
CM Archive
CM Archive Video Review line

Produced by Mike Nickerson with George Mully
VHS cassette, 23 min., colour
ISBN 0-9694228-1-4 (kit). Includes book Planning for Seven Generations by Mike Nickerson,
ISBN 0-9694228-0-6. $50 for individuals, $100 for institutions. Additional copies of book $12.95. Distributed by Guideposts for a Sustainable Future, P.O. Box 374, Merrickville, Ont. KOG GNU.

Reviewed by Ed Somerville

Volume 18 Number 5
1990 September

The producers of this videotape have created a program that is timely and appropriately reflects the public's concern about environmental matters. The subject of human ecology is dealt with in general terms with the stated purpose of the videotape being the acknowledgement by our society of the challenge it faces to sustain itself. The program does a particularly good job of placing the current environmental crisis in the historical context of generations of ecological abuse. Beyond the factually accurate information presented, the program suggests ideas and actions that society or individuals can take and provides motivation for addressing the problems of sustainability as a social priority.

The quality of visuals is good; the videotape has been made from slide originals or still photographs. The sound quality is good, but the audio track consists of voice narrative that tends to be delivered in a flat monotone. This, coupled with the pacing of the program, would tend to limit the effectiveness of the message among general adult audiences or senior students. The content, although nontechnical in nature, would be most appropriate for senior grades. Vocabulary like "accumulating degrading effect" would need explanation for younger audiences.

Accompanying the videotape is a book entitled Planning for Seven Generations, which provides a very useful expansion of the concepts presented in the videotape program. It contains the script of the videotape with considerably more detail included. A separate section of the book is called "More Ideas and Information," the title being self-explanatory. One of the appendices provides an extensive list of names and addresses of organizations that can be contacted regarding a variety of topics related to human ecology.

Grades 11 and up/Ages 16 and up

Ed Sommerville, Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School, Red Deer, Alta.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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