Fires in the Castle

Boys broke into Dundurn Castle on May 24, 1949, and set a wing on fire. The kitchen and refreshment booth in the old recreation hall received $5,000 in damages. As a result, the Fire Department insisted that the Castle be protected with new fire extinguishers and a 6 inch water main with hydrants for $3,000. As the aging building was in weak shape, they also demanded that holes in the plaster walls be filled to stop the spreading of any possible future fires.

Three other small fires have occurred at Dundurn Castle:
- October 10, 1971 - The chimney caught fire during a demonstration of roasting chickens. Firefighters managed to put out the grease fire without any damage to the building. To improve the castle's protection, a new fire alarm system was installed nine months later.
- July 28, 1980 - $200 damage was caused by someone who broke a window to the library on the east side of the first floor and lit the curtains. The fire alarm allowed fire fighters to respond quickly.
- February 12, 1988 - Another chicken roasting demonstration caused another grease fire in the chimney of the kitchen. Damage was minimal.