Cultural Landmarks of Hamilton-Wentworth

Rockton World's Fair

Location: Rockton, Ontario

Rockton is a small town located 32 kilometres south-west of Hamilton, Ontario and has been host to the famous Rockton World's Fair since the mid 1850's. The Rockton World's Fair was conceived by th[IMAGE]e Beverley Agricultural Society, which later became known as the Rockton Agricultural Society. The Beverley Agricultural Society held its first official meeting in the Township Hall in Rockton on March 16th, 1853. Only forty-five people, who attended the Society's meeting agreed to become permanent members, however, by the end of the year, membership had jumped to 181. During the same year, plans were made to host the first agricultural show in the township. The first official "Beverley Township Agricultural Show" was held on October 10, 1853. The show offered prize money which totalled 12 shillings and 6 pence, which is equivalent to approximately $194.50 in today's currency.

The title of "World's Fair" was first used by local newspapers in 1878, as a somewhat playful response to the comment that "...the whole world comes to Beverley Fair." which was made during a press reception following the 1878 annual Fair. The headlines the next day read "The World's Fair at Rockton." The title must have struck a chord with members of the Society, as the title "World's Fair" appeared on posters for the 1879 Fair, and the title has been used ever since.

rockton1.jpg (20033 bytes)The first Fair began as a single day event, and slowly progressed to two, three, and now three and a half days over the Thanksgiving weekend. Currently there are approximately 450 members in the Agricultural Society. In comparison to the humble beginnings, the 144th Fair which was held in 1996 offered prize money in the total amount of $84,000, and over $70,000 in prize money was claimed. Individual prizes now range from $1.00 for some School Fair classes to several hundred dollars for champion live stock classes. A total of 2,800 prize lists are now distributed annually. Advertising costs for all events held in 1996 by the Society exceeded $30,000. Growth in Fair revenues have been slow but steady over the years, but the last ten to twelve years' gate receipts have almost tripled. The Society attributes this growth to the capable Directors of the Fair, who have purchased land, expanded the Fair's program and made major improvements in times of slow growth and in some cases disappearing government support in the form of grants.

rockton4.jpg (17309 bytes)Every Thanksgiving weekend, approximately 75,000 people visit the Fair. The large volume of visitors results in a positive effect on the local economy. The Fair attracts thousands of visitors from all over Hamilton-Wentworth and beyond, due to its varied exhibitions and entertainment which includes a midway, demolition derby, baby contest, pet shows, horse shows, school shows, baking contests, pie-eating contests, live stock contests, and much more.

There are approximately 240 Fairs and Exhibitions held in Ontario each year, including major Exhibitions such as the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). Based on gate receipts, the Rockton World's Fair has consistently placed in or near the top ten when compared to all other Ontario Fairs and Exhibitions.

Agriculture, education and entertainment have always been the central themes of the Rockton World's Fair. Within that framework, many of the features of the Fair are continually being changed and updated in order to keep people coming back. New rides, entertainers, competitions, and appearances to old buildings gives each Fair its own individuality, while maintaining its historical and cultural roots.

Rockton World News.  Rockton Agricultural Society:  April, 1997.

The Hamilton Public Library would like to thank the Rockton Agricultural Society for graciously donating the information and photographs for use in this webpage.