Welcome to The Unique Folklore Collection of the
Baccalieu Trail. Throughout this website we hope to take you away
to a magical world where stories, songs, dances and art are prevalent. You
may feel the brush of a mischievous fairy at your feet or even see the
silhouette of a pirate ship on the vast horizon. You will be taken away to
social gatherings
such as kitchen parties and campfires where tall tales, jokes and
recitations provide exceptional entertainment. The accomplished
storytellers and talented musicians of the Baccalieu Trail will take you
there…to a place where life becomes legend…and legend becomes our unique
folklore. Within this site you will find stories, poems, songs, dances,
recitations, pictures, artwork and beliefs that all contribute to the
sustainability of the folklore and heritage of the Baccalieu Trail. Please
take a look and enjoy but remember…. if you turn your hat inside out…the
fairies will stay away!!! |