DEA Logo The Arviat Iglu Web Site 
Research & Design Team
x3Fxi w[l8axi WoEMs6g5 
Digital Collections Logo
Elders mfy vlx6, bk5 slx9lx6, Bwko wLx3i6, lw xzo4, j}Ey xod5
mfy vlx6 WoEMs6g6 wk4tg6 scsy3u4 cspmbs2li. WoEcbsMs6g6 wkgci n5et5t2lt4 ttci4 x5paxi[l. WJu/c6g6 scsyoEi3u4 W6fyoEi3u[l. WoEMs6g6 o?w x1m2 wo8ix3FxMzi scsyoEi3j5 W6fyoEi3j9l W?9o6t5ti3u4 grjx4t5tps2li WoExu4 k5c6t8NA W6fyoEi3j5 cspmbsi3j5 wo8ix3goEF1u. WoEcbsMs6g6 wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Q8i4 cEbs/tA5 eu3DxZ3u4.

slx9lx6, xzo4, x7m wLx3i6 net5tpsMs6g5 ttci4 x5paxi[l. WoEMs6g5 }o?w x1m2 wo8ix3FxMzi scsyoEi3j5 wobE/sJtbMs6S5. wo8ix6goEF1u WoEJ5 W6fyoEi3j5 cspmbs2lt4. WoMs3uJ5 w[los3i3j5 wo8ix3FxMu. 

j}Ey xod5 WoEMs6g6 x5pgcFi3i wob6hw2li. j}Eyl, }mfyl, slx9lx3l, xzo[l, wLx3i3l, x7m wkgcw5 kNo2t8i tAux6S5 xgtc9ME4gi4 wkw5 cspm/gcq8i W6fyq8i[l.

Mark Kalluak, Donald Uluadluak, Henry Isluanik, Louis Angalik, Morris Alikut
Mark worked as an Inuktitut Language Expert ensuring quality control on the contents on this site. He also worked along with the elders that were involved in this project creating content both text and images. He is actively involved in Inuit Language and Culture. He worked at the Levi Angmak Illiniarvialaaq Elementary School as Language and Culture Enhancement Coordinator until he moved to a new position as Culture and Heritage Advisor for the Department of Education recently. He also worked on the Pictionary/Local History Project.

Donald Uluadluak, Louis Angalik, and Henry Isluanik created contents in both text and images in the Shelters category and other categories. They worked at the Levi Angmak Illiniarvialaaaq Elementary School obtaining Aboriginal Language Specialist Certificates before moving to the Department of Education as Cultural Advisors. They were also involved in different projects including the Iglu Building Projects with the Elementary School.

Morris Alikut consulted with the Historic Photos. He along with Mark, Donald, Louis, Henry, and Elders in our community hold valuable knowledge in Inuit Culture.

Jo Ellen J wo8 Xuso4
J wo8 WoEMs6g6 Ne5b6ts2li, xW6h6ts2li wkgci4, x5paxoE2li iWoE2lil. wo8ixMs6g6 !)i4 d2?y1ic6Li x3Ci. dFxQ/q c2lNtg5, x7m Wcwon3i3u4. !!i4 d?y1ic3ixo6g6. wo8ixZi4fu tbJni3j5 wo8ixDmJ6 x7m tb4tso3li w7q6tso3li. x3Ci Bx7Mf8i Wax3t5tpi WoEMs6g6. wMscbsymJ6 bfC8N6t5ti3j5, m4f4goEi3j5, os sns2 wo8ix3FxMzi x// w7qC/6tq8k5, x7m Wcwon3i3j5.

Jo Ellen Pameolik
On this project, Jo Ellen worked on typing, interviewing elders, working with images, and audio.Jo Ellen attended grade 10 at Qitiqliq High School last year. Her favourite studies were English, Social Studies, Math and Physical Education. She will be going into grade 11 in this school year. After she graduates, she would like to study music and become a singer one day. Last summer, she worked at the Hamlet Council working with the Recreation Department. Jo Ellen has been involved in Drama Clubs, Youth Groups, Youth Committees, Leo Ussak Ajaaja Choir, and sports.

May mw b3Co4
WoEMs6g6 Ne5b6tsi3j5, xW6h6tsi3j5 wkgci4, cspn3i3j5, x5paxi[l iWoEi3u[l. xCi urM2 m4f4goEFzi WoEMs6g6 wvJ6ts2li. !)i4 d?y1icMs6g6 wo8ix3F1u. dFxQMs6Xw NnsyEi6, cspn3ioEi6, Wcwon3i6. xuCw/3F1u, wo8ixEx3ix6g6 !!i4 d?y1ic3li yM5g6n3F1u fXw1u. wo8ixZi4fu wo8ix4v8iDx6g6 cspn3ioEi3u4.

On this project, May worked on typing, interviewing elders, researching, working on images, and audio. Last summer, May worked at the Mikilaaq Youth Centre Day Camp as a counsellor. She attended grade 10 at Qitiqliq High School. Her favourite studies were Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. In September, she will be attending Grade 11 at Stansted College in Quebec. After she graduates, she would like to study Biology and Physics.

Andrew x8g XiAix6
WoEMs6g6 x5posEi3u4, Ne5b3i3u4, cEbs/oEi3u[l. xCi wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Qi4 cEbs/tA5 eu3DxZ3i4 WoEMs6g6. d?y1icMs6g6 !)i4. cEbs/oEhxh6g6 ubax3i3u[l. wMscbsJ6 m4f4goEi3u4 cEbs/oEi3u[l.

Andrew Panigoneak Jr.
Andrew worked on scanning photos, imaging, typing, and html editing in this project. Last summer, Andrew worked on the Pictionary/Local History Project. When school started, he attended Qitiqliq High School in Grade 10. He likes computer programning, tricks, and psychology. Andrew is involved with the Arviat Youth Committee and the Arviat Iyi Society.

Tiffany t?i hl4
Ne5b6tsMs6g6, cspn6tsMs6g6, iWoEpsMs6g6. wo8ixZiMs6g6 xqi6nu wo8ix3F1u x3Ci. dFxQ/q NnsyEi6 cspn3ioEi3l. xCi xsM6ymMs6g6 u4yfj5 g4yx3FoEi3j5. yM5g6n3F1u wo8ixDx6g6 ttCs/6tsi3j5 nNymJi4 xgxZ4ni4. wMsymJ6 bfC8N6t5ti3u4, wo8ix6g5 vtmpqi4, wo8ixZi1i3j5 vtmpsqi4, m4f4goEi3u4, g4yxFs2 m4f4gdtqi4, wo8ix3Fs2 w7q6tqi4 x7m NMst4f3i3u4 g4yx3FoEi3u4.

Tiffany Suluk
Tiffany was a typist, researcher, and audio editor. Tiffany graduated from Qitiqliq High School last year. Her favourite studies were Math and Science. Last summer, she travelled to Mexico on work relating to missionaries with the District of Alliance Church. She will be going to University next year to study Architicture. She has been involved with Drama Clubs, Student Councils, Graduation Committee, Arviat Youth Committee, Arviat Alliance Youth Group, School Choir, and helping run a radio program for the Alliance Church.

Mike mw4 xzo4
WoEMs6g6 sxJosEi3u4, cspn3i3u4, Ne5b3i3u4, cEbs/oEi3u4. wo8ixZiMs6g6 !((&u. wo8ixExMs6g6 xg?j5 kNK5 yKi4nKj5 wo8ix6Li wkw5 W6fyq8i4, kNoEi3u4, cEbs/oEi3u4. wo8ixZoMs6g6 !(((u.

Mike Angalik
Mike worked on video editing, video research, typing, and html editing. He graduated from Qitiqliq High School. He attended the Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated funded "Nunavut Sivuniksavut" Training Program in Ottawa, Ontario. He studied for 8 months. He studied Inuit History, Contemporary Inuit Issues, Land Claims, Inuit Government Relations, English and Computers. He graduated from this program in April 1999.

Ernie s3i wb6
WoEMs6g6 wk4tg5 Ne5b6tsi3j5. WoEMs6g6 x5paxoEi3j5 W6fyoEi3j5 !((*u. wk4tg5 Ne5bMJ6. srsaJu xqi6ni wo8ix3ix6g6.

Ernie Eetak
Ernie worked as an Inuktitut typist for this project. He has worked with the 1998 Pictionary/Local History Project. He has great Inuktitut Syllabics typing skills. This year, he is attending secondary school at Qitiqliq High School.

Eric wE4 xkw
WoEMs6g6 grjx5t5tpsi3j5 cEbs/oEi3j5, WoEpsMs6g6 cEbs/oEF1u scom3F1u. wk4X4 t4NMpu5 WoEMs3uJ6 cEbs/oEi3j5. wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Qi eu3DxZ3u4 cEbs/tA5. m8N cEbs/tA5 wo8ixDtos6tsJ6 wo8ix6goEF1u.

Eric Anoee
Eric worked as Project Coordinator for this project. He was also a html editor. He has worked with the Federally funded Community Access Program as Site Manager at the Arviat Iyi Society Internet Access Site. He also worked with Inukpuk Technology working in Multimedia and bookkeeping. He was involved with the Pictionary/Local History Project, Community of Arviat Web Site and others. He is currently a Media Specialist at the Department of Education in Arviat.

Dan bis S3/{
WoEMs6g6 xzJca2li. wE4 xkwu4, mfy vlx3ul WoEctcMs6g6 grjx5t5t2li WoEpi4 net5y2lil cEbs/4f5. N1uic6g6 wk4X4 t4NMpu4 xtc6gu4. WoEymJ6 kNo1i xpQq5gi WoExi4. WoEym1uJ6 xsM/6g5 wo8ixDt4ni4 wo8ix6goEp4f8i. WoEMs34uJ6 wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Qi4 eu3DxZ3u4 cEbs/tA5.

Daniel Burgess
Dan worked as Project Manager for this project. He worked alongside Eric Anoee and Mark Kalluak in directing the team , designing and html editing. He owns Inukpuk Technology, a multimedia consulting company. He has been involved in several community based projects including design and layout of the Aulajaaqtut Curriculum Module for the Regional Education District. He also worked on the Pictionary/Local History Project.

x8p sc5tx6, x5pos6ymq5g6
WoEMs6uJ6 wk4tg5 Ne5b6ts2li. WoEMs6uJ6 wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Qi4 cEbs/tA5 eu3DxZ3u4 r?9o3u smJoEp3Jxi WoEpsJ6.

Angie Okatsiak (not pictured)
Angie also worked as an Inuktitut typist. She works for the Keewatin Wildlife Federation.

Iglu Web Site Project 2000 Aug. 2000

Bernice xsX6 ixd6
WoExcMs6g6 x0pax9l hNux5 w0yx6gwLi. x3CA !!-i4 d5yic3ixo6. x3Ci !)-i5 d5yicMs6g6 woix3F1u5 x7m dFxQi6XMsq c2lNg3i6 x7m czib3i5. woixZi4X5 woix4viDx6g6 xqi6n3u5 x7m woix3li Wd/3i5. wMsymJ6 woix6g5 vtmpzi5 x7m bfZ8N6t5ti3u5.

Bernice Niakrok
Bernice worked on html editing and digitizing. Bernice is going to Grade 11 next school year. She is attending Qitiqliq High School. Her favourite subjects were Social Studies, English and Law. When she graduates, she wants to go to University and maybe study law. She was involved in the student council and the drama club in school.

Hunter wkxC6 b5gwi
mcwqNMs6g6 xzNzl xCi. yKo6Xu5 WoE3z6g6 scom3F1u5. wo8ix6g6 dy1iz (. cEbs/6, NnstoEi6, x7m Wcwon3F4 dFxQi6Xq woix3F1u. wMsymJ6 wo8ix6g5 vtmpUi. wo8ixZi4X5 Winnipeg-usbAx6g6 wM8Nzi5 p7u5. srs6 dFxQMsZ Wax3Jx6tLQ5 wo8ix3F1u. 

Hunter Tattuinee
Hunter was hunting all last summer with his uncle. This is his first job. He attending Qitiqliq High School and is now in Grade 9. Computers, Math, and Phys. Ed. are his favourite school subjects. He was involved in the student council. When he graduates, he wants to live in Winnipeg with his friend Jim. His favourite activity in school was the winter carnival.

Ernie rNo4 wb4
WoEMs6g e3i6 xkwl xCi. yKo6Xu5 WoEMs6g6 B7o5u5. wo8ix6g6ho dyio4u5 (. dFxQi6Xcg6 cEbs/5, NnsyEi6 x7m c2lNtg3i6. wo8ixZi4X5 dyio4j5 !@, WoEAx6g6 cEbs/oEi6. dFxQMs6bq srs6 Wax3Jx6t4LQ5 wo8ix3F1u5.

Ernie Eetak
Ernie worked on this web site last year. He is in school and is attending Grade 9 in Qitiqliq High School. His favourite school subjects are Computers,Math and English. He wants to graduate and then do something that involves with Computers and Internet. His favorite activities were the winter carnival at school.

Andrew xw[JxJ4 XiAix6
WoEMs6g6 w5yx6gwcbsLi. xCi wkw5 scsy1Qb bw+Ay6Qi4 cEbs/4f5 eu3DxZ3i4 WoEMs6g6. d5y1icMs6g6 !!i4. cEbs/oEhx6g6, ubax3i3u[l. wMscbsymJ6 m4f4goEi3u4 cEbs/oEi3u[l.

Andrew Panigoneak Jr.
Andrew worked on html editing on this project. He worked on this project last year. He will be attending grade 11 at Qitiqliq High School this school year.