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The Fathers of Confederation
Water colors on Ivory, by Juliette de Lavoye

These unique portraits of the Fathers of Confederation were commissioned by Samual Bronfman. The Miniatures were donated to the people of Canada to commemorate Canada's 100th birthday. They are kept at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa.

George George Brown
Sir Sir Alexander Campbell
Sir Sir George-Etienne Cartier
Sir Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt
Sir Sir John A. Macdonald
Sir Sir Hector-Louis Langevin
William William McDougall
Thomas Thomas D'Arcy McGee
George George Coles
John John Hamilton Gray
Edward Edward Palmer
Andrew Andrew Archibald Macdonald
William William Henry Pope
Sir Sir Adams George Archibald
R.B. R.B. Dickey
William William Alexander Henry
Jonathan Jonathan McCully
Sir Sir Charles Tupper
Edward Edward Barron Chandler
John John Hamilton Gray
Sir Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley
William William H. Steeves
John John Mercer Johnson
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