A native of
Ottawa, Alan Beddoe studied in that city at the Model School and Ashbury
College. During the First World War, he enrolled in the Second Battalion
of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. He was taken prisoner at the battle
of Ypres in 1915 and spent 2-1/2 years in the camps at Giessen and
Zerbst. For medical reasons, he was transferred to Geneva, Switzerland,
where he met the English painter Horace Taylor, a prisoner like himself.
Liberated and then demobilized, Beddoe went to study at the Art Students
League in New York. In 1925, he opened the first commercial art studio
in Ottawa and specialized in display and exhibition art. He obtained
many government contracts and supervised the illumination of the
Canadian Books of Remembrance for both world wars. He contributed to the
preliminary studies for the new Canadian flag. Beddoe was also an expert
in heraldry. In 1957, the Royal Canadian Navy appointed him its heraldic
advisor and he was the first president of the Heraldry Society of

Brookman Beddoe.