The paraders marched in this order:
Mounted police
Hamilton Fourth Field Battery - 67 troops with six guns
Thirteenth Brass Band
Thirteenth Bugle Band
Thirteenth Regiment - 445 troops
Nineteenth Regiment Band
Nineteenth Regiment Buglers
Nineteenth Regiment - 206 troops
Seventy-Seventh Band
Seventy-Seventh Regiment - 189 troops
Continental Drum Corps., Buffalo
Chaplin Post, G. A. R., Buffalo
W. W. Cooke Post, G. A. R.
Brantford Collegiate Institute Cadets - 53 troops
Hamilton Collegiate Institute Cadets - 51 troops
Boys' Brigade Bugle Band
Boys' Brigade
Boys' Naval Corps., Glanford
Mayor Teetzel, of Hamilton;
Mayor Diehl, of Buffalo;
Mayor Payment, of Ottawa;
Mayor Keating, of St. Catharines;
and other visiting Mayors in carriages
Parks Commissioners in carriages
Aldermen in carriages
Citizens in carriages
Board of Education in carriages
Board of Health in carriages
Royal Foresters' Band, Toronto
Temple Encampment, Royal Foresters
Local Lodges Independent Order of Foresters
Sons of England Band
Local Lodges of Sons of England
Local Courts of Ancient Order of Foresters
Juvenile Courts of Ancient Order of Foresters - 6 band wagons
Companions of the Forest
Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association
Irish Catholic Benevolent Union
Canadian Order of Oddfellows
Hamilton Pipers' Band
Sons of Scotland
Royal Scarlet Knights
Local Orange Lodges
Royal Black Preceptory
Meat Cutters and Butchers Union
Hamilton Teamsters' Association