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C o n t e m p o r a r y   N a t i v e   A r t i s t s   i n    C a n a d a


A l l e n   (A h m o o)  A n g e c o n e b

b. 1955, Sioux Lookout, Ontario (Lac Seul Reserve)
First Nations Affiliation: Ojibwa

Trained in visual arts at Toronto's York University, Thunder Bay's Lakehead University, and both a graduate and teacher of Dalhousie University in Halifax from 1985 to 1989, Ahmoo Angeconeb has gradually turned from the visual aesthetic and symbolic codes of the Woodland school artists while retaining their philosophical regard for tradition. As an international Ojibwa ambassador and representative, the artist's travels have also enriched his study and incorporation into his work of the shared visual elements of global Indigenous vocabularies. Also of note is the importance of Angeconeb's role as both producer and disseminator of touring exhibitions of work of the New Woodland school artists.


R E C E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S

1997 Small Sculptures by Great Artists.
Fehely Fine Arts, Toronto, Ontario (travelling)
Inuit Gallery, London, Ontario

Geronimo's Studio, Munich, Germany

Art of the Anishnabek: Three Perspectives.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario

1995 Art of the Matawa Nishnawbek.
Thunder Bay, Ontario
1994 Feheley Fine Arts, Toronto, Ontario

Three Generations of the Anishnabe Art Creating.
Mari-1, Thunder Bay, Ontario

1993 Native Canadian Art.
Galerie Im Alter Kloster, Cologne, Germany
1992 Atelier Sommering, Cologne, Germany

Sandia Arts, Basel, Switzerland

Galerie St. Marri, Paris, France

1991 Feheley Fine Art, Toronto, Ontario

First Nations Art.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

1990 Northern Images.
Winnipeg, Manitoba


S E L E C T E D   C O L L E C T I O N S

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Arts Centre Group, London, England
Canadian Guild of Crafts Québec, Montréal, Québec
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec
Confederation College, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario
Museum Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
National Health and Welfare, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Ontario
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario
Sioux Lookout Public Library, Ontario
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Ontario


S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y

Brunner, Astrid. "Resistance or seduction: The art of Allen Angeconeb." ARTSatlantic 8, no. 2 (Winter 1988): 41-43.

Hill, Tom and Elizabeth McLuhan. Norval Morisseau and the Emergence of the Image Makers. Toronto: Methuen, 1984. [Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, 17 February - 15 April 1984 and travelling to other galleries]

Jordan, Betty Ann. "Fast Forward." Canadian Art 13. no. 1 (1996): 21.

Menitove, Marcy, ed. Arthur Shilling. Thunder Bay, Ontario : Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1986. [Catalogue of an exhibition 5-30 September 1986]

"New directions. Houston North Gallery." Halifax Chronicle Herald, 5 October 1985, p. 42.

"Ojibway artist draws on tradition." Halifax Chronicle Herald, 13 November 1987, p. 3-E.

Paul-Dene, Simon. "Thunderspirits move Ahmoo." Aboriginal Voices 3, no. 3 (July-September 1996): 26-27.

Review: Dresden Galleries. Halifax Chronicle Herald, 28 November 1985, p. 4-E.

Scholfield-Sweet, Kristen L. "Angeconeb, Ahmoo (Allen). Recent prints and drawings." ARTSatlantic 7, no. 4 (Spring 1987): 10-11. [Review: Studio 21, Halifax.]

Southcott, Mary E. The Sound of the Drum: The Sacred Art of the Anishnabec. Erin, Ontario: Boston Mills Press, 1984.

Vernon, Terri. "Four directions." ARTSatlantic 8, no. 3 (Spring/Summer 1988): 22. [Review: Studio 27, Halifax, Nova Scotia]


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