The Letters of Lt. J. E. Boulet
J. E. Boulet served with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry in Europe during the second World War. After being sent overseas he was trained in England and eventually spent several months on the front lines in France, Belgium and Holland. Before giving his life to the Allied cause in Europe, Mr. Boulet attended schools in Fort Willam, Ontario, and then pursued a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at the Guelph Agricultural College. He enlisted in May of 1942, and took an Officer's Training Course in Kingston, Ontario.
The following excerpts from Lt. Boulet's letters were sent from England and mainland Europe, where he was stationed in the early months of 1944. They are all written to his wife, Beth, who was caring for their two young daughters--one of whom Lt. Boulet never saw, except in photographs. Lt. Boulet died while commanding a platoon of men, just months before the end of the war.