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A Voyage of (Re) Discovery
The P.S. Lady Sherbrooke is an essential element in Canadian history. Just as you are navigating the sometimes murky waters of the information highway the Lady Sherbrooke was a vessel used to navigate the waters of a newly discovered land. It only requires a little imagination to see the similarities between the explorers of Canada in the nineteenth century and you, the explorers of the late twentieth century.
The two basic purposes to this website are to describe the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke and then to outline the complexities involved in what was the largest, privately supported, underwater archeological dive in Canadian history. The arrangement of this website (see below) reflects these two objectives and is intended as a voyage of discovery in better appreciating the story of this essential part of Canadian history.
Bon voyage!!!
- The P.S. Lady Sherbrooke: a description of the ship and the people involved in its design.
- Time and Place: a description of the era in which the ship was built and sailed the waters of the Saint Lawrence River.
- The Dive: an examination of the dive and research to rediscover the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke that has produced a wealth of visual information.
- Artefacts: a sampling of the over 5000 artefacts found from the wreck of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke.
- Glossary: a reference source for navigational terms with suggestions for further readings.
- Ship-O-Ardy: test your knowledge... and remember your response must be in the form of a question.
- Credits: a listing of those involved with the development of this site and the people associated to the rediscover of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke.