The mysterious flammable gas which still attracts attention in the Mount Albion area has a very interesting history. Probably the first natural gas in Ontario was discovered here when the mill was built. Two Irishmen were quarrying rock for the wheel-pit, when one stooped in a corner to light his pipe. The match ignited the gas which flared up, singeing his hair, whiskers, and clothing. He was terribly frightened and shouted, "Mike, we've broke through into the infernal regions and the de'il is after us sure. May all the saints preserve us!". This gas was used to light the mill for over 100 years. Farther down the creek, a flame six inches long burned day and night from the end of an iron pipe on a pool of water. It came from the base of the wheel-pit 30 feet below. It was a foul smelling sulphur gas which took the colour out of sale bills or wallpaper in a very short time. So popular was this spring as a tourist attraction that a hotel was built near-by. Today, nothing remains of the hotel.

1. Burkholder, Mabel. Out of the Storied Past. vol. 1. pp. 19, 20. Special Collections, HPL.
2. Burkholder, Mabel. Out of the Storied Past. vol. 7. pp. 135, 136. Special Collections, HPL.
3. Stoney Creek News. June 5, 1963. pp. 35, 36.