of the
First Thirty Years of Radio

1895 – 1925

An important chapter in the
Death of Distance

This timeline focuses mainly on the years 1895 – 1925.
For context, several related items earlier than 1895
and a few later than 1925 are included.

Here, the words "wireless" and "radio"
are used interchangeably, to mean communication
without wires by means of radio waves.

Today there are many practical applications of wireless:
radio and television broadcasting, the cell phone, overland
microwave links, satellite and deep space communications,
GPS, and many more.  There are also applications of
radio waves for purposes other than communication,
such as radar, and microwave cooking.

How did all this get started?


William Gilbert

First book about electricity and magnets

William Gilbert was a pioneer of the experimental method and the first to explain the magnetic compass.  In 1600, Gilbert published his great study of magnetism, De Magnete – "On the Magnet", in six volumes.  He described the legends and scientific facts associated with magnets, lodestones, amber, and other materials that have the mysterious natural ability to attract or repel.  Gilbert gave the first rational explanation of the puzzling ability of the compass needle to point north-south: the Earth itself is magnetic.

Also called magnetite, lodestone is a magnetic oxide of iron (Fe3O4) which was mined in the province of Magnesia in Thessaly (central Greece) from where the magnet gets its name.

De Magnete – the first ever book about experimental physics, and arguably the first ever scientific text – opened the era of modern physics and astronomy and started a century marked by the great achievements of Galileo, Kepler, Newton and others.  The book is similar to a modern PhD thesis in layout, starting with a survey of previous work, moving on to experimental results, discussing these and setting them in the broader context of worldwide results, and ending with speculation and unsolved problems.

Title Page 1600 edition, De Magnete, by William Gilbert Title Page
Anno MDC
1600 edition
Title Page 1628 edition, De Magnete, by William Gilbert Title Page
1628 edition
Title Page 1633 edition, De Magnete, by William Gilbert Title Page
1633 edition
De Magnete, magneticisque coporibus, et de magno magnete tellure
(On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on That Great Magnet the Earth)

For a larger view, click on an image

Gilbert makes a clear distinction between the attractive properties of magnets and rubbed amber: "for it pleases us to call that an electric force".

Amber is called elektron in Greek, and electrum in Latin, so Gilbert decided to refer to the phenomenon by the adjective electricus and the noun electricitas, giving rise to the modern terms "electric" and "electricity".  He was also the first person to use the terms "electric force," "magnetic pole," and "electric attraction".  Gilbert was also court physician to Queen Elizabeth I of England, and briefly to James VI/I.  De Magnete has never been out of print; an English translation in paperback is now listed for sale by Amazon.com.
Image of page 155, De Magnete (original edition) University of Glasgow
William Gilbert by BBC
William Gilbert: forgotten genius by Physics World
William Gilbert by Encyclopedia Britannica 1911
William Gilbert by Mary Bellis
William Gilbert by Russell Naughton
William Gilbert by Pierre Roberge
William Gilbert by Wikipedia
De Magnete by Wikipedia
(1) The Great Magnet, the Earth by David Stern
      Commemorating the 400th anniversary of De Magnete by William Gilbert
(2) The Great Magnet, the Earth by David Stern (website hosted by NASA)
"On the Magnet" by William Gilbert of Colchester review by David Stern
"On the Magnet" by William Gilbert
      reviewed in May 2000 by Stuart Malin and David Barraclough
      Four hundred years might seem an excessively long time for the production of a book review, even by slow-reading reviewers, but there are reasons why a prompt review would have been difficult... It is constantly necessary to remind oneself while reading De Magnete of just how early it is.  Here is science, based on experiment and observation rather than hearsay...

The full title of Gilbert's book is: De Magnete, magneticisque coporibus, et de magno magnete tellure; Physiologia nova, plurimis et argumentis, et experimentis demonstrata.  Note the last two words of the title, "experimental demonstrations", which has a very modern sound.

Cover, modern English edition, De Magnete, by William Gilbert
Cover, modern English edition by Dover Publications

Click on the image for a full size view

1777 January

William Henly

Comment on the future of electricity
We now (1777) know a lot, but there's still much more to be discovered

Royal Society, Dec 1777, v67 page 97 ...as the electric matter... operation is so secret, so rapid, and at times so tremendous; as it is so easily excited or put into action by friction, by heating and cooling, and perhaps by means we are totally unacquainted with; I think we may safely conclude, that electricity, as it is one of the most powerful, is also one of the most important, agents in nature.  Many useful discoveries have been made respecting the action, influence, and effects of this subtle fluid; but certainly much remains to be done, and the field for future labourers [investigators] seems daily to enlarge.  Indeed, notwithstanding the number of discoveries in electricity this age may justly boast of, I cannot but be of the opinion (which I mention as an incitement to the study) that, compared with the facts still undiscovered in that branch of philosophy [science], they bear but a very small proportion.

Experiments and Observations in Electricity, January 1777
by William Henly (?-1779) F.R.S. (Fellow of the Royal Society)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society v67 Dec 1777, pages 97-98
London, England
Internet Library of Early Journals
An eLib (Electronic Libraries Programme) Project by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford, England


Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta

The first battery to supply electric current

In 1800, after six years of experimenting with chemicals in an effort to produce electric current, Alessandro Giuseppe Volta asembled a device that was able to produce a large continuous flow of electricity.  He placed side-by-side several cups filled with a salt solution, and then connected them with special strips of metal that were copper at one end and tin or zinc at the other end.  Volta described his invention in a communication of 20 March 1800, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society of London.

This was a revolution in electrical technology.  It had been known from very early times that a piece of amber, when rubbed, acquired the ability to attract small pieces of paper or straw.  This curious behaviour was considered to be of no practical significance, even after William Gilbert collected various scattered observations and, adding many of his own, laid the foundations of electricity in his great book De Magnete published in 1600.  All through the 1600s and 1700s, static electricity was well-known and the subject of many casual experiments, and some serious investigation, by many people.  Static electricity was produced by rubbing an insulating object such as a glass or ebony or sulphur cylinder with a cloth or animal fur (a cylindrical shape was better than a sphere because it could be rubbed vigourously).  The presence of static electricity could easily be demonstrated by bringing near any of a wide variety of materials, such as bits of paper or silk ribbon.

These static electricity demonstrations generated high voltages but only very tiny currents.  As a result the static properties of electricity were widely known but the magnetic effects were never observed because they require much larger electric currents than can ever be produced by static methods.  Furthermore, anyone studying the magnetic effects has to have a steady electric current available over a significant period of time – at least several seconds, and several minutes is much better.

Volta's breakthrough invention suddenly made it possible for people to have a reliable and predictable supply of significant electric current.  It is no accident that many important electrical discoveries came in the next few decades.  In 1820, Oersted's observation of the magnetic effect of electric current was reported; then Schweigger's galvanometer (the ancestor of all of the now-familiar electrical instruments with a needle moving across a marked dial); and in 1831, there were the crucial discoveries by Faraday in England and Henry in the United States – all involving some version of Volta's battery.

Useful electric telegraph systems, powered by batteries, began to appear.  In 1809, von Soemmering demonstrated a working electric telegraph to the Munich Academy of Sciences – although not very practical because it required 35 separate wires between the sending and receiving ends, von Sommering's telegraph was able to deliver messages reliably at a distance by electric current.  This quickly became widely known and stimulated others to activity.  In his 1835 trip to Germany, William Cooke saw the electric telegraph built by Professor Muncke at Heidelberg; on returning to England, Cooke worked with Wheatstone to develop an electric telegraph good enough to be put into regular use in May 1838.  All of these telegraph systems, and all commercial telegraph lines throughout the rest of the 1800s and well into the 1900s, were powered by batteries – all of them being close relatives of Volta's battery made of two different metals immersed in a chemical solution.

Alessandro Volta by Russell Naughton
Alessandro Volta by Pierre Roberge
Alessandro Volta by Wikipedia
Postage stamp: Alessandro Volta


Hans Christian Oersted

Observation of magnetic effect of an electric current

Before 1820, the only magnetism known was that of iron magnets and of lodestones (natural magnets).  This was changed by Hans Christian Oersted, an obscure professor of science at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.  In April 1820 Oersted arranged in his home a science demonstration for friends and students.  Using a voltaic battery to supply electric current, he planned to demonstrate the heating of a wire by an electric current, and also to carry out demonstrations of magnetism with a compass needle mounted on a wooden stand.  While performing his electric heating demonstration, Oersted noted to his surprise that every time the electric current was switched on, the compass needle moved.  Most surprising, the compass needle pointed in a direction perpendicular to the wire.  When the current in the wire was reversed, the compass needle also reversed, pointing in the opposite direction but still at a right angle to the wire.  This was the first demonstration of a connection between electricity and magnetism.  We now use the words "electromagnetic" and "electromagnetism" to refer to the combined effects of magnetism and electricity.  Today, our world is dominated by electromagnetic technology.
The Electromagnetic Revolution: Oersted's discovery
      by the Magnetism Group, Physics Department, Trinity College, Dublin
Hans Christian Oersted by David Stern
Hans Christian Oersted by Russell Naughton
Hans Christian Oersted by Pierre Roberge
Hans Christian Oersted by Wikipedia
Lodestone by Wikipedia

A Ridiculously Brief History of Electricity and Magnetism Ross L. Spencer

A Brief Chronological History of Great Discoveries in Electricity Rudolf F. Graf


William Sturgeon

First electromagnet

William Sturgeon was a shoemaker's apprentice as a boy, then he joined the British army where he got an education.  He became interested in electricity while watching a severe thunderstorm in Newfoundland.  He returned to civilian life in England and began experimenting with electricity.  In the early 1820s, Sturgeon found that a coil of wire wound around a piece of iron would produce strong magnetic effect when the wire coil was connected to an electric battery.  In 1825 he demonstrated his invention, displaying its strength by lifting nine pounds [4kg] with a seven-ounce [200g] horseshoe-shaped bar of iron wrapped with about eighteen turns of wire, connected to a one-cell (low voltage) battery.  This was the first electromagnet – capable of lifting twenty times its own weight.  It could hold the suspended weight indefinitely with no sign of fatigue or lessening of the magnetic effect so long as the battery was connected, but the suspended weight dropped immediately if the battery was disconnected (a discovery that later was used with longer wires to transmit messages by electric telegraph to faraway places).  Sturgeon's 1825 electromagnet was an early practical demonstration of the close connection between electricity and magnetism that since then has had an enormous influence on communications technology, and many other scientific fields.  In the 1830s, Sturgeon made his living partly by teaching; one of his students was James Prescott Joule.
William Sturgeon by Wikipedia
William Sturgeon by the Center for the Study of Technology and Society
Development of the Electromagnet by John D. Jenkins


Georg Simon Ohm

Publication of Ohm's Law

What is now known as Ohm's law first appears in a book printed in Berlin in 1827: Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet (The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically).  In the mid-1820s, Georg Simon Ohm, professor of mathematics at the Jesuit College of Cologne, Germany, had been studying how electricity is conducted through various materials, using a variety of voltages.  He discovered that, in a particular material arranged in a particular form – an iron wire, or a copper bar, or a lead cylinder, etc. – the electric current in the circuit is directly proportional to the number of cells in the battery.  This is what is now known as Ohm's law, one of the most fundamental principles of electricity.

In January 2007, several copies of the first edition of Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet by G.S. Ohm, 1827, are available from antique book dealers and listed on the WWW.  One copy in good condition can be purchased from a dealer in Los Angeles for US$25,000.  Another copy is available from another dealer for C$30,627.  A third copy for sale in the Netherlands is priced at €20,000.


Michael Faraday

Discovery of electromagnetic induction

In 1831, Michael Faraday began his great series of experiments in which he discovered electromagnetic induction, the ability of a changing magnetic field to produce a voltage in a nearby conductor.  The important term is "changing" – it is not the magnetic field, weak or strong, but a change in the magnetic field that generates a voltage in any nearby conductor.  Any time a conductor (wire loop) is in the influence of a magnetic field that varies in strength, an electric current is set up in the conductor.  It is this effect, that we now call "electromagnetic induction," that is the basis of present-day generation of electric power, the transmission of information using the electromagnetic spectrum (radio, television, radar, microwave, etc.) and many other useful applications of electricity.
Michael Faraday by Russell Naughton
Michael Faraday by Pierre Roberge
Michael Faraday by Encyclopedia Britannica 1911
Michael Faraday by Wikipedia
Electromagnetic induction by Wikipedia

Faraday and Henry

Michael Faraday in England, and Joseph Henry in New Jersey,
were experimenting at the same time, 1829-1832, with electric
circuits and the associated magnetic effects.  Both were working
without knowing that the other was doing similar work.  Henry's
experiments that revealed electromagnetic induction were done
mostly in August 1830, a few months before Faraday, but Faraday
published first and thus is given primary credit for this discovery.
Today, the unit of measure of electrical capacitance is called the farad,
named for Michael Faraday.
Today, the unit of measure of electrical inductance is called the henry,
named for Joseph Henry.
Note: "henry" (lower-case "h") is the name of the unit of inductance
while "Henry" (upper-case "H") is the name of the man.
Similarly for "farad" and "Faraday", also "ampere" and "Ampere"
"ohm" and "Ohm", "volt" and "Volta", and "coulomb" and "Coulomb".

Having a measuring unit named for you is the highest accolate
that a scientist can achieve.  In the field of electricity, along with
the farad and the henry, we now have the volt (Alessandro Volta),
the ampere (Andre Ampere), the coulomb (Charles Augustin de Coulomb),
the ohm (Georg Simon Ohm), the gauss (Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss),
and the maxwell (James Clark Maxwell).  The hertz (Heinrich Rudolf Hertz)
is not an electrical unit, but it is often used by everyone working with
electrical technology.  Likewise, the watt (James Watt) is not an
electrical unit, but it appears everywhere that electricity is used.


Joseph Henry

Discovery of electromagnetic self-inductance

In 1830, Joseph Henry began experimenting with insulated wires wound an iron core, and succeeded in making powerful electromagnets.  In 1831 at Yale University, he demonstrated a big electromagnet that could lift 2300 pounds 1045kg, the largest in the world at that time.  These magnets were powered by an electric current from a battery made according to Volta's design.

While experimenting with these magnets, Henry needed to turn the current on and off many times, by making and breaking the circuit.  Whenever the magnet circuit was broken, he observed a large spark that was generated at the point where the break was made.  Over time, Henry built bigger electromagnets with more iron in the core and more turns of wire around the core, and he noticed that the larger the electromagnet, the more powerful the spark when the circuit was broken.

(For magnets of this size, these circuit-breaking sparks
can be impressively powerful, even frightening.  While opening
the field circuits of hydroelectric generators – electrically
identical to Henry's electromagnets – I've seen a few that
deserve adjectives such as vicious or dangerous. – ICS)

In 1830-1831, he deduced the property known as self-inductance, the inertial characteristic of an electric circuit.  The self-inductance of a circuit tends to prevent the current from changing; if a current is flowing, self-inductance tends to keep it flowing; if an electromotive force is applied self-inductance tends to keep it from increasing.
Joseph Henry by Alexander Leitch
Joseph Henry by Roger Sherman
Joseph Henry by Russell Naughton
Joseph Henry by Encyclopedia Britannica 1911
Joseph Henry by Wikipedia

1874 April 25

Birth of Guglielmo Marconi


Heinrich Hertz

Invents a way to produce electromagnetic waves

In the decade 1880-1890, the most important advance in electrical physics was that which originated with the astonishing researches of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.  This illustrious investigator's great discovery was an experimental realization of a suggestion made by G.F. Fitzgerald in 1883 as a method of producing electric waves in space...

Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 191
Electric Waves
page 191

Click on the image for a full size view

Thanks to Merritt and Wilma Gibson
for access to Britannica 1911.


Heinrich Hertz

Proof of the existence of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves)

Heinrich Hertz was the first to demonstrate the existence of radio waves.  In 1888, in a corner of his physics classroom at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic in Berlin, Hertz generated electric waves using an electric circuit.  The circuit contained two metal rods separated by a short gap, and when sparks crossed this gap strong oscillations of high frequency were produced.  Hertz proved that these waves were transmitted through air by detecting them with some distance away with a simple wire loop.  He discovered the progressive propagation of electromagnetic action through space, and measured the length and speed of these electromagnetic waves.  He also showed that like light waves they were reflected and refracted.  Hertz also noted that electrical conductors reflect the waves and that they can be focused by concave reflectors.  He found that nonconductors allow most of the waves to pass through.  These waves, originally called Hertzian waves but now known as radio waves, conclusively confirmed Maxwell's prediction on the existence of electromagnetic waves, both in the form of light and radio waves.  Today, the term "hertz" (short form "Hz") is used as the unit of frequency for an electromagnetic oscillation or wave.
Heinrich Hertz by Russell Naughton
Heinrich Hertz by Pierre Roberge
Heinrich Hertz by Encyclopedia Britannica 1911
Heinrich Hertz by Wikipedia
Evidence for Electromagnetic Waves by University of Colorado

Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 203 Electric Waves
page 203
Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 204 Electric Waves
page 204
Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 205 Electric Waves
page 205
Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 206 Electric Waves
page 206
Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 207 Electric Waves
page 207
Electric Waves, by J.J. Thomson, page 208 Electric Waves
page 208

Click on thumbnail for full size view

The encyclopedia article "Electric Waves," (above)
by J.J. Thomson, several times refers to "Leyden Jars,"
(the first electric capacitors).
Leyden Jars
Leyden Jars by PV Scientific Instruments
Leyden Jar by Wikipedia
Leyden Jar by Roger Curry

The experiments of Heinrich Hertz on electromagnetic waves form
"one of the greatest contributions ever made to experimental physics."
— Sir J.J. Thomson

In 1897, Joseph John Thomson discovered the
first experimentally-proven atomic particle, the electron.


Edouard Branly

Invents a way to detect electromagnetic waves

Credit is due to Edouard (Edward) Branly (1844-1940) of France for inventing the coherer, the first practical instrument for detecting Hertzian waves. It consisted of two small metal plates or cylinders with wires attached, placed inside each end of a glass tube containing loose zinc or silver particles (filings). The instant an electric discharge – a spark or an arc – occurred in the vicinity the coherer's metallic filings became conductive, and then if it was tapped lightly its conductivity vanished and it became an insulator. In practice the tapping was done automatically by a tapper, similar to a small hammer, which acted each time the coherer became conductive. When connected in a low-voltage circuit, in its ordinary state a coherer had a resistance of millions of ohms, but this dropped dramatically to hundreds of ohms when electromagnetic waves were produced in the vicinity.

A Branly coherer consists of a glass tube filled with metal filings which acts as an insulator when placed in a circuit with a low-voltage battery. However, if an electric spark occurs anywhere in the vicinity, the coherer becomes a conductor and allows current to flow in the circuit. When the tube is tapped lightly, it becomes an insulator again and interrupts the current. This phenomenon was described by Branly in 1890. There has never been a satisfactory explanation of how a coherer works. Nevertheless, we can describe its behavior, even if we don't fully understand all the details of why it works.

The coherer was a very useful device in the early days of experimentation with electromagnetic waves. It was widely used from the early 1890s until about 1910, when what we now call vacuum tube rectifiers became available.
Edouard Branly by Wikipedia
Eugene Edouard Desire Branly by Russell Naughton
A Radio Receiver Using a Branly Coherer as a Detector
Electrical transport in granular media: the Branly Effect
The Branly Prize 2004


Fred Trouton suggests rotating alternator for wireless transmitter

In lecture delivered in 1891, Frederick T. Trouton noted that if an electrical alternator could somehow be run fast enough, it would generate electromagnetic radiation.  This approach was later explored by Fessenden and Alexanderson.
United States Early Radio History by Thomas H. White


Death of Heinrich Hertz

When Heinrich Hertz, who discovered wireless waves, died in 1894, Augustus Righi – professor of physics at Bologna University, a pioneer of work on wireless waves, and a friend of Marconi's family – wrote an obituary that fired Marconi with the idea of deploying these waves for telegraphy without wires between sender and receiver ('wire-less').
Augusto Righi by Russell Naughton

1895 May 7

Alexander Stepanovich Popov

Early radio receiver

In the early 1890s, Alexander Popov was working in Russia on a way to detect thunderstorms. Anyone who has listened to an AM radio receiver while a thunderstorm is active in the vicinity, can understand how a radio receiver works as a lightning detector. In the early 1890s, Popov was working on a way to predict thunderstorms, by using atmospheric radio waves to detect the occurrence of distant lightning strokes. Popov's work focused on lightning detection, but this can also be described as the ability to receive radio waves. In 1894 he built an apparatus that could register electrical disturbances due to lightning, and then suggested that it could be used for receiving man-made signals. It contained a coherer. Developed as a lightning detector, Popov presented it to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on 7 May 1895. Without question, this was a primitive radio receiver. In 1896, he demonstrated the transmission of radio wave signals between different parts of the University of St. Petersburg.
Alexander Stepanovich Popov by Wikipedia
Alexander Stepanovich Popov by Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University
Engineering Hall of Fame: Alexander Popov by IEEE, December 2005
Alexander Stepanovich Popov
Alexander Stepanovich Popov by Russell Naughton
Alexander Popov: Russia's Radio Pioneer by James P. Rybak
Russian Stamps Showing Alexander Popov


Marconi's Early Wireless Experiments in Switzerland

IEEE Historical Milestone

In February 2003, the History Committee of the IEEE acknowledged Marconi's early wireless experiments in Salvan, Switzerland, as a "Historical Milestone".  A commemorative plaque was dedicated on behalf of the IEEE by Raymond Findlay, IEEE Past President, on 26 September 2003, in the presence of both Princess Elettra Marconi-Giovanelli, youngest daughter of Guglielmo Marconi, and Pascal Couchepin, president of Switzerland.  The speakers recalled that Salvan had been the theatre of a major event in the history of electrical engineering and of mankind, as Marconi's discovery brought people closer together.  Through his intelligence and doggedness of purpose, Marconi, father of wireless communications, provided an example of creativity and inventiveness to younger generations.  President Couchepin concluded hoping that this ceremony would prompt us to meditate on the importance of science and technical progress in our civilization...
IEEE: Marconi Milestone in Salvan, 26 September 2003
      On this spot in 1895, with local assistance, Guglielmo Marconi carried out some of the first wireless experiments. This was the beginning of Marconi's critical involvement in wireless radio...
Photograph of the IEEE Marconi Milestone 1895 plaque
Salvan: Cradle of Wireless Microwave Journal, February 2006
      Historical overview of Gugliemo Marconi's early wireless experiments in Salvan, a resort town in the Swiss Alps... Overlooking the village of Salvan is a flat-topped erratic rock called the Shepherdess Stone, on which Marconi set up his transmitter...

1896 June 2

British Patent number 12039

Guglielmo Marconi is awarded British Patent number 12039, the world's first patent for a system of telegraphy using Hertzian waves (radio).

1897 January 29

Bose Lectures on Electromagnetic Radiation

At the Royal Institution in London, England, on Friday 29 January 1897, Jagdish Chandra Bose delivered his famous "Friday Evening Discourse" on "Electromagnetic Radiation and the Polarisation of Electric Rays".  The Friday Evening Discourse tradition had been started in 1826 by Michael Faraday, and in the late 1800s was one of the most prestigious platforms for announcing new scientific discoveries.  Some of the most prominent British scientists were members of the Royal Institution and participated in these discourses.  In this 1897 lecture, Bose demonstrated his devices for the generation and detection of radio waves.  More than five hundred people including Oliver Lodge, James John Thomson and Lord Kelvin had assembled to hear Bose.  The lecture was not only praised but it was considered valuable enough for publication in the Transactions of the Royal Society.  The University of London conferred on him the D.Sc. degree for his work on electric waves.

The date of Bose's "Friday Evening Discourse" has been reported in some sources as Friday 19th January 1897, or as Friday 19th July 1897.  The problem is, in the year 1897, January 19th was a Tuesday, and July 19th was a Monday.  However, the 1897 calendar shows January 29th as a Friday.

Jagadish Chandra Bose by Vigyan Prasar
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India

1897 July 20

The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company

In 1897, with the help of wealthy relatives, Marconi founded the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company, with Colonel Jameson Davis, a cousin of Marconi, as the first Managing Director.  The company was registered (incorporated) on 20 July 1897.  On 24 March 1900, the name was changed to Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company Limited.

1900 March 24

Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Ltd.

On this day, the name of the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company was changed to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited.  Samuel Flood Page became Managing Director on the same day.

1900 April 25

Marconi International Marine Company

The Marconi International Marine Company was incorporated on this day, to handle Marconi's marine (ship communications) business.

1901 July

Marconi demonstrates two-way radio for automobiles

"...communication can be maintained while the vehicle is traveling..."
Marconi has found that the equipment works "for the transmission of messages over short distances, up to about 30 miles [50km]"
Military Automobile for Wireless Telegraphy Western Electrician, 27 July 1901

1901 December 12

First Transatlantic Radio Signal

On this day, Marconi and his assistants were able to hear the three short bursts of the Morse code 'S' at the receiving station set up in a hospital in Signal Hill, St. John's Newfoundland. This first transatlantic telegraph transmission originated in Poldhu in Cornwall, England, 2100 miles [3400km] across the Atlantic Ocean.

1902 February

Wireless telegraph tests with steamship Philadelphia

In February 1902, a Marconi receiving station was installed on the steamship Philadelphia, proceeding from Southampton to New York.  The receiving aerial was rigged to the mainmast, the top of which was 197 feet above the level of the sea, and a syntonic receiver was employed, enabling the signals to be recorded on the tape of an ordinary telegraph recorder.  On this voyage readable messages were received from Poldhu (in Cornwall, England) up to a distance of 1550 miles, and test letters were received as far as 2100 miles.

1550 nautical miles = 2900km
2100 nautical miles = 3900km

It was on this voyage that Marconi made the interesting discovery of the effect of sunlight on the propagation of electric waves over great distances.  He found that the waves were absorbed during the daytime much more than at night and he eventually reached the conclusion that the ultraviolet light from the sun ionized the gaseous molecules of the air, and ionized air absorbs the energy of the electric waves, so that the fact was established that clear sunlight and blue skies, though transparent to light, serve as a fog to the powerful Hertzian waves of wireless telegraphy.  For that reason the transmission of messages works better between England and Newfoundland across the North Atlantic, than in the clearer atmosphere of lower latitudes.
— Excerpted from: The Story Of Electricity by John Munro, 1915

Marconi's 1902 experiments on the Philadelphia were performed at 366 metres wavelength (820 kilohertz).  These effects are very frequency dependent, as Marconi and others gradually appreciated in the following years.

1902 December 15

First transatlantic radio press report

1902 Dec 15, the first transatlantic radio press report
The first transatlantic radio press report, 15 December 1902

"On This Day" (in history), The National Post, 15 December 2006


First International Radio Telegraphic Conference, Berlin


New Zealand Wireless Telegraphy Act

1904 February

Wireless telegraph on ships at sea

• Messages are sent and received by ships at sea...
• The amount of electric power available aboard an ordinary passenger liner is sufficient to send wireless messages 150 miles [280km] under favorable circumstances.  Knowing the sailing-days and speeds of the ships that they are likely to meet or overtake, the navigating officers of a liner can calculate roughly when they are likely to come within the required radius of another floating telegraph office...
• Sometimes a vessel has been in almost daily communication with others all the way across the North Atlantic.  Such was a recent experience of the Ivernia...
• To borrow money while at sea, from a ship 100 miles [190km] away, would have been an impossible feat a year or so ago, but recently it was accomplished by telegraph...
• The Marconi service to and from the Nantucket South Shoals lightship is so reliable "that during a whole year there was but one interruption".
The Work of a Wireless Telegraph Man The World's Work, February 1904

1904 February 1

CQD Distress Call

Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Circular No. 57:

It has been brought to our notice that the call "C.Q." (All Stations), while being satisfactory for general purposes, does not sufficiently express the urgency required in a signal of distress.

Therefore, on and after the 1st February, 1904, the call to be given by ships in distress or in any way requiring assistance shall be "C.Q.D."

This signal must on no account be used except by order of the Captain of the ship in distress, or other vessels or stations retransmitting the signal on account of the ship in distress.

All stations must recognise the urgency of this call and make every effort to establish satisfactory communication with the least possible delay.

Any misuse of the call will result in the instant dismissal of the person improperly employing it.

(CQ still means, literally, "attention" but in amateur radio its meaning is perhaps more accurately described by Thomas Raddall who compared it to yelling "Hey, Mac!" down a drain pipe.)


Australia Wireless Telegraphy Act


First Alexanderson alternator

Alexanderson alternator by Wikipedia
Ernst Alexanderson by Wikipedia
Ernst Alexanderson, Pioneer Inventor by Barry Mishkind, 1998
Ernst Alexanderson by Mary Bellis
Transoceanic Radio Communication by Ernst F.W. Alexanderson, 1920
The Power that Made Radio Realistic by the Federal Communications Commission
Historical Review of Continuous Wave Radio Frequency Power Generators by Frank Lotito, 2002

1906 November 3

International Wireless Telegraph Convention, Berlin

An international radio agreement was signed at Berlin, Germany on 3 November 1906, by Germany, The United States of America, Argentina, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, The Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, and Uruguay.
Article 6: The High Contracting Parties shall notify one another of the names of coastal stations and stations on shipboard referred to in Article 1, and also of all data, necessary to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of wireless telegrams, as specified in the Regulations.
Article 9: Wireless telegraph stations are bound to give absolute priority to calls of distress from ships, to similarly answer such calls and to take such action with regard thereto as may be required.
This international agreement (treaty) went into effect on 1 July 1908.

1908 August

William Dubilier predicts wireless telephones for automobiles

"...every auto will be provided with a portable wireless telephone..."
In case of accident or breakdown, the phone can be used to call for help.
The Collins Wireless Telephone Modern Electrics, August 1908

(Brief) Reminiscences of Old-Timers: William Dubilier
Radio-Craft, March 1938
(Complete) Reminiscences of Old-Timers: William Dubilier (.pdf)
Gold Country Nuggets, Newsletter of the Nevada County Amateur Radio Club
Nov-Dec 2000

1909 February 11

Sinking of the Republic

The SS Republic, a Royal Mail Ship (RMS) authorized to carry both the British and U.S. mails, was flagship of the White Star Line steamship company's Boston-European Service, and one of the largest and most luxurious passenger liners in the world. On the morning of 23 January 1909, the Republic, outbound from New York, was rammed by the Florida, in heavy fog off the coast of Massachusetts. Republic immediately began sending distress signals by Marconi wireless. (This is reportedly the first practical application of the then recently invented wireless in an open sea rescue effort.) Although the Republic eventually sank, it stayed afloat long enough to transfer all of its surviving crew and passengers to safety, and also radioed for assistance from other ships, most importantly the Baltic. The Republic's initial "CQD" distress signal, sent by Marconi operator Jack Binns, was picked up by the Marconi land station "MSC" at Siasconsett, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. In this incident, probably 1,500 lives saved by means of radio.
Operator Binns' Wireless Log Modern Electrics, February 1909

Within minutes of the collision, the Republic's Marconiman sent the "CQD" ("CQ" meaning "[Attention] All Stations", and "D" meaning "Distress"), the predecessor to today's "SOS" distress signal, over the airwaves to the world at large. No less than seven ships, including several major liners, responded. This was the first practical demonstration of this "new" technology's ability to aid victims of disasters at sea, and this "miracle" captured the wide attention. It was one of the world's earliest "breaking-news" "live" mass-media event. The Republic's passengers were transferred twice, first to the less damaged Florida, then to the called-to-the-rescue White Star liner Baltic. This double-transfer open-sea rescue maneuver remains the largest on record.
RMS Republic

1909 December 10

Nobel Prize awarded to Marconi

The 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Guglielmo Marconi and Carl Ferdinand Braun, in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.
Presentation Speech, Nobel Prize in Physics, 10 December 1909
      Nobel Foundation Official Web Site
Guglielmo Marconi - Banquet Speech, 10 December 1909
      Nobel Foundation Official Web Site
Guglielmo Marconi - Biography
      Nobel Foundation Official Web Site
Swedish stamps 1969: the winners of the Nobel Prizes in 1909 including Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi: radio star by Physics World
There cannot be many people who screwed up at school, failed to get into university, and then went on to win a Nobel Prize for Physics.  But at least one did, and with good reason: he made radio happen.  In a few years of manic activity, Guglielmo Marconi managed to transform an obscure piece of maths into a social upheaval that makes the dot.com phenomenon look about as radical as a new bike for your postman... No intellectual, Marconi earned his Nobel prize the hard way by dragging a great chunk of physics out of the lab and holding it up for the world to see, approve and, more importantly, buy...


Valdemar Poulsen

The Federal Telegraph Company
Production of the Poulsen arc transmitter

In 1903, Valdemar Poulsen began development of an arc transmitter which increased the frequency range of Duddell's Singing Arc (1900) from 10 kHz to 100 kHz, enabling speech to be transmitted up to a radius of 150 miles.  By 1920 the Poulsen Arc transmitter was as powerful as 1000kW with ranges of up to 2500 miles.  The Poulsen Arc Transmitter was extensively used in radio before the advent of vacuum tube technology in the mid-1920s.

In 1909, the Poulsen Wireless Telephone & Telegraph Company was founded in San Franscisco. The associated Poulsen Wireless Corporation of Arizona was incorporated in 1910, and then the Federal Telegraph Company.  The Federal Telegraph Company, specializing in manufacturing arc transmitters, brought Poulsen's arc transmitter to the United States.  When NAA, the United States naval spark station at Arlington, Virginia, went into commission in 1912, an arc transmitter also was installed; thus two rivals, Fessenden with the spark, Poulsen with the arc met on a common proving ground.  Arc transmitters up to 500 kilowatts were tested by the U.S. Navy.  One main disadvantage was found in that the arc emitted harmonics and arc mush.  The arc produced so much heat that a water cooling system was required.

Nevertheless, during the First World War a number of United States Navy battleships carried arc transmitters.  The U.S.S. George Washington, which took President Wilson to the Peace Conference in France in 1919, was equipped with an arc transmitter in hopes that communication might be maintained all the way across the North Atlantic.  It was a triumph for radio when the Washington entering the harbor at Brest, France, sent radio signals from its arc transmitter which were picked up at Otter Cliffs, Bar Harbor, Maine, and a 600-word message (sent in Morse code) was received without the loss of a word.

First Complete Arc Transmitter and receiver built by Poulsen Wireless in 1910 in Palo Alto
The First Complete Arc Transmitter and receiver
built by Poulsen Wireless in 1910 in Palo Alto

L to R: Doug Perham, F. Albertus, and Peter V. Jensen.
Jensen left shortly after this photo was taken
to start the Magnavox [loudspeaker] Co.

Image source:

Valdemar Poulsen by Russell Naughton
Valdemar Poulsen by Wikipedia
Ocean Beach Wireless Transmitting Station by Virtual Museum of San Francisco
100 Years of Magnetic Recording 1898-1998: Poulsen's Patent

1910 July 31

Capture of Dr. Crippen

A dramatic demonstration of the value of wireless telegraphy in police work – the capture of Dr. Crippen and Miss Le Neve off Father Point, Quebec.


The wireless telegraph has revolutionized communication

The following was published in 1911:
Electric wave telegraphy (the wireless telegraph) has revolutionized our means of communication from place to place on the surface of the earth, making it possible to communicate instantly and certainly between places separated by several thousand miles, whilst at the same time it has taken a position of the greatest importance in connection with naval strategy and communication between ships and ships and the shore in time of peace.  It is now generally recognized that Hertzian wave telegraphy, or radio-telegraphy, as it is sometimes called, has a special field of operations of its own, and that the anticipations which were at one time excited by uninformed persons that it would speedily annihilate all telegraphy conducted with wires have been dispersed by experience.  Nevertheless, transoceanic wireless telegraphy over long distances, such as those across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is a matter to be reckoned with in the future...
Wireless Telegraphy by Encyclopedia Britannica 1911


International Radiotelegraph Convention, London

Article 11 requires some ships to have emergency radiotelegraph installations.
Article 21 dictates a distress signal for ships, and requires ships to suspend correspondence and reply when distress signals are heard.
Article 45, requires countries to supply their coast stations with meteorological telegrams, and requires them to facilitate the communication of the information regarding wrecks and casualties at sea.


Charles Herrold begins regular radio broadcasts

Beginning in 1912, ten years before officially-licensed radio broadcasting began in the United States, Charles David Herrold transmitted weekly entertainment radio programs from his Herrold College of Wireless and Engineering in San Jose, California, to a small but loyal audience fron San Jose to San Francisco.  This was before vacuum tubes, and his broadcasts were received by homemade crystal sets.  He continued his weekly broadcasts until 1917 – when the United States entered World War One, the government shut down all private radio stations.

Note, by Mike Adams: – In our research, my co-author Gordon Greb and I traveled to the Clark Papers Collection at the Smithsonian to determine if there were any other individuals in the world who had a radio station on the air as early as Charles Herrold did in 1909.  We found a few one-time experimenters, but none who, as Herrold did:
(1) were broadcasting entertainment programming,
(2) on a regular basis,
(3) pre-announced,
(4) to a known audience...

Charles "Doc" Herrold by Russell Naughton
Doc Herrold's San Jose Broadcasting Station by John Schneider
Charles Herrold by Wikipedia
Charles Herrold by Mike Adams and Gordon Greb
      Charles Herrold of San Jose California was on the air every day between 1909 and 1917 broadcasting music and information to an audience of experimenters who listened on home made crystal radios...
Official Proclamation, 12 September 1994 by the Mayor of Oakland, California


More than 1500 ships are equipped with Marconi wireless telegraph

A special section of Lloyd's Register is devoted to ships fitted with wireless apparatus, and rates of insurance on such ships are considerably lower than on vessels not so equipped... The advance of maritime wireless telegraphy to the indispensable part it now plays in the daily round of a ship at sea has been extraordinarily rapid.  At the beginning of 1909, after eight years of development work, there were 125 ships of the mercantile marine fitted with Marconi apparatus.  By the end of that year the number had risen to nearly 300; today the total is well over 1500.  On the North Atlantic route – where, owing largely to the establishment by the Marconi Companies of shore stations in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States, wireless telegraphy has seen its greatest development – 182 vessels, comprising the principal vessels on all the leading lines, are equipped, and many others are in course of being fitted.  On the South Atlantic route the figures are also remarkable, and the number of ships fitted during the past two years has increased almost threefold.  On South African routes similar rates of increase are to be noted...
Wireless Telegraphy and the Mercantile Marine
The Yearbook of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 1913

1917 August 28

Otter Cliffs Radio Station begins operation

The Otter Cliffs Naval Radio Station, located on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, was commissioned on 28 August 1917, under the command of then-Ensign Alessandro Fabbri.  Fabbri, in patriotic fervor after the declaration of war against Germany, cleared the land, and built and equipped the station.  He then offered it to the government as a Navy radio station to support the war effort, in exchange for a commission in the Naval Reserve and assignment as officer in charge.

Fabbri sought to make Otter Cliffs the best radio station on the east coast of the United States.  Eventually, his efforts were recognized in promotions to lieutenant junior grade in 1918, and lieutenant the following year.  Fabbri, who was released from active duty in 1919, was eventually awarded the Navy Cross for developing the "most important and most efficient station in the world," according to U.S. Navy documents that detailed Fabbri's contributions.

Otter Cliffs Radio Station continued to function long after Fabbri left.  Because of the lack of man-made electromagnetic interference within many miles, and the unobstructed span of ocean water between there and Europe, Otter Cliffs was among the best radio sites along the east coast of the United States, and could receive signals from Europe when no other station in the United States could.  It had been valuable in World War One, when radio receivers were rather primitive.

By 1930, the station was handling weather reports from Iceland and Newfoundland, and emergency traffic from Europe, when atmospheric conditions were so bad that Portsmouth, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; and Washington D.C., could not copy the overseas transmissions.

On 28 February 1935, the U.S. Navy Radio and Direction Finding Station Winter Harbor was officially commissioned, as a replacement for Otter Cliffs.  The new radio receiving station was located on Big Moose Island, Maine, at the tip of Schoodic Peninsula about five miles across the mouth of Frenchman Bay from Otter Cliffs.  This station continued to operate until June 2002.
End of an Era: NSGA Winter Harbor to Close Its Doors
      NSGA: Naval Security Group Activity
Chapter XXV: Operation of the World's Largest Radio System
History of Communications-Electronics in the United States Navy
Captain Linwood S. Howeth, USN (Retired), 1963


Radio Corporation of America

Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was incorporated to control US communications patents of General Electric, AT&T, Westinghouse, and United Fruit Companies.
RCA acquires the assets of wireless radio company American Marconi from British Marconi.
David Sarnoff becomes General Manager of RCA.

1920 June 5   7:10pm

Dame Nellie Melba broadcasts live from Marconi's London studio

This was the first ever advertised public broadcast program.  A song recital by famous soprano Dame Nellie Melba was broadcast live, using a Marconi 15 kW telephone transmitter, from the Marconi works in Chelmsford, England.


Formation of the BBC

The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) is formed by Marconi and five other companies.

1922 May 11

First radio broadcast from Marconi station 2LO London

1922 November 14

The BBC opens its first broadcasting station

The BBC officially began daily domestic radio service broadcasting with the 6:00pm news read by Arthur Burrows from 2LO, Marconi House, London.  Manchester and Birmingham stations began operation the next day.

1926 December 31

British Broadcasting Corporation is incorporated

The British Government decides to control all broadcasting.


Amalgamation of Marconi Wireless with Cable Companies

1937 July 20

Death of Guglielmo Marconi


Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company taken over by English Electric Company

Wireless — Yesterday and Today

Wireless communication, as the term implies, enables information
to be exchanged between two devices without the use of wire or cable.
In all such cases, information is being transmitted and received using
electromagnetic energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation.

In this timeline (above), the words "wireless" and "radio" are used
interchangeably, to mean communication without wires by means of
radio waves.  This was the common usage before the 1990s, when
infrared began to appear in mass-market wireless devices.

Infrared waves and radio waves both are electromagnetic radiation, but
infrared's frequency range is far higher than that at which radio operates.
Beginning in the 1990s, the term "wireless" has expanded to include both
infrared and radio (because both operate without a connection by wire).
Some monitoring devices, such as intrusion alarms, employ acoustic waves
at frequencies above the range of human hearing; these sometimes are
also classified as wireless, although acoustic waves are not electromagnetic.

Through most of the twentieth century, "wireless" meant "radio"
– electromagnetic radiation generally in the frequency range then
produced by radio transmitters or detected by radio receivers,
roughly between 100kHz and 50-500MHz, more or less.

The upper frequency limit has always been uncertain to some degree
– and has always been fluid, continually being pushed as technology

Today, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the frequency
range included in the term "wireless" has extended upward to
perhaps 50-100GHz for radio.  Also, wireless devices using infrared
radiation have become common in remote-control units for television
sets, garage doors, etc.  There are wireless keyboards and wireless
mouses (mice?) for computers that use infrared.

The basic measure of bandwidth is hertz, or wave cycles per second.
The bandwidth of currently used wireless spectrum, running from
AM radio to direct broadcast satellite, comes to a total of
some 25 billion hertz (25 gigahertz), in scientific notation 25×109.
Source: The New Era by George Gilder, Forbes, 3 April 2000

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