Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections
Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections

Image Archives
Site Restoration
Visitor Activities
Educational Interests
Team Hermosa
Welcome to the Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections
The Fortress of Louisbourg's digital collection website includes several sections, each containing its own branch of material and information. If you are looking for a text from 200 years ago, visit the library section where you will find many rare books and ancient parchments. The curatorial section presents pictures and descriptions of artifacts and furnishings in the historical Louisbourg collection. Louisbourg's rare archaeological archival materials are not entirely displayed at the fortress, making this online gallery a unique opportunity to explore and learn about parts of the collections at any time.

The extensive photo archives offers a cross-section of Louisbourg's materials; its photos, slides and microform document the fortress' long history. You are invited to research a brief history of the fortress yourself, from exciting times of war and settlement through to modern day. You may also discover how dedicated archaeologists still work as part of the fortress team in search of the best understanding of the past. Site animators entertain and educate visitors by enacting these interpretations.

All this activity happens amidst the reconstruction of the fortress. Its rich history of trade and warfare having left a grand legacy of material that continues to be carefully reconstructed.

We hope you enjoy yourself on this virtual visit to the fortress. Be sure to browse the Visitor Activities section to see what adventures await you in-person at the fortress. The fortress staff would be thrilled to welcome you, always hopeful that you have as much fun learning about Louisbourg's history as they do recreating it for you.

  Photo of a  door in the King's Bastion.
Photo taken by Ed MacKenzie
October 2001
Photo of a door in the King's Bastion.
Library | Curatorial | Archaeological | Image Archives | Site Restoration
Visitor Activities | Educational Interests | Team Hermosa | Feedback

          This digital collection was produced by Hermosa Enterprises Ltd. in collaboration with the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site under contract to the the Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

Digital Collections  Hermosa

          COPYRIGHT© The commercial use of all copyrighted material is strictly forbidden
without the permission of the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. In all cases, please
credit the author, Parks Canada, and the organization.