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G words...

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GAA [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #4, 1994] A cry of pain

GAAAH [Mantra vol.1 #2, 1993] A cry of pain: [Archie #407, 1993] A cry of fear

GAKKK [Thunderstrike vol.1 #4, 1994] A cry of pain

GARR [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #5, 1994] A cry of pain

GDONG [The Ren and Stimpy Show vol.1 #6, 1993] The sound that a pipe makes when struck against another object

GEEEEEZ [Darkhold: Pages From the Book of Sins vol.1 #7, 1993] Signifies G-Forces

GEEP [New Kids On The Block:Step By Step, 1990] A sound made by a telephone

GEHHHH [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #4, 1994] A groaning sound

GGGRRR also GGGRRRAAA [The Ren and Stimpy Show vol.1 #6, 1993] A sound made by a person straining physically


GGGRRRR [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #3, 1990] A growling sound

GLAGGG [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #2, 1993] A gurgling sound

GLAKK [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #4, 1994] A strangling sound

GLARRR [Clint #1, 1986] An alien word meaning "OK, now I'm ticked"

GLEEP [New Kids On The Block:Step By Step, 1990] A sound made by a telephone

GLORP [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #4, 1990] Bubble sounds as made when a head is held under water involuntarily

GLUB [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #2, 1989] The sound made by a person blowing a bubble under water: [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #4, 1990] Bubble sounds as made when a head is held under water involuntarily

GLUP [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #4, 1990] Bubble sounds as made when a head is held under water involuntarily

GLUG [Darkhold: Pages From the Book of Sins vol.1 #7, 1993] A gurgling sound

GLUG-GLUG [Madballs vol.1 #7, 1987] A drinking sound

GLUMP [ROM #34, 1982] A swallowing sound

GNAA [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #5, 1994] The sound made by a car ignition turning over without firing

GNAAAAAR [Hawkeye vol.2 #2, 1994] A snarling,roaring cry

GOBBLE GOBBLE [Archie #407, 1993] The sound a turkey makes

GOTCHA [Mantra vol.1 #5, 1993] Means "(I) Got you"

GRAAHH [The Solution vol.1 #2, 1993] A cry of rage

GROARR [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #3, 1990] A roaring sound, as made by an animal

GROWL... [The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man #6, 1989] A growling sound

GRR... see GRRR

GRRARR [The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #226, 1978] A growling sound

GRRR [G.I.Joe vol.1 #60, 1987] also GRR... [The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man #6, 1989] also GRRRRRR [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #3, 1990] also GRRRRRRRR [The Adventures of Bayou Billy #3, 1989] A growling sound: also GRRR... also GRRRR also GR-R-R-R [Superboy #154, 1969] also GRRRRR [G.I.Joe vol.1 #60, 1987] The growling of a dog






GUK [Catwoman #6, 1994] A sound made by a blade slicing through flesh


GURGLE [Madballs vol.1 #7, 1987] A gurgling sound, as heard near a toxic waste chemical pond: GURGG [Captain Atom #7] A gurgling sound

GWARRR [X-Factor vol.1 #84, 1992] A roar

GYAAAARHHH [Wonderman #12, 1992] A cry of pain or anguish

GZZZT [Star Hunters vol.2 #4, 1978] The sound of electronic weaponfire hitting metal
