
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Wallace, Mary
Toronto, Greey de Pender, 1991. 88pp, paper, $9.95
ISBN 0-92077568-3. CIP

Reviewed by Joan Payzant

Volume 20 Number 3
May 1992

This is a beautifully produced book, which includes eye-catching covers, eight pages of colour illustrations, a table of contents, and a detailed index. Written and illustrated by craft teacher Mary Wallace, it will have instantaneous appeal for children, parents and teachers.

Since this reviewer began writing for CM (circa 1976), the quality of Canadian books for children has dramatically improved, with this book being a perfect example of the heights to which a craft book can rise.

Wallace has combined her skills as writer/illustrator with fascinating new ideas for using easily available materials and converting them into jewellery, shoulder bags, hats and sandals. She produces ideas to perk up drab items of clothing with spatter paint or embroidery and also shows how to convert them into entirely new forms--for instance, an old sweatshirt is transformed into a vest and leg warmers.

I was intrigued with the use of the clear heavy plastic of a 2 litre pop bottle to make a snappy-looking sun visor. An ingenious sun hat was made from layers of newspaper and white glu--not just the usual origami hat, but a real hat complete with crown and brim.

How to Make Great Stuff to Wear is an absolute must for school libraries, and would be a wonderful gift to initiate children into the satisfaction that comes from creativity.

Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up

Joan Payzant, Dartmouth, N.S.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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