and piano; Gyorgy Kurtag (Hungary): Song cycle for mezzo-soprano and piano. Heather Toews, piano, Julie Baumgartel, violin, Angela Rudden, viola, Margaret Gay, cello, Peter Shackleton, clarinet, Anne-Marie Donovan, mezzo

25  3:30 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. Czech It Out. Joseph Suk: Piano Quartet in A op.1; Dvorak: Piano Quintet in A op.81. Heather Toews, piano, Julie Baumgartel, violin, Erica Raum, violin, Margaret Gay, cello, Patrick Jordan, violin

25  8:00 pm. Gambrel Barn. $23.50 RS. Drums for Tomorrow & African Sanctus. 1) Neo-traditional African music; 2) David Fanshawe: African Sanctus (songs of Africa meet choral tradition of the West). 1) Amampondo (11 member percussion group from South Africa); 2) Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison, cond

26  2:00 pm. St. John's Church. $18 RS. Monteverdi: Sacred and Secular. Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale: Beatus vir a 6, Gloria a 7; Orfeo, choruses; madrigals: Lamento della Ninfa, O ciechi, ciechi, et al. Elora Festival Baroque Ensemble, Elora Festival Singers, Ivars Taurins, cond

26  4:00 pm. St. John's Church. $18 RS. Norbert Kraft, classical guitar

31  8:00 pm. Gambrel Barn. $22 RS. Last Night At the Proms at the Festival. Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending; Handel: Zadok the Priest; Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance March #3; Parry: Jerusalem; Eric Robertson (Canada): new work world premiere. Elora Festival Singers, Elora Festival Chorus, Elora Festival Orchestra, Canon Robert Hulse, Commentator, Noel Edison, cond


1  7:30 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. The Imperial Oil Young Performers Competition Finale. 8 month province wide competition, $4500 awards, winners to be announced at the close of the concert

1  10:30 pm. St. John's Church. $15 RS. Phantom of the Organ. J.S. Bach, P.D.Q. Bach, Rawsthorne, Bonnal and others. Thomas Fitches, organist

2  2:00 pm, 4pm. St. John's Church. $22 RS. Hymn Tasting. This Festival tradition brings the 19th Celebration In Song to a close; laughter, singing and festivity. Elora Festival Singers, Thomas Fitches, organ, John Fraser, narrator, Noel Edison, cond

Festival of the Sound

Box 750, Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 2Z1. July 17 - August 9. Phone: (705) 746-2410, fax: (705) 746-5639,


Over 50 musical events: Hommage à Debussy, The Canadian Tribute to Glenn Miller, Allegri String Quartet, Mozart Requiem

Kingston Summer Festival

Kingston, Ontario, June 28-August 30

Classical music, musical theatre, comedy, jazz. 6th season. Tickets at The Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St, Kingston 613-530-2050 or 800-615-5666 Fax: 613-531-0591. E-mail:   Information: (613) 546-4465 ext 310 or 304


28  8pm. Mainstage. $24. Opening Night Concert. Holly Cole

29  8pm. Mainstage. $18. Barachois (East Coast Music Award winners). Fiddle, guitar, pump organ, harmonica. Acadian traditional music

30  8 pm. Mainstage. $18. Imilonji KaNtu (literally, ‘melodies of mankind') Choral Society of Soweto. All nine tribes of South Africa are represented in this sixty voice choir


2  8pm. Mainstage. $24. Bruce Guthro, Cape Breton singer and SOCAN Songwriter of the Year. Leahy (9 member family group), Juno Award 98: Celtic and Canadian folk music, Irish fiddle, and French Canadian step-dancing

5  8pm. Mainstage. $21. Joe Sealy Quartet: Africville Suite (97 Juno Award); with Molly Johnson (NOW Magazine award), singer: jazz and blues

15  8pm. Mainstage. $18. "Bach Meets Cape Breton". Puirt a Baroque (poorsht-a-ba-roke) (1997 East Coast Music Award for Best Classical Album), led by Tafelmusik violinist David Greenberg. Fiddle, lute, harpsichord, period and electric guitars, singing and step dancing. Baroque and Celtic traditions

16  7:30 pm. Baby Grand Studio. $8. How To Eat Like A Child. Musical romp through the joys and sorrows of being a child. 23 lessons in such secret subjects as how to beg for a dog, how to torture your sister and how to act after being sent to your room. Performed by the 5-6-7-8 Children's Dance Theatre (also 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 7:30pm; 19, 26 2pm)

25  8pm. Mainstage. $24. The King's Singers. Classical and popular music, sacred and secular-from the 1500's through the 1990's

28  8 pm. Mainstage. $24-30 ($50 includes reception). Fauré, Hahn, Mozart, Rossini, Bernstein, Rodgers & Hammerstein: Songs. Gino Quilico, baritone

31  8 pm. Mainstage. $18. A Chorus Line (music by Marvin Hamlisch) (until Aug.16). A glimpse at the inside of show business, into the lives, dreams, heartbreak and joy of a group of dancers who are vying with one another for a place in the chorus line of a new show (also Aug.1-2, 4-6, 8, 11-15, 8pm; 9, 16 2pm)

7  8 pm. Mainstage. $24. Susan Aglukark, singer, Juno award winner

19  8 pm. Mainstage. $18. Linda McRae, singer

Altamira Symphony In The Barn Summer Festival

Durham, Grey County, Ontario, July 6-August 17. All concerts are in The Barn. Artistic Director: Michael Schmidt, Managing Director: John Price. (800) 967-9291, (519) 369-3077, email: , web http:// . Section R is for Rush seats only, available for $10.00 one hour before each performance


6  8:00 pm. $15-25. Orff: Carmina Burana. Margaret Kapasi, soprano, Daryl Edwards, tenor, Kevin Mcmillan, baritone, The Festival Choir Guelph, Gerald Neufeld, conductor, Heather Toews and Jamie Parker, piano

25  8:00 pm. $25-35. Schubert: Symphony #8 "Unfinished"; Beethoven: Piano Concertos #1 & 5. Anton Kuerti, piano, The Barn Festival Orchestra, Michael Schmidt, conductor (see also 27)

27  8:00 pm. $25-35. Beethoven: Piano Concertos #1-4 (see also 25). Anton Kuerti, piano, The Barn Festival Orchestra, Michael Schmidt, conductor


1  8:00 pm. $25-45. Mozart: Zaide (also 3, 9, 16). Catherina Sayers, Chris Coya, Marcel Beaulieu, The Barn Festival Orchestra, Michael Schmidt, conductor; stage design and lighting: Glen Davidson; costume design: Cecile Belec

2  8:00 pm. $25-45. Lehar: The Merry Widow (also 8, 10, 15, 17). Brian Belleth (Danilo), Stephanie Brill (Merry Widow), Alex Fleurie Chateau (Count Zeta), The Barn Festival Orchestra, Michael Schmidt, conductor; stage design and lighting: Glen Davidson, costume design: Cecile Belec, choreography: Robert McCollum

3  2:00 pm. $25-45. Mozart: Zaide (see 1)

8  8:00 pm. $25-45. Lehar: The Merry Widow (see 2)

9  8:00 pm. $25-45. Mozart: Zaide (see 1)

10  2:00 pm. $25-45. Lehar: The Merry Widow (see 2)

15  8:00 pm. $25-45. Lehar: The Merry Widow (see 2)

16  8:00 pm. $25-45. Mozart: Zaide (see 1)

17  8:00 pm. $25-45. Lehar: The Merry Widow (farewell bonfire after performance) (see 2)

Boris Brott Summer Music Festival 1998

Hamilton. (905)525-7664. July 06-Aug 17. Classical, chamber music, opera.

Stratford Festival

P.O. Box 520, Stratford, ON N5A 6V2,

May 11-Nov 8. (519) 273-1600 or (800)567-1600,

Man of La Mancha, written by Dale Wasserman, lyrics by Joe Darion, music by Mitch Leigh; direction Susan H. Schulman, musical direction Bert Carrière, choreography Michael Lichtefeld, design Debra Hanson, lighting design Kevin Fraser

In this stirring musical treatment of Cervantes's classic novel Don Quixote, prisoners of the Spanish Inquisition act out the fable of the self-styled knight errant who, in his quest to defend truth and honour against imagined enemies, embodies the human spirit's unconquerable need for romantic ideals

Festival Theatre, May 11 to November 8, Opens June 3

Cast: Douglas Chamberlain, Innkeeper, Juan Chioran, Cervantes/Don Quixote, Susan Cuthbert, Antonia, Cynthia Dale, Aldonza, Bruce Dow, Sancho Panza, Kevin Gudahl, Pedro

45th National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Convention

Royal York Hotel, Toronto. 07-3 à/to 7. (905)507-8502. Speakers and Masterclasses: Teresa Stratas, Dr. Jean Abitol, Dr. Françoise Chagnon, Evelyn Lear & Thomas Stewart, Richard Woitach, Opera Atelier, Clarissa Pinkola Estés. NATS Voice Competition, 07-02 (12pm-6pm) semi-finals , 07-03 finals (8pm). Recitals: Mary Lou Fallis (07-04), Daniel Taylor & Isabel Bayrakdarian (07-5), Catherine Robbin (07-06). $235 registration. Day pass: $25 (students 25 or younger) & $83.


Festival de musique de chambre de la Baie des Chaleurs 1998

9-12 juillet. Église Our Lady of the Visitation, village de Benjamin River, Nouveau-Brunswick, via route 134, Route du Littoral Acadien/ Acadian Coastal Drive, Info: 1(888)414-5111, E-Mail:


9 Le Quintette à vents Danzi: Sonia Morin, clarinette, Jocelyn Veilleux, cor, Andrée Lehoux, basson, Danièle Bourget, flûte, Lise Beauchamp, hautbois

10  Le Quatuor Claudel: Elaine Marcil, violon, Marie-Josée Arpin, violon, Annie Parent, alto, Elisabeth Dolin, violoncelle

11  Le Trio Rivard-Trudel-Ouellette: Sophie Rivard, violon, Louise Trudel, violoncelle, Lucille Ouellette, piano

12  Le Quintette de cuivres Niagara: Brent Adams, tuba, David Archer, trombone, William Sperandei, trompette, James Tinsley, trompette, David Van Dover, trombone

11  Conférence (en anglais) pour tous par Angèle Laberge. Salle du Festival de l'auberge Blue Heron, New Mills, N.-B.

12  Conférence (en français) pour tous par Angèle Laberge. Salle du Festival de l'auberge Blue Heron, New Mills, N.-B.

Festival international de musique baroque, Lamèque,

Nouveau-Brunswick, Église Ste-Cécile de Petie-Rivière-de-l'Île, Île Lamèque, 29 juillet-3 août, 800-320-2276


29,30  20h. Handel. Choeur et orchestre La Mission St-Charles, Hervé Niquet, chef, Karina Gauvin, soprano, Laura Pudwell, alto

31  20h. Boccherini. Ensemble Léonore IV, Claire Guimond, flûte baroque


1  20h. Mendelssohn. Concorto Köln (cordes)

2  15h30. Telemann. Sonate en Thé, Hélène Plouffe, violon

2  20h. Mozart. Concerto Köln (grand ensemble), Andreas Staier, Ludwig Semerjian, pianoforte

3  11h. Brunch musical. Musique instrumentale et vocale des 12e et 14e siècles. Ensemble Anonymus


Scotia Festival of Music 1998

Halifax, 2-14 June. Subscriptions: 4 concerts $76-$59, 6 concerts $106-$82, 9 concerts $150-$116. For tickets and subscriptions, phone: (902) 429-9467, fax: (902) 425-6785; internet:; or come in person to our office Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or mail to: Scotia Festival of Music, 1541 Barrington Street, Suite 317, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 1Z5. Also available at the Neptune Theatre Box Office: 1593 Argyle Street, Halifax, (902) 429-7070 or 1-800-565-7345, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


2  8:00 pm. Canadian Martyrs Church, 5900 Inglis St. $15-20. Bach: Suite for Cello #1 in G BWV 1007; C.P.E. Bach: Sonata for Flute in a; Biber: Passacaglia for solo violin; Pezold: Partita for solo Viola d'Amore; Telemann: Sonata for Solo Viola da Gamba; Handel: Air and Variations for Solo Harpsichord. Tafelmusik soloists Jeanne Lamon (violin), Elissa Poole (flute) and Christina Mahler (cello), Thomas Georgi (viola d'amore), Sergei Istomin (viola da gamba) and Charlotte Nediger (harpsichord)

4  8:00 pm. Neptune Theatre, 1593 Argyle St. $15-20. Chamber music by Castello, Bertoli, Uccillini, Biber, Grobe, Schmelzer, Marais and Purcell. Tafelmusik orchestra members

6  8:00 pm. St. Andrew's United Church, 6036 Coburg Rd. $15-20. Bach: The Art of the Fugue, excerpts orchestrated; Hatzis: Equivogue for Harpsichord and Tape; Stylus for String Quartet; Farewell to Bach world premiere. Tafelmusik orchestra members

7  12:30 pm. King's College Chapel, 6350 Coburg Rd. $15-20. Louis and Francois Couperin, Ballbastre, Bach, Scarlatti and Lou Harrison. Mark Kroll, Boston Symphony harpsichordist

8  8:00 pm. St. George's Anglican Church, 2222 Brunswick St. $25-30. Purcell: Suite from Ayres for the Theatre; Bach: Concerto for 3 Violins; Telemann: Concerto for flute and recorder in e; Handel: Water Music Suite. Tafelmusik orchestra members

10  8:00 pm. Neptune Fusion, Neptune Theatre, 1593 Argyle St. $15-20. A special concert by Puirt a Baroque, in partnership with Musique Royale

11  8:00 pm. St. George's Anglican Church, 2222 Brunswick St. $15-20. Zelenka: Suite in F for 2 oboes, bassoon and strings; Greenberg, arr.: Music for Puirt a Baroque and Tafelmusik; Hatzis: Nadir for Flute, Viola and Tape; Burial Ground for Woodwind Quintet; Bach: Wedding Cantata. Ann Monoyios, soprano, Tafelmusik orchestra and friends

12  8:00 pm. St. Mathew's United Church, 1479 Barrington St. $15-20. Young Artist Concert - Program T.B.A

13  8:00 pm. Neptune Fusion, Neptune Theatre, 1593 Argyle St. $15-20. Hatzis: Nunavut for string quartet and tape; Fertility Rites for marimba and tape; Traditional Inuit Throat Singing

14  3PM. St. Patrick's Church, 2263 Brunswick St. $25-30. Vivaldi: Gloria; Handel: Fireworks; Bach: Magnificat. Tafelmusik orchestra, Ann Monoyios, soprano, Mary Lou Fallis, soprano, Katherine Servant, mezzo soprano, Tim Matthews, tenor, Gregory Servant, bass and The Halifax Camerata Singers


Banff Centre for the Arts

Box office 762-6301, 800-413-3868, TicketMaster Calgary 777-0000. Celebrates its 65th anniversary

Jazz Program, 25th anniversary Moutain Jazz May 19-23, Jay Clayton, Sheila Jordan, vocals May 23, Special jazz concerts June 27, July 25, Aug 1, 8, Jazz Clubs most evenings July 21-Aug7

International Horn Summit, June 1-6, Eric Harvie Theatre

6th Banff International String Quartet Competition, Aug 16-22, Eric Harvie Theatre, 403-762-6301, TicketMaster, 800-413-8368

Banff Playbill: The Rankin Family, May 15, PPS Danse Bange May 27

Banff Arts Festival, June 12-Aug 15: dance, music, jazz, opera, visual arts, exhibitions, film screenings, talks, tours, etc., 800-413-8368

Music: classical to contemporary, afternoon and evening concerts, Rolston Recital Hall, June 12-Aug 7, Sunday afternoons, Whyte House Museum of the Canadian Rockies June 28-July 19; Jazz clubs and concerts July 21-Aug8, Hugh Fraser, David Libman, Juan Gutierrez, Don Thompson, Phil Nimmons

Chinook Winds Aboriginal Dance, July 9-12, Margaret GreenhamTheatre

Dance Training, July 30-Aug 1, id

Taste of the Festival, July 24, 7pm, Eric Harvie Theatre

Creative Non-Fiction Lecture Series, free, Monday nights in July, Rolston Recital Hall

Voice in 20th century music: new opera by Christopher Butterfield and John Bentley Mays: "Zurich 1916" (world premiere); Aug 5 7 13 15, Eric Harvie Theatre; other 20th c. vocal works, matinees Aug 9 12 14 15; evening concerts Aug 11 14, Margaret Greenham Theatre

Late Night Cabarets, Aug 6-9, 11-14, 10:30 pm, The Club

Vertical Dance, Project Bandaloop, San Francisco, Eric Harvie Theatre, Aug 8 and 9

Screenings of films from the Banff Festival of Mountain Films, Tue & Sun 8pm, June 14-Aug 11, 403-762-6301, TicketMaster, 800-413-8368

Exhibitions at the Walter Phillips Gallery, noon-5pm: "Cyber Heart/Tech Sex", multimedia May 29-July 26; "Cornelia Hesse-Honegger", Aug 6-Sep 10; 403-762-6281


Vancouver Early Music Festival 1998



14,15  8pm. Longhouse campus of UBC. Beowulf. Benjamin Bagby, voice & lyre

19  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). The Power of Love. Songs and lute solos from 17th c. Italy. Ellen Hargis, soprano, Paul O'Dette, lute

22  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). De Loial Amour. Music and poetry of Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377). John Fleagle, voice, lute, harp

26  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). The Theatre of Musicke. 17th c. Italian and English music for the theatre. Ellen Hargis, soprano, David Douglass, violin, Ray Nurse, bass, Paul O'Dette, lute, Margriet Tindemans, viol, Elisabeth Wright, harpsichord

29  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). The Unicorn. The art of story-telling in French music and poetry of the Middle Ages. Anne Azéma, soprano, Margriet Tindemans, vielle, Shira Kammen, vielle, Jesse Lepkoff, flute

31  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). Baroque and Beyond. Concertos, cantatas & orchestral music of the 18th c. Pacific Baroque Orchestra, Marc Destrubé, music director & violin soloist, Ellen Hargis, soprano, Paul O'Dette, lute, Elisabeth Wright, harpsichord


9  8pm (pre-concert introduction at 7:15 pm). Flauti Dolci e Traversi. An Evening of Baroque Trio Sonatas for Recorders and flutes. Sonja Boon, transverse flutes, Peter Hannan, recorders, Alison Melville, transverse flutes & recorders, Valerie Weeks, harpsichord, Nan Mackie, viola da gamba

U.S. Festivals


Arizona Opera Company. 06-01 à/to 06-14. "Ring Around the Grand Canyon". Wagner. Flagstaff (602) 266-7464.


Music Academy Of The West. 06-22 à/to 08-15. Orchestra and chamber music. Vocal master classes directed by M.Horne. Santa Barbara (805-897-0300)

San Francisco Opera. 06-06 à/to 07-02. "Femmes Fatales Festival," Berg's "Lulu": Weikert., E. Lappalainen, F. Von Stade, T. Fox, F. Mazura; Monteverdi's "Incoronazione di Poppea," Summers, R. Denose, L. Hunt, Z. Vissileva; Bizet's "Carmen," Giuri, O. Borodina, W. Fraccaro. (415-864-3330).


Connecticut Early Music Festival. 06-12 à/to 28. Concerta on period instruments focus on "The Glory of Dresden: Instrumental Music Under the Reigns of Friedrich August I and II" and "The Art of the String Trio." New London (203-444-2419).

Music Mountain. 06-13 à/to 09-04. Recitals by the Penderecki, Ludwig, St.Petersburg, Da Ponte, St. Lawrence, Leontovitch, Wihan, Cassatt, Veronika and Shanghai String Quartets. Falls Village (806-824-7126).

Norfolk Chamber Music Festival. 07-03 à/to 08-22. Gershwin. Mendelssohn Hensel, Clarke, Koston, P. Bryn-Julson soprano. Tower. Cassatt Quartet. (203-542-3000).


Ravinia Festival. 06-14 à/to 09-07. Eschenbach. Chicago Symphony. K. Battle soprano, D. Hvorostovsky baritone. E. Kunzel. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," G. Ohlsson pianist. Highland Park (312-728-4642).


Arcady Music Festival. 07-13 à/to 08-28. Carol Wincenc, the Arden String Quartet, the Virtuosi Wind Quintet, the New York Ragtime Orchestra.Bangor, Mt. (207-288-3151).

Bar Harbor Festival. 07-05 à/to 08-02. Goldina and Loumbrozo duo pianists, Epic Brass, L. Norris soprano, M. Mills pianist. F. Fortier artistic director. (212-222-1026); after July 1, (207-288-5744).

Bowdoin Summer Music Festival. 07-03 à/to 08-07. Chamber and orchestral music. L. Kaplan, P. Frank, L. Flanigan, W. Bolcom, G. Crumb. Brunswick (207-725-3322).

Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. 07-21 à/to 08-18. Brentano and miami String Quartets. Northeast Harbor (207-288-4144).


Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. 06-18 à/to 08-01. Hege. Strauss waltzes and polkas, L. Mabbs soprano. P. Zukerman leads programs devote to Mozart, Schumbert, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky with soloists L. Fleisher, C. Licad and H. Huang. (410-783-8000).


Aston Magna. 07-04 à/to 08-01. Handel, Purcell and Gershwin. Great Barrington (800-875-7156).

Berkshire Choral Festival. 07-05 à/to 08-09. Colaneri, Pippin, George, Page and Bock. Springfield Symphony. Handel, Honegger, Beethoven, Dvorak. Sheffield (413-229-3522).

Berkshire Opera Company. 07-09 à/to 09-05. Menotti's "Consul" and Mozart's "Zauberflote." Pittsfield (413-528-4420).

Boston Pops Orchestra. 05-10 à/to 07-12. Lockhart and Williams. Lockhart, Welcher's "Spumante", Gershwin tribute. M. Chertok in Piano Concerto in F. C. Sloane. (617-266-1200).

Cape And Islands Chamber Music Festival. 08-05 à/to 08-22. The pacifica Quartet, the String Trio of New York, T. Appel, S. Sanders. Cape Cod. (800-229-5739).

Rockport Chamber Music Festival. 06-11 à/to 07-05. Muir, Borromeo, Brentano and Amernet String Quartets, The Eroica Trio, R. Stoltzman, C. Wincenc. The "Pinao Virtuoso Recital Series" E. Aldwell, C. O'Riley, A. Kuerti. (978-546-7391).

Sevenars Concerts. 07-06, 09-06. Schrade family pianists, with the Eroica Trio. Worthington (413-238-5854).

Tanglewood Festival. Lenox, Massachussets 01240. (1-800-347-0808) web:

06-26, 28, Boston Symphony Chamber Players

06-27, 07-01, Juilliard String Quartet

07-03, Boston Symphony Orchesra (BSO), Ozawa,Von Stade, Cole, Wilson-Johnson, Berlioz ‘The Damnation of Faust'

07-05, BSO, Shaw, Labelle, Simpson, Clement, Wilson-Johnson, Beethoven Mass In C, Brahms ‘Nänie', Bernstein ‘Chichester Psalms'

07-07, Frederica Von Stade, mezzo-soprano, M. Katz, piano

07-10, BSO, Ozawa, P. Serkin, Takemitsu ‘riverrun,' for piano and orchestra

07-11, BSO, Ozawa, I. Perlman, Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto & Sym. No. 5

07-12, BSO, Comissiona, Y.Bronfman, Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 2

07-15, Stephen Hough, piano

07-17, BSO, Conlon, Van Cliburn, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2

07-18, BSO, Ozawa, P. Frank, Dvorák Violin Concerto

07-19, BSO, Conlon, S. Hough, J. Larmore,

07-22, Byron Janis, piano

07-23, Anonymous 4

07-24, BSO, Previn, Ax, Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2

07-25, BSO, Williams, Shaham, Blackwell, soprano, Williams ‘Seven for Luck,' for soprano and orchestra (world premiere)

07-26, BSO, Ozawa, Quivar, Mahler Symphony No. 3

07-29, Emerson String Quartet

Ozawa Hall

07-30, Wind Soloists of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Ove Andsnes

07-31, BSO, Spano, Browning, Bernstein Symphony No. 2

08-01, The Leonard Bernstein Memorial Concert, Bernstein ‘Songfest', Stravinsky ‘The Rite of Spring'

08-02, BSO, Depreist, Quivar, Watts, Bernstein Symphony No. 1, ‘Jeremiah', Saint Saëns Piano Concerto No. 2

08-05, Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica

08-06, Arditti String Quartet

08-07, BSO, Pinnock, Handel Concerto a due cori, Vivaldi ‘Gloria'

08-08, Ozawa, Shicoff, Terfel,

08-08, BSO, Ozawa, C. Tetzlaff, Beethoven Violin Concerto

08-11, Bryn Terfel, bass-baritone, Malcolm Martineau, piano

08-12, 13 Guarneri String Quartet,

08-14, BSO, Previn, J. Bell, Brahms Violin Concerto

08-15, BSO, Westerfield, Gutiérrez, Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5

08-16, BSO, Graf, S. Graham, G. Ohlsson, Mozart, Chopin, Strauss

08-17, Liza Minelli

08-20, Mitsuko Shirai, Hartmut Höll

08-21, BSO, Dutoit, S. Chang, Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1

08-22, BSO, Dutoit, Argerich, Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 3

08-23, BSO, Tortelier, Maisky, Elgar Cello Concerto

08-23, I Solisti Veniti, C. Scimone, conductor

08-25, Mischa Maisky, cello, Martha Argerich, piano

08-28, BSO, Wolff, Rostropovich, Shostakovich Cello Concerto No. 1

08-29, Rostropovich, Vengerov, Shostakovich Violin Concerto No. 1

08-30, BSO, Rostropovich, Goerke, Blythe, Dean Griffey, Silins, Beethoven Symphony No. 9

08-31, Boston Pops, Williams


Monadnock Music. 07-11 à/to 10-04. Mozart's "Zauberflote". S. Schepkin, A. De Mare, R. Sherman, C. Taylor, G. Chen pianists. Petersborough, Jaffrey and Environs (603-924-7610).


Opera Festival of New Jersey. 06-20 à/to 07-19. Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," Puccini's "Tosca" and Carlisle Floyd's "Susannah." Princeton (609-683-8000).


Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. 07-11 à/to 08-17. M. Neikrug artistic director. Bernstein, Carter. T. Musgrave, J. Tower, E. Taaffe Zwilich. (505-983-2075; 505-982-1890 from June 22).

Santa Fe Opera. 07-03 à/to 08-29. J. Miller's new production of Mozart's "Magic Flute," Berloiz's "Beatrice and Benedict," Puccini's "Madama Butterfly," Strauss's "Salome," and the American premiere of Lidholm's "Dream Play." (505-986-5900).


Bargemusic. All Summer. Chamber music on a barge at the Fulton Ferry Landing. (Brooklyn (718-624-4061).

Lincoln Center Festival'98. 07-07 à/to 07-26. "The Peony Pavillion"; Hildegard von Bingen's "Ordo Virtutum"; a 50th-anniversary celebration of the founding of the state of Israel; Penderecki's oratorio "Seven Gates of Jerusalem," performed by the New York Philharmonic, under K. Masur; the complete organ works of Bach, and a Bernstein celebration. (212-875-5030).

Metropolitan Opera. 06-16 à/to 07-03. Verdi's "Trovatore", Rossini's "Barbiere di Siviglia". New Jersey (212-362-6000).

Mostly Mozart Festival. 07-28 à/to 08-22. Mostly Mozart, 10 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-6927, (212)721-6500. G. Schwarz, A. Kirchschlager mezzo-soprano, A. Watts pianist. Mozart's "Idomeneo". Introducing a Haydn string quartet project to take place over two years featuring the Colorado, Takacs, Emperor, Vellinger and St. Lawrence String Quartets.

07-28,29. Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra, Schwarz, A. Watts, A. Kirchschlager

07-29. M.Goerne, baritone, E.Schneider, piano

07-30. Emerson String Quartet, David Shifrin, clarinet

07-31. Takacs String Quartet

07-31. MMFO, Schwarz, de Larrocha, Kawakubo

08-01. Mozart: Idomeneo, MMFO, Schwarz, Dean Griffey, Kirchschlager, Brewer, Doss, Oswald,

08-02. Wind Soloists of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe

08-03. Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Daniel, E. Ax

08-04, 5. MMFO, Langree, J. Bell, Andsnes

08-04. Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, E. Kirkby, L. Beznosiuk, Faultless

08-06, 7. Vellinger Quartet

08-06. KREMERata BALTICA, Gidon Kremer

08-08. St. Lawrence String Quartet

08-07,8. MMFO, Spivakov, Neubauer, I. Mula

08-09. Music on Period Instruments, Concerto Köln, Bilson, N.Stutzmann

08-10. Tokyo String Quartet, Kam, Piccinini

08-11,12. Amernet String Quartet

08-11. MMFO, Bolton, C. Tetzlaff, S. Graham,

08-12. Leontovych String Quartet

08-12. MMFO, Bolton, Tetzlaff, Lortie

08-13, 14, 15. Colorado String Quartet

08-13. Canadian Brass

08-14,15. MMFO, Kalmar, A. Lubimov, R. Stoltzman

08-18,19. MMFO, Schwarz, J-Y. Thibaudet, A. Klein, J. Manasse, J. Cerminaro, W.Buchman.

08-20. I Solisti Veneti, Scimone

08-21,22. MMFO. Schwarz. Y.Huang, S. Mentzer, G.Turay, K.Mertens, The Dessoff choir, K.Tritle. Mozart's Mass in C-major

Lincoln Center Festival Calendar (July 7-26, 1998)
New York. More info:
Daily events include The Peony Pavilion - A Ming Dynasty Opera, Stuttgart Ballet, Twelfth Night, NY Philharmonic, Sequentia: Ordo Virtutum, Patience & Sarah, complete organ works of J.S. Bach, David Tudor's Rainforest - the Installation, Theatre de Complicité: The Street of Crocodiles, Penderecki's Seven Gates of Jerusalem: An Oratorio, New York Video Festival, The Unknown Bernstein Hildegurls: The Electronic Ordo Virtutum, La Fura dels Baus: F@ust: Version 3.0.

New York Grand Opera. 07-01 à/to 08-05. Verdi opera performances, conducted by Vincent La Selva on Wednesday evenings. Rumsey Field, Central Park (212-245-8837).

Bard Music Festival. 08-14 à/to 08-23. Tchaikovsky. Beethoven's "The Maid of Orleans". A dramatic reading of letters and diaries written by his mysterious patron, N. Von Meck. Annandale-on-Hudson. (914-758-3226).

Caramoor Music Festival. 06-20 à/to 08-09. Orchestra of St. Luke's, W. Crutchfield conductor. M. Horne, R. Stoltzman. Mozart's Clarinet concerto. M. Dichter; Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto. R. Goode, H. Grimaud, St. Simakova pianists. Katonah (914-232-1252).

Chautauqua Institution. 06-27 à/to 08-25. Core Ensembel, the New Arts Trio, the Audubon, Lydian and Chautauqua String Quartets. U. Segal, S. Skrowaczewski, J. DeMain conductors. P. Frankl, G. Hoffman, A. Feinberg. Donizetti's "Mary Stuart," Puccini's "Madame Butterfly," Bizet's "Carmen." (800-249-1441).

Glimmerglass Opera. Cooperstown. 07-02 à/to 08-24. (607) 547-2255. Verdi: Falstaff, Puccini: Tosca, Virgil Thomson: Mother of Us All, Handel: Partenope.

Music Festival of the Hamptons. Bridgehampton, East Hampton. 07-10 à/to 17. 800-644-4418. Robert White, Samuel Sanders, Peter Serkin.


Box Office: Saratoga Springs, New York 12866-01826. (518)-587-3330,

Saratoga Chamber Music Festival:

07-27, Argerich, Freire, Mork.

07-30, Argerich, Perlman.

08-02, Argerich, Bronfman, Freire, von Stade, Mork.

08-03, Argerich, Mork, von Stade

08-09, Yefim Bronfman. Shostakivoch's Piano Quintet in G minor Op.57.

08-11, The Canadian Brass

08-16, " Souvenirs de Florence" . Chang, Thibaudet

The Philadelphia Orchestra Festival

07-29, Dutoit, Perlman. Brahms: Violin Concerto, Stravinsky, Ravel.

07-30, de Cou. Latin Extravaganza: Chabrier, Lecuona, De Falla, Bizet, Sarasate, Ravel.

07-31, Dutoit, Watts. Faure, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2, Brahms.

08-01, Dutoit, von Stade. Debussy, Ravel, Mozart Arias, Beethoven.

08-05, Dutoit, Ax. Mendelssohn, Hindemith, Beethoven Piano Concerto No.5.

08-06, Dutoit, Argerich. Ravel, Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2, Tchaikovsky.

08-07, Dutoit, Bronfman. Shostakovich Festive Overture, Rachmaninoff, Sibelius.

08-08, Dutoit, Freire. Tchaikovsky spectacular Marche solennelle

08-12, Dutoit. The Canadian Brass.

08-13, Dutoit, Thibaudet. Gershwin Celebration - 100 Years!

08-14, Dutoit, Chang. Glinka, Bruch violin Concerto No. 1, Strauss.

08-15, Dutoit, Woodhams, Montanaro, Garfield, Miller. Those Fabulous Philadelphians. Rossini, Mozart Sinfonia concertante for winds,K.297b, Bizet, Khachaturian, Respighi.


Festival Casals, San Juan. (787) 725-7334. 06-02 à/to 20. Orchestra of the Hermitage State Museum Camerata, St. Petersburg, Puerto Rico, Cincinnati & Montreal Symphony Orchestras. Riboldi, Zagrosek, López-Cobos, Dutoit, Penderecki (mus. Dir.)


Newport Music Festival. (401) 849-0700. 07-10 à/to 26. 30Th season. 61 concerts. Beethoveniads.


Central Vermont Chamber Music Festival, Randolph. (802)728-9133. 08-11 à/to 22. String sextets & Russian Gypsy music. B. Danilow, A. Pena, S. Masi, L. Tomkins, dir. P. Sanders.

Manchester Music Festival. 802-362-1956, 800-639-5868. A-M. Schub, Rudiakov Group, Cassatt String Quartet, Metropolitan Opera (young members).

Marlboro Music Festival. Marlboro College. 215-569-4690. After June 17, 802-254-2304. 07-18 à/to 08-16. Chamber music weekends.

Vermont Mozart Festival 07-12 to 08-02,

P.O. Box 512 Burlington, VT 05402, (802)-862-7352,

Warebrook Contemporary Music Festival. Irasburg, 802-754-6631. 07-10,11,12.

Yellow Barn Music School and Festival. Putney, 802-387-6637. 06-20 to 08-1.


Wolf Trap. Vienna. 703-255-1860. 05-20 to 09-9. National Symphony. 06-18.