Payments in lieu of taxes for federal properties

Find information about the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Program, how Canadian municipalities and other taxing authorities across the country who are hosting a federal property can apply for payments in lieu of taxes (PILT), view payments made by taxation years, register for direct payment deposit or request a review to the PILT Dispute Advisory Panel.


The Government of Canada owns a large inventory of property such as office buildings, harbours, prisons, national parks and Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment buildings across the country. Most federal properties benefit from the services provided by Canadian municipalities. The Government of Canada firmly supports the principle that, as a property owner, even though it is exempt from taxation, it should share in the cost of local government equitably with other property owners in the community.

Services and information

Understanding payments in lieu of taxes

Learn about the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Program and find answers to the most frequently asked questions about payments for federal properties.

Applying for payments in lieu of taxes

Canadian municipalities and other taxing authorities hosting a federal property can apply for PILT online or print applications forms and submit them by email, mail or fax.

Viewing payments by taxing authority

View payments made to taxing authorities across the country by taxation year.

Registering for direct deposit of payments in lieu of taxes

As an authorized representative of a taxing authority, register for deposit of PILT directly into your taxing authority’s bank account.

Requesting a review to the Dispute Advisory Panel

Learn how, as a taxing authority, you can request a review to the PILT Dispute Advisory Panel if you disagree with the payment you have received.

Contact the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Program

Find out how to contact the office that serves your region to request services, ask questions or provide comments about the PILT Program.

What we are doing

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