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The Humor Essays of Ann Pottle Dolin

Ann Pottle Dolin is 51 years old, married and has two grown children. She lives in San Diego and works as a special ed assistant at an elementary school. Ann writes about her everyday experiences and things she find amusing. Ann Pottle Dolin says, "I guess my philosophy is Enjoy life and don't take it all too seriously. Laugh more."

Honking in LA - you'll get used to it - July 11, 2001

Reflecting. Ann Pottle Dolin reflects on Donald Grant DeMan's "Reflections"

California or Bust - a homesteaders diary - Mar 18, 2001

Richard Koss responded to Ann's "Suffering at Santanna". As often it does, Richard's response elicited further comment and this Response to Richard Koss. Mar 11, 2001

This time it's Poetry from Ann Pottle Dolin. Suffering at Santanna - why? who is to blame -
who can stop our vicious lifestyle? Mar 08, 2001

What Happened to Change all That? a retrospective!

A Seasonal Warning about a possible visit from 'Martha Stewart'!

Ann counts on herself to do the Recount in Florida.

Buns - But Not of Steel.

Email Ann Dolin

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