
Public Accounts of Canada 2016 Volume I—Top of the page Navigation

Preface to the Consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada

The fundamental purpose of these consolidated financial statements is to provide information to Parliament, and thus to the public, to facilitate an understanding and evaluation of the full nature and extent of the financial affairs and resources for which the Government is responsible. These consolidated financial statements reflect the financial position of the Government at the reporting date, as well as its results of operations, accumulated deficit, change in net debt and cash flow for the year then ended.

The two fundamental concepts underlying the Government's accounting system are found in the Constitution Acts: first, that all duties and revenues received, other than those reserved to the provinces, "shall form One Consolidated Revenue Fund" (CRF); second, that the balance of the CRF, after certain prior charges, "shall be appropriated by the Parliament of Canada".

The right of Canada to raise taxes and revenues is contained in the Constitution Acts, and is given specific form in various Acts passed by Parliament. Revenues can be raised and moneys can be spent or borrowed by the Government only with the authority of Parliament. All receipts of money by departments and agencies must be deposited into the CRF. All disbursements from the CRF for spending on operations, for loans, investments and advances, and for the redemption of matured debt, must be authorized by Parliament, through annual appropriation acts and other statutes.

Wholly-owned Crown corporations that are agents of Her Majesty may only borrow as authorized by Acts of Parliament. Such Acts usually place a ceiling on the amount of borrowings that can be outstanding at any one time. Non-agent Crown corporations and other government business enterprises can borrow without specific parliamentary authority, although such borrowings are sometimes guaranteed by the Government with the authority of Parliament.

The consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada consist of four statements and accompanying notes.

The first is the Consolidated statement of operations and accumulated deficit, which presents the Government's revenues, expenses, deficit or surplus, and other comprehensive loss or income for the year, and the net accumulation of the annual surpluses and deficits since Confederation.

The second is the Consolidated statement of financial position, which discloses the Government's cash balance and investments, amounts owing to and by the Government at the end of the year, and the Government's non-financial assets such as its tangible capital assets and inventories. It also presents both the accumulated deficit of the Government and its net debt which is the difference between the Government's total liabilities and its financial assets.

The third is the Consolidated statement of change in net debt, which explains the difference between the Government's annual deficit or surplus and the change in the net debt for the year. It reports the extent to which revenues recognized in the year were sufficient, or not sufficient, to offset expenditures, as opposed to the expenses recognized in the annual deficit or surplus.

The fourth is the Consolidated statement of cash flow, which provides information on the Government's cash provided by or used for operating, capital investment, investing and financing activities.

Other sections in this volume together with Volume II and Volume III of the Public Accounts of Canada, provide more detailed supplementary information in respect of matters reported in the consolidated financial statements. The Independent Auditor's Report on the consolidated financial statements does not extend to this supplementary information.

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