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Monday, August 30
Slaymaker and Nichols' Circus arrives in Charlottetown, for a four day engagement.
R.B. Dickey arrives.

Wednesday, August 31
The New Brunswick delegates as well as Lt. Gov. Gordon arrive on the Princess of Wales
The other four delegates from Nova Scotia arrive on the steamer Heather Belle.

Thursday, September 1
The Canadian steamship Queen Victoria arrives.
The Conference officially starts, with all delegates there except for A.A. Macdonald, who is kept away by family illness.
The Canadian delegates search for housing. George Brown ends up at the Provincial Secretary's house, and a few more stay at the Franklin House, but most stay on the Queen Victoria for the length of the Conference.
Lt. Gov. Dundas throws a party welcoming the delegates.

Friday, September 2
The Canadians detail their plans for a union of British North America.
W.H. Pope hosts a dinner.

Saturday, September 3
The Canadians go into detail about their proposed union.
The Canadian delegates invite the others to lunch aboard the Queen Victoria.
Col. Gray hosts a party at his home.

Sunday, September 4
The delegates go to church and then spend the afternoon relaxing.

Monday. September 5
The Canadians continue where they left off, explaining the new balance of power.

Tuesday, September 6
The day is spent by Maritimers asking questions about parts of the Canadian proposals they did not quite understand.
Lt. Gov. Dundas and his wife put on a ball and supper at Government House.

Wednesday, September 7
Maritimers spend the day in meetings discussing the union of their provinces.
The Canadians invite the wives of the Island delegates aboard the Queen Victoria for a luncheon.

Thursday, September 8
Some delegates go on a north shore excursion, and tour the Island, while others rest in Charlottetown, pack and say their good-byes.
 9pm to 4am
The Grand Ball

Friday, September 9
The Queen Victoria leaves four hours later than expected because of heavy fog.

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