
Organizing Our Marvellous Neighbours: How to Feel Good About Canadian English was written in BBEdit, the Macintosh text editor, in HTML 4.01 Strict. The HTML files were opened in Microsoft Word for Macintosh, and then placed and laid out in InDesign CS2 for graphic design. Tagged PDFs were produced in InDesign, then edited and improved in Acrobat 8.1 Professional.

The typeface used in the PDF version is Freight Micro by Joshua Darden, designed for low-resolution printing and other applications that require, as Darden puts it, “heavy lifting.” The typeface was a gift of the designer.

This book took over two years to write, if we include time spent procrastinating and gestating the idea. It took that long to write a book this short.

Raw data

I published all the electronically-available raw data I used to complete this book. You may download my research and verify my work, do your own work, or do something else with it, within reason. Data are online at