Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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insect database

Adults: terrestrial
Immatures: terrestrial

Feeding Habits
Adults: predaceous
Immatures: predaceous

Size: 3 to 6 mm
Flight : unknown

North American
4 in Canada

Hemiptera Cimicidae
Bed bugs

Front Wings: absent
Hind Wings: absent
Mouthparts: sucking
Antenna Length: shorter than body
Antenna Shape: straight
Front Legs: unmodified
Hind Legs: unmodified

Special Characteristics: Bed bugs are flat, broadly oval, wingless bugs. They are pale yellowish or reddish-brown in colour.

Comments: Bed bugs are predaceous and feed by sucking blood from birds and mammals. Most species are active only at night.

Cimex lectularius Linnaeus

Common Name:
Common bedbug

Feeding Habits: The common bedbug feeds on the blood of humans and domestic animals.

Widespread in Canada

This species is a pest in houses, hotels, barracks and other living quarters. It is nocturnal and hides during the day in cracks in walls, under baseboards, in the springs of mattresses and under wallpaper. With modern sanitation it is much less common in North America but it can still be abundant in some areas. They do not transmit diseases and most people react to their bites the same way as a mosquito bite.