Poetry 2



Reg Hart

Reg Hart is a poet and fiction writer living in Penticton, BC.  Check out his story, Unthawed, in this issue's fiction section.


We are pleased to present three of his poems:

In a Truck Stop off the Highway

a valentine 4 u hauls trailer full of wedding gifts
we'll have so many kids we'll run out of names


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near a sun-weary church
mourning patrons listen
as a haunted old man
chisels drivel
from rotten stone

the reigning muse
hastens a rancorous loathing
'f unbroken rows
'f endless end-rhyme

he hammers away the fondly missed
then cross he
an emperor morphing a musty wheelbarrow

frost remains dusty on his modern shelf
when bitterwork is done
his fans fabricate a soft-pine marker
...and 'ere he lies


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Surfing in Saskatchewan
for Tracy Latimer

drowsy daddy latimer
mechanically flicks the clicker
surfing now a rougher deed

his was daughter
twisted features
creatures from stephen king's weekly execution

and pbs has got
stephen hawking


grave narrator
peters out
life and times

where superdaveosbourne
never dies

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