Michael Coffey


and the rising, of never getting up, the world left
to serve you, in this case virgins,
Mickey damnable snap of dream or a crisis for real, having to do
with a the death of friends or

cloying, you can't swallow yellow, you can choke on, Mickey, you don't want
butter-sick sounds or anything tasting, or even bright-greasy
in your hand. You want the kind of,
that swirls it all together, the every color almost-empty can, and of the
and some turpentine. Broke out the cigarettes. The last thing we heard was
into water in its quarter, each joint and groin, unless flesh to bring heat
up and did not: astronauts. Every shade. Fuck closets, all crayons melted
with thin green songs like shafts of Nick's wood-burning mouth. Fainting is
a fond do, take you alone from empty bar to empty, or to the riverside,
where the air prong, powders and soaps they would go away, and stay. To say,
when the condition is one of alone. But the blue was the of paint in the
basement, every handy cheap tin from a still the turning room. Would that a
Van Morrison song color of money in from the back of the tub, and the little
six-pack of giddy feeling

comes of never. Sherwin-Williams ad on TV. Witch's brew, said Tommy. Tar,
said. We got bored looking in at the slaggish, muddy. Expanse of a pinkish
dessert, rich and writhing with purple, and light against a silver sky. Nick
black of our concoction, which sat mutely, snakes darkly, giving back
fainted Jeff when he saw blue. That blends in Blue was the color of mothers
and bruise on his penis after another Mary and her not even our faces.
food-coloring bottles drip by drip by Durkee we sweat fed into winkingly in
revolve it, the bucket in the garage, Mary and, once, the moon
the primary destinies, tart so blue, come
mincingly in, as Joyce day looks alone, dressed I

Red rose out of a kin and the sun, and every space has bar an architecture
of exclusion, so that all barns are fields empty, and cars in one rainy,
creepy day but we water color set we could dark, all find in our would have
it, the small, warm viscous
spoonbacks of their fingers pressing the from of a friendship, hard, all too
slippery coursing through, having nothing to think, after you wake: the body
lathered in a cooling, rising, and the room turning I don't run or, if they
do with color, much less with red. Yellow can kill you. It is too much
melting, something and locked in their all peculiar bath ... their cliches,
so wanting to be freed. I just saw a bit. But then we saw, we all saw, after
some disaster our parents felt. That's yellow. Black alack? Not a. We put it
all in.


Repeated rage poles portioned were word by word clear
uttered phrases stirred sea, sea; wind we, except its its its
distances cloud colored Fernandez
walked town tilting no coral enchanting

end that that deep
the the the the the the the
dark turned ever-hooded, ghostlier

water-walled to world keener knew voice
mastered like knew however wholly
air oh world, order been voice outer medleyed mimic
of of

among glassy water water water
her waves this ours
acutest motion ourselves heard only

Theatrical pale Ramon never made
why alone zones for measured maker without whose
night descended mind

even if
formed, fluttering, dimly-starred
what what what

her mask grinding gasping
tragic-gestured more hour
was was was was was was horizons
made portals heard

constant cry caused constantly
a cry although empty, heaped plungings fixing me

lights fishing fiery
toward voice vanishing, yet
body body


merely because for many
all genius it may be maker
since maker's not not not

she she she she she she
and and and
spirit, beheld

song song song sang, boats
deepening but by which sleeves, bronze,
shadows sound there if sounds in


arranging speech, summer demarcations
heaving sing words
have sky more meaningless, mountainous

understood, inhuman, single
veritable ocean sought self, sky

a striding
a sunken

(((((((((The Alterran Poetry Assemblage )))))))))
