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A n   I n t r o d u c t i o n   t o   C o n t e m p o r a r y   N a t i v e   A r t i s t s   i n    C a n a d a

T E A M   A N D   C R E D I T S


Dr. Joan Acland
Department of Art History, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec
Karen De Lutis
MA (Art History) Programme
B.Comp.Sc. Programme
-Team Leader-
V. C.  David
BA (Creative Writing) Programme
-HTML, Web publishing-
Karen Huska
BFA (Studio Arts) Programme
-Research, Data entry-
Nadia Myre
MFA (Studio, Sculpture) Programme
-Graphic Design, Scanning-
-Artist Contact-
Katherine Gofton
BA (Sociology) Programme
-Research, Data entry-
Rhonda Meier
MA(Art History) Programme
-Biographical writing-
Lara Evoy
MA (Art History) Programme
-Research, Data Entry-
Catherine Mattes
MA (Art History) 1998
-Artist Contact-
Thanks as well to the following who helped us with the research:
Elaine Cheasley, Martin Kapustianyk, Grazyna Szawlowski, and Joe Wise
MA (Art History) Programme


Particular thanks to:

smallLeaf.gif (1197 bytes) Industry Canada's SchoolNet Digital Collections

Dr. Loren Lerner, Concordia University; and Neil Schwartzman, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec

Gail Fikis (Registrar), Sharon Godwin (Executive Director) and Janet Clark (Curator), Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Doreen Vaillancourt and Viviane Gray, Indian Art Centre, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

Margery Toner, Brigitte Lafond, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec

Gary Farmer and Judy Chartrand

and to all the artists who participated by sending us information and images


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