Officers are most easily identified by their metal sword and scabbard, wooden swagger stick or walking stick, one of which they must have at all times.
In Infantry Full Dress, the officers are differentiated from the other ranks by their lack of epaulettes, a crimson sash draping left to right, and their rank is on the collar. The captain has a crown and a star, a lieutenant has a crown and an ensign has a star. A band of gold braid runs along the top of the collar.
The major has a star only, but the band of gold braid on the collar runs along both the top and bottom of the collar. As well, a band of gold braid runs around the top edge of the majors shako. The sleeves of the tunic have two stripes of gold braid, while the captain, lieutenant and ensign have one stripe on the sleeve.
In Infantry Undress, the junior officers all look the same because there is no rank insignia on the uniforms. They wear a black patrol jacket which has black Austrian knots on the sleeves and breasts. Only the majors patrol jacket has his insignia, a star, on the collar. Instead of the shako hat, all officers wear a peaked forage cap that has a red band around it. The letters FHG (for Fort Henry Guard) are stitched on the front of the cap.
In Artillery Undress, the officers have their rank on the cuff of their sleeve. The captain has a gold Austrian knot with gold loops all around it and the lieutenants and ensigns all have the lieutenant insignia of a plain Austrian knot. They wear a forage cap with a thick gold band around it and it has no peak.
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