
Organizing Our Marvellous Neighbours: How to Feel Good About Canadian English (ISBN 978-0-9809525-0-6, Version 1.1 of 2009.03.23) is copyright © 2009 Joe Clark. All rights reserved.

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In accordance with §32(1) of the Copyright Act, I reserve the right to issue a large-print version of this book (and have already done so). Also in accordance with that section, other alternate-format versions may be produced by authorized parties, but must be submitted to me beforehand strictly for error-checking. (Producers of alternate formats are not permitted to create derivative works, e.g., incorrect transcriptions of existing works. The copyright holder can insist on advance verification of the accuracy of alternate formats.)


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Library and Archives Canada cataloguing-in-publication data

Clark, Joe, 1965–

Organizing our marvellous neighbours [electronic resource] : how to feel good about Canadian English / Joe Clark.

Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-9809525-0-6

  1. English language—Canada.
  2. Canadianisms (English).
  3. English language—Canada—Orthography and spelling.
  1. Title.