Yves Thériault

Abstract of Selected Articles

This project is one of several SchoolNet Digital Collections projects sponsored by Industry Canada. It is about Canadian author Yves Thériault whom readers will be able to discover through review articles from the newspapers Le Devoir, La Presse and Le Soleil. The articles were selected from files held at the National Library of Canada.

Born in Quebec City in 1915, Yves Thériault seemed destined for a career as a professional athlete. After having tried his hand at several different trades, he published his first novel in 1944. The settings for his novels are frequently in different parts of Canada and often feature characters of ethnic origin. His novel Aaron (1954) deals with religious traditionalism in Jewish society. His novels Agaguk (1958) and later on Agoak (1975) examine Inuit attitudes. Ashini (1960), winner of the Governor General's Literary Award, focuses on Indian problems. Thériault's novels are an indictment of all forms of alienation, a passionate defence of a pagan joy of life and of powerful instincts including violence. The author's works are multifaceted, violent yet gentle, based on an understanding of life and the fate of mankind. Yves Thériault died in Rawdon, Quebec in 1983. (Sources : Petit Robert 2, Le Petit Jean and l'Encyclopedie Hachette)

Created by Luc Taillon,
in collaboration with Johanne Houde and Caroline Beaudoin.

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Modified: June 6, 1996