Foreplay: An Anthology of Word Sonnets

Edited by Seymour Mayne and Christal Steck

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Ottawa writer and editor Sylvia Adams is the author of the novel, This Weather of Hangmen (GSPH, 1996), and the chapbook, Mondrian's Elephant (Cranberry Tree Press, 1999).

Damien Bailey lives in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. His writings often draw on elegiac motifs.

J. S. Batts taught for many years in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa. Currently living in Sydney, he serves as a member of the Board of the Poets' Union of Australia.

Frank J. Cormier has been experimenting with various versions of the word sonnet over the past few years. A teacher by training, he has moved from the Maritimes to Ottawa where he now works.

Brock Currie is a member of Ottawa's Field Stone Poets who have co-authored the collection, what makes the earth sing (Adar Press, 2002).

Ottawa poet and fiction writer Cyril Dabydeen has published many books. His most recent works include the poetry collection, Hemisphere of Love (TSAR, 2003), and a volume of stories, Play a Song Somebody (Mosaic, 2004).

Dan Doyle has published stories, poems, and photography in ALPHA, Matrix, Scrivener, and The Antigonish Review. He is the co-founder and editor of the Algonquin Roundtable Review.

Amanda Charlotte Earl is the managing editor of the monthly e-zine and of Bywords Quarterly Journal. Her first chapbook, Blood Orange (2003), was published by Friday Circle.

Barbara Greenberg is currently enrolled at the University of Ottawa in a Collaborative MA program. Her poems have appeared in A University of Ottawa Anthology (Friday Circle, 2002).

Bing He's work is published in English and Chinese in North America and China. Her poems appear in Just So's You Know: A University of Ottawa Anthology (Friday Circle, 2003.)

Author and poet Gary Howard writes a bi-monthly column for the Pembroke Daily Observer.

John Kehoe lives, writes, and studies in Ottawa.

Kanata resident Glenn Kletke is the author of the poetry collection, House on the Edge of Ice (Atyning, 2004). He was awarded third prize in Lichen's Serial Poet Contest.

Tanya Adèle Koehnke is an English teacher at the Ontario College of Art & Design. Her writings first appeared in Canadian Woman Studies and Poetry for Painters.

Stéphanie Lafleur grew up in Northeastern Ontario and has been living in Ottawa for the past six years. She has a passion for playing the fiddle.

Rebecca Leaver works as a psychologist in Ottawa. Her poetry is represented in the co-authored collection, Cinquefoil (Mosaic, 2003).

Seymour Mayne is the author, editor or translator of more than forty books and monographs. His recent collections include Light Industry (Mosaic, 2000), the co-authored Cinquefoil (Mosaic, 2003), and a volume of selected word sonnets, Ricochet (Mosaic, 2004).

Peter Norman's work has appeared in various magazines, including Bywords, The Fiddlehead, and The Malahat Review. He lives in Ottawa.

Susan Robertson's work has appeared in Vallum, Descant, and Natural Bridge. She is one of five co-authors of Cinquefoil (2003), a collection of Ottawa poetry published by Mosaic Press.

Sarah Ruffolo is an English student at the University of Ottawa and serves as an editor of and Bywords Quarterly Journal.

Maria Scala's work has appeared in various Friday Circle publications, including her chapbook, Between O and V, and in Página/12, Magizone, and Descant.

Christal Steck's chapbook, Fluting Through Bamboo (Friday Circle), was published in 1996. She currently serves as managing editor of Friday Circle.

Cactus Cook Sunday recently graduated from the University of Ottawa. Her work has been published in Just So's You Know: A University of Ottawa Anthology (Friday Circle, 2003).

Nicola Vulpe's poetry collections include When the Mongols Return (Mosaic,1994), Epitaph for a Good Canadian (Friday Circle, 1998), Cinquefoil, co-author (Mosaic, 2003), and Blue Tile (BuschekBooks, 2004).

Ramesh Waghmare is a consulting economist and a free-lance writer. He is currently completing a Bachelor's degree in English literature, with courses in creative writing.

A resident of the Outaouais region for many years, Christine Zadorozny is currently studying English Literature at the University of Ottawa. Her poetry has appeared in the University of Ottawa anthology, Just So's You Know (Friday Circle, 2003).

Born in Scotland, Margaret Malloch Zielinski lives now in Ottawa. Her work has been published in a variety of literary journals.

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