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Z see ZZZZ...

ZAPT [Avengers West Coast Annual vol.2 #8, 1993] The sound made by an electrically charged arrow hitting armor

ZEEZEE [The Ren and Stimpy Show #6, 1993] A tuning sound, as of a radio transmitter

ZERK [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #2, 1993] A snoring sound

ZARCH [Pitt #1, 1993] The sound of gunfire 

ZING [Attack #41, 1983] The sound of a bullet passing close by

ZRAKT [Pitt #1, 1993] The sound of gunfire

ZLIKT [Cable #5, 1993] The sound of a parabolic slicing blade cutting through flesh

ZOAM [Captain Marvel vol.1 #42, 1976] The sound of an energy bolt

ZOOM [Betty #40, 1996] The sound of an object travelling very quickly

ZOOOSHHH [Captain Atom #7] The sound of an object moving or expanding at great speed

ZOWIE [Betty #40, 1996] An energetic exclamation of pleasure etc

ZPFT also ZVIPT [Venom: The Enemy Within vol.1 #1, 1994] The sound accompanying a sudden disappearance in a blast of pure cosmic energy

ZRAAK [Darkhold #10, 1993] The sound of an interruption in a lazer beam

ZRAK [Avengers West Coast Annual vol.2 #8, 1993] The sound of an energy bolt

ZRASH [Star Hunters vol.2 #5, 1978] The sound of electronic weaponfire hitting the floor

ZURK [Dare Devil: The Man Without Fear vol.1 #3, 1993] A snoring sound


ZVVPPTTTT [Venom: The Enemy Within vol.1 #1, 1994] A sound accompanying a sudden reappearance in a blast of pure cosmic energy

ZWAZASH [Star Hunters vol.2 #4, 1978] The sound of gunfire

ZWIP [The Solution vol.1 #2, 1993] The sound of a bazooka or rocket launcher

ZWOOSH [The Ren and Stimpy Show #6, 1993] The zooming, rushing sound of someone moving very quickly

ZZAM [Man of War #8] The sound of an energy bolt

ZZAT [The Solution vol.1 #2, 1993] The sound of gunfire

ZZCHATHZZ [Cable #5, 1993] The sound of an energy discharge

ZZHIP [FREEX #7, 1994] The zipping sound of bullets passing close by

ZZRAAK [Darkhold #10, 1993] The electrical sound accompanying an electrocution

ZZRAK also ZZRAKK also ZZRARKT also ZZRRAKKK also ZZWAKKT also ZZWAKK [Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt #1] The sound of an electric bolt


ZZRAKSH [Star Hunters vol.2 #4, 1978] the sound of electronic weaponfire

ZZRARKT [Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt #1, 1987] The sound of a bolt of energy

ZZRASH [Star Hunters vol.2 #5, 1978] A sound of weaponfire hitting its target

ZZRRAKKK [Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt #1, 1987] The sound of a bolt of energy

ZZT also ZZTZZT [Dead Pool: The Circle Chase #4, 1993] A mechanical sound, as of parts coming undone


ZZVT [Cable #5, 1993] The sound of a parabolic slicing blade in flight

ZZWAKKT [Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt #1, 1987] The sound of a bolt of energy

ZZZCHATHZZZ [Cable #5, 1993] The sound of an energy discharge

ZZZINK [Detective Comics vol.47 #529, 1983] A sound made by an arrow hitting a wall

ZZZOTZH [Star Hunters vol.2 #5, 1978] The sound of electronic weaponfire

ZZZRAKK [Avengers West Coast Annual vol.2 #8, 1993] The sound of an electrical discharge

ZZZRATCH [Star Hunters vol.2 #5, 1978] The sound of electronic weaponfire hitting its target

ZZZT [Star Hunters vol.2 #5, 1978] The sound of electronic weaponfire: [Dead Pool: The Circle Chase #4, 1993] A mechanical sound, as of parts coming undone

ZZZWAKK [Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt #1] The sound of an electric bolt

ZZZZ... [The Adventures of Tintin: Explorers on the Moon, 1954] also ZZZZZZ [Lucky Luke: Canyon Apache , 1971] also Z [Ralph Snart Adventures #5, 1993] A sound made by a sleeping person

ZZZINK [Detective Comics vol.47 #529, 1983] The sound made by an arrow hitting a wall

ZZZZTHSHYEEK [Dead Pool: The Circle Chase #4, 1993] The sound of the nullification of a weapon of war by use of a nullification field; see SHYEK

ZZZZZT [Avengers West Coast Annual vol.2 #8, 1993] The sound of an energy beam


ZZZZZZZTZZZTZZZ [Dead Pool: The Circle Chase #4, 1993] A mechanical sound, as of parts coming undone
