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Edward Barron Chandler

born: Amherst, Nova Scotia, 22 August 1800
died: Fredricton, New Brunswick, 1880
representing: New Brunswick
position: Pro-Confederation

Edward Barron Chandler was born into a Loyalist family and studied locally in Amherst. After moving to New Brunswick to study law, Chandler was called to the province's bar in 1823. Early in his career he was given the position of judge of probate and clerk of the peace in Westmoreland County.

In 1827 Chandler was elected into the New Brunswick Assembly and was known as a cautious reformer who was against the implementation of responsible government in the province. In 1836 he was appointed to the Legislative Council and in 1843 was appointed to the Executive Council.

Chandler was also interested in railway development and encouraged the creation of a railroad linking the British North American colonies. He was also in favour of ties with the United States and a supporter of Confederation.

Although he backed Confederation, Chandler was against the formation of a centralized government within the new country as he felt it prompted a loss of provincial rights. After Confederation was achieved, Chandler went on to become commissioner of railways in the Dominion.

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