Thanks to Arviat Hamlet council for providing the much needed funds (under Brighter Futures Program) to continue this year’s “Classroom In The Iglu Project.” This program, initiated by Levi Angmak Illiniarvialaaq six years ago, has become an important component in our school year. The bus will take the students to and from the iglu.This year’s project is a unique project as it is developed jointly by Levi Angmak Elementary School and Sivullinuut Elders’ Society. With this establishment of a successful partnership, it is anticipated that Sivullinuut shall take over the iglu project in the future.
This year’s iglus are comprised of 2 complete domes, 1 partial dome (qarmaq), 1 small dome storage and porch. Actual building of the iglus was done by Tony Otuk, Piugatok Eetuk, Luke Kinniksie, Andre Sinnisiak and Henry Isluanik, from March 2-5, 1998. Due to poor snow conditions the estimated 3 days to complete the iglus took up an extra day.
The temporary traditional iglu camp is located south of the reservoir in a westerly direction. Location of the iglus can be accessed easily using the road.
A lot of planning and co-ordination usually accompany projects like this and we acknowledge the organizing skill our Principal has put into this to make it successful. Thanks also goes to Sivullinuut for bringing their cultural knowledge into this program. It means our children will have another year of increased exposure to traditional Inuit culture, customs and values.
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Traditional Games Instructors
Levi Angmak School received funding
from Brighter Futures Program to hire 2 Traditional Games Instructors.
This program will run for four months from March to June 1998.
This program is designed to build
a strong foundation of physical fitness and character in our youth. It
will be used to teach 10 to 13 year old youth Inuit traditional games and
enhance an appreciation for our unique recreational tradition. This form
of excercise can develop team work and lead eventually to athletic excellance.