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West Prince is comprised of many communities, each having its own unique history. Many of these communities work together and share infrastructure on a daily basis, allowing businesses and other organizations to be supported by the people of their own community as well as others.

Many of the following are names that no longer appear on any maps, nor are even used by the local population today. It should be noted that communities changed names e.g. Alberton was known as Cascumpec between the years 1839 and 1868, and was also known locally as Stumptown. And some names refer to school districts, as well as communities.

On the left is an alphabetical list that will bring you to a description of community or place names. Below are abbreviations found in some of those descriptions.

c: approximately
E: East
JHA: Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island
mi: mile, miles
N: North
NE: North East
NTS: National Topographic System
NW: Northwest
PEI: Prince Edward Island
PO: Post Office
S: South
SE: Southeast
SW: Southwest
W: West
Meacham 1880: Would refer to Meacam's 1880 Atlas and maps.



Alaska: 7 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 10. School district c1930. Said to be named because the people "at last" had a school at the time of the great gold rush to Alaska and the Yukon.

Alberton: Town incorporated 1913 in Lot 4. Named by Benjamin Rogers for Albert Edward Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, who visited Charlottetown in 1860. PO Cascumpec 1839 - 1868; PO Alberton from 1868. Formerly called Stumptown.

Alberton Harbour: At Alberton, Lot 5. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Holland Harbour, for Henry Fox, 1st baron Holland of Foxley.

Alberton South: 1 mi S of Alberton, Lot 5. Formerly called Lewis Town for Edward Lewis's agent, John Hill, and Northport. Possibly Cascumpec PO 1839-1868 was here before Alberton developed as a railway center c1872.

Alexandria: See Cascumpec.

Alma: 4 mi NW of Alberton. Possibly indirectly named from battle in Crimea, 1854. Alma was the name of a 356-ton vessel built in 1854 for James Yeo of Port Hill. PO 1876-1967. School district 1878.

Anglo Tignish: 3 mi NE of Tignish in Lot 1. It is an English-speaking community in a predominantly Francophone district c1859. Anglo Park is located there.

Arlington: 3 mi SE of Tyne Valley in Lot14. Selected in1869 for school district name. Formerly called Black Settlement. PO 1898-1913; also PO Lot 14 1857-1914.

Ascension: 2 mi W of Tignish in Lot 1. School area name 1864. PO Pig Brook 1872-c1880.

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Bald Point: Bayside: 4 mi SE of Tyne Valley in Lot 14, beside Malpeque Bay. School area c1904. Formerly called Ferry.

Beaton Road: 6 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 9. PO 1909-1923. Douglas 1925 notes for John Beaton son of Donald Beaton of Lot 47; however, John Beaton settled 4 mi N at present Carleton. Probably named for Allan, Joseph and Venus Beaton, residents at the mouth of Beatons Creek as shown on Meacham 1880.

Bideford: 2 mi NE of Tyne Valley in Lot 12. Named by William Ellis and Thomas Chanter who came form Bideford, Devonshire, England in 1818. PO 1912-1927. First known as New Bideford.

Bideford River: Flows E into Lennox Channel and Malpeque Bay. Samuel Holland 1765 named it Goodwood River for Goodwood, Chichester, Sussex, England, one of the seats of the Duke of Richmond. Bideford River is on Bayfield 1850. Meacham 1880 Goodwood or Bideford River. In Mi'Kmaq possibly Geosôpesitjg nige Satlieg (Pacifique1934, who identifies it as Lot 14 Creek or Port Hill).

Big Pierre Jacques River: Flows S into Northumberland Strait at Glenwood, Lot 8. Probably given for an Indian chief. Piel Jacques was among chiefs who represented a petition to the House of Assembly in 1832. Bayfield 1847 Peershock River. JHA 1848 Pier Jacques' River.

Biological Station: See Ellerslie.

Bird Island (Ballem Island): In Egmont Bay, Lot 10. Named for Fred Ballem, who is noted in Cummins 1925 as the owner of adjacent lots. Formerly called Bird Island. Also known as Little Island.

Birch Hill: 3 mi SE of Tyne Valley in Lots 13 and 14. Settled by a Birch family in 1862. Meacham 1880 shows Edward, Thomas and William Birch as settlers there.

Black Road (Glengarry): 6mi NW of O'Leary in Lot 7. Named by Alexander McDonald c1872 who may have come from Glen Garry, Inverness, Scotland. PO c1889-1913.

Black Road (West Point): Extends into Northumberland Strait, Lot 8. Holland 1765 West Cape, but this is now a place 4 mi N. Maps 1762 and 1764 Cape Molliack from the French Moyaque, which was derived from Mi'Kmaq Mooeak, "sea duck". DesBarres 1779 West Point.

Black Bank Cove: On S side of Cascumpec Bay. Gesner 1847: "On the south side of the Bay there is a peat bog called the "black bank" reaching 3 miles along the shore, and containing nearly 2,000 square acres". Named Stephen Cove by Samuel Holland 1765, for Stephen Fox-Strangways.

Black Point: Extends into Cascumpec Bay at Black Banks. On undated plan by George Wright, deputy surveyor general.

Black Point: Extends into Grand River, 1 mi N of Central Lot 16. On Bayfield 1850.

Black Pond (Waterford): In Lot 1 at Pleasant View. On Wright 1852.

Bloomfield: 8 mi SW of Alberton in Lot 5. Given c1875 when the railway was built: named for Bloomfield, Ontario. PO Bloomfield Station from 1885. Formerly called O'Halloran Road for James O'Halloran who died c1890. Douglas 1925 has: "Old Bloomfield now St. Anthony, New Bloomfield is at the railway", but this is incorrect.

Bloomfield Corner: 6 mi SW of Alberton in Lot 5. Site of early Bloomfield school. PO Bloomfield 1866-1868 and 1870-1914.

Brae: 4 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 9. Settled from Scotland c1828. Derived from Scottish word for "hillside". PO 1870-1914. Brae River and Brae Harbour are adjacent features. In this area Pacifique 1934 has the Mi'Kmaq Megôenigeg, "red bank".

Brae Station: See Coleman.

Brockton: 6 mi N of O'Leary in Lot 4. Named by John McCarthy in 1874 for Brocton, Massachusetts. PO 1892-1913. Formerly called Dock Road.

Brooklyn: 2 mi W of Alberton in Lots 4 and 5. School area established c1878.

Brooks River: Flows E into Conway Narrows, Lot 12. Cundall 1851 Hardy's Creek; Meacham 1880 NW Branch of Little Channel, with no one called Brooks there; Cummins 1925 Conway River with John Brooks on S side. Brooks Wharf is near the mouth of the river.

Burton: 7 mi NW of O'Leary in Lot 7. Named by T. Wright in 1886 because the use of Mount Pleasant for the PO would have caused misdirection of mail. Possibly chosen because it was at the north end of Haliburton Road. PO 1886-1913. Mount Pleasant established as a school district c1865.

Bury Head: Extends into Cascumpec Bay at Alberton South. Probably site of an early burial ground. Plan 1770 Barry Head; Bayfield 1845, Douglas 1925 and early NTS maps had Berry Head, probably due to common pronunciation of "bury". Meacham 1880 has Hill Point  and Cascumpeque Point. Bayfield 1845 also has Hill Point. See Hills River for note on John Hill.

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Campbellton: 7 mi NW of O'Lary in Lots 4 and 7. PO Lot 4 1873-1914

Cape Wolfe: 8 mi W of O'Leary in Lot 7. PO Lot 7 c1853-1873; PO Cape Wolfe 1871-1914.

Carleton: 4 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 6. School district in 1868. The school was on William Carroll's property according to Meacham 1880. PO Western Road 1862-1912.

Carruthers Brook: Flows E into Mill River, Lot 5. Meacham 1880 shows C.H. Carruthers with woolen mill in Howlan. Also known as Gard's Brook.

Cascumpec: 5 mi S of Alberton on what was once called Cascumpec Road, Lots 5 and 6. School district was Oyster Creek, which became Alexandria c1895. PO Lot 6 1862-1914. Hill 1821 Williams Town. Bayfield 1851 French Village. PO 1839-1868 in Alberton or Alberton South.

Cascumpec Bay: Derived from Mi'Kmaq Kaskankek, "bold sandy shore". Guérard 1631 Caisiqupet; Jumeau 1685 R.S. Catherine; Map 1750 R. Daxpex; Belin 1744 Casquembec; Pichon 1760 havre de Cachecampec; Holland 1765 Holland Bay by the French Kascumpeck; Bayfield 1851 and NTS 21 I/16 until 1966 Cascumpeque Bay when it was changed to conform to usage which has been fairly consistent in PEI records, even when side by side with Bedeque and Malpeque. Holland Bay probably named for Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland of Foxley. The bay is enclosed by Cascumpec Sand Hills, noted as early as Hill 1821.

Cascumpec Narrows: See Conway Narrows

Cavendish Inlet: Former channel through Conway Sand Hills opposite Gains Creek, Lot 11. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for Lord Frederick Cavendish (1729-1803). Cundall 1851 Brown Young's Channel.

Cemetery Road: See St Lawrence.

Center Line Road: See St Lawrence.

Cherry Island: See Oultons Island.

Christopher's Cross: 3 mi N of Tignish Lot 1. School district 1878. Named for Patrick Christopher who had a blacksmith shop on the corner opposite the school, and lived there from c1830.

Conway: 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley in Lot 11. Given c1877 to the station, probably derived from Conway Inlet, named by Holland 1765. PO Conway Station 1885-1967; PO Conway 1967-1969.

Conway Inlet (Hardy's Channel): Inlet between Conway Sand Hills and Malpeque Sand Hills. On Cundall 1851. Cummins 1925 shows Everett and Ernest Hardy in Lot11. Named by Holland 1765 Conway Inlet for Henry Seymour Conway (1721-1795) Secretary of state 1765-1766. In Mi'Kmaq Chochekchidoocheech, meaning unknown (Douglas 1925), or Tjôtjeg or Tipotitj, "at George's" (Pacifique 1934). Possibly the reference is to George Hardy, noted under Hardy Point.

Conway Narrows: Channel joining Cascumpec and Malpeque Bays. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Cavendish Channel, for Lord Frederick Cavendish (1729-1803). On many references it is called simply The Narrows. Hill 1821 Cascumpec Narrows. In Mi'Kmaq Sipaig, "hard to go through" (Pacifique 1934).

Conway River: See Brooks River.

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Deblois: 5 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 2. Named for George Wastie Deblois, the proprietor's agent in Lot 2, who lived in Charlottetown and was Provincial Secretary and Treasurer in the 1870s. PO De Blois Station 1887-1914. Formerly known as Hubert Road. Meacham 1880 Du Blois for the school and road, and Du Bois Station.

Derby: 5 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 9. Selected at a public meeting March 20, 1869 to replace Brae East as a school name. Named for Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley (1799-1869), 14th Earl of Derby, a Prime Minister of England.

Dock Road: See Brockton.

Dunblane: 7 mi SW of O'Leary in Lot 8. School district c1894. PO Hawthorne 1904-1913. Formerly known as Hamilton.

Duvar: 3 mi N of O'Leary in Lot 5. Named for John Hunter Duvar, a fisheries inspector and poet. He added the name Duvar in 1861 because of the commonness his name John Hunter. The name Duvar Road was used in 1872. PO Duvar Road 1896-1914.

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East Bideford: 4 mi NE of Tyne Valley in Lot 12. PO 1913-1924. 

Ebbsfleet: PO 1894-1967 in Miminegash. Douglas 1925 suggests it is named for Ebbsfleet, Kent, England. Locally it has been suggested that the large fishing fleet and the fast ebb tides suggested the name.

Ellerslie: 2 mi N of Tyne Valley in Lot 12. Derived from the name of the farm of a man called Wallace, which he named for one of the manors of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish hero. Noted in the Palladium of Charlottetown, 1845. PO Lot 12 1855-1912; PO Ellerslie Station 1912-1924; PO Ellerslie from 1924. Ellerslie Brook flows NE into Smelt Creek.

Ellis River: See Grand River

Elmsdale: 4 mi W of Alberton in Lot 4. Given c1875 because a small valley there was studded with elm trees. PO from 1877. Possibly called New Langholm in 1863; formerly known as Adams Corner for John Adams, the first settler.

Enmore: 5 mi W of Tyne Valley in Lot 10. PO c1895-1913.

Enmore River: Flows S into Egmont Bay, Lot 10. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for John Perceval (c1710-1770) 2nd Earl of Egmont and Baron Lovel and Holland of Enmore; not for local residents with the names Enman and Moore. Meacham 1880 names its head Mill River Creek.

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Forest View: 3 mi NW of O'Leary in Lot 6. School district c1905 Forest View.

Fortune Cove: On S side of Mill River, Lot 5. Probably derived from French anse à la Fortune. On Hill 1821.

Fox Island: At the mouth of Mill River, Lot 5. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Fox Head, probably for Henry Fox (1705-1774) 1st Lord Holland or his brother, Stephen Fox-Strangways (1705-1776) 1st Earl of Ilchester.

Foxley River: Flows NW into Cascumpec Bay, Lot 11. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for Henry Fox (1705-1774) 1st Baron Holland of Foxley.

Freeland: 7 mi N of Tyne Valley in Lot 11. School district 1868. Named for the fact that it was the first place that was given to the people by a proprietor in PEI. Formerly known as Frederick Cove. PO Lot 11 1852-1914; PO Freeland c1886-1915.

Freeland Creek: Flows E into Freeland and Conway Narrows, Lot 11. Formerly called Eel Creek. In Mi'Kmaq Tjipotijitj (Pacifique 1934).

Frog Pond: See Nail Pond.

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Gillis Point: Extends into Malpeque Bay, 2 ½ mi E of Port Hill, Lot 13. Census of 1789 Roderick Gillis resident in Lot 13. Also known as Low Point, the name of the local rural community. Holland 1765 Village Point. Bayfield 1850 Gillies Pt.; with Jas. P. Gillies there. The family name in the area is now Gillis. In Mi'Kmaq Môgôleoitjg, "brant", or Moinagenetjg, "bear trapping" (Pacifique 1934).

Glengarry: 6 mi NW of O'Leary in Lot 7. Named by Alexander McDonald c 1872 who may have come from Glen Garry, Inverness, Scotland. Poc1889-1913.

Glenwood: 6 mi SW of O'Leary in Lot 8. Selected for school 1898; formerly called Pierre Jacques. PO Lot 8 c1843-1853 and 1863-1904; PO Glenwood Lot 8 1904-1918. See also Woodridge.

Good Wood River: See Bideford River.

Grand River: Flows NE into Malpeque. Possibly derived from the French, and earlier from Mi'Kmaq Amasiboogwek, "Long River". Noted in JHA 1831. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Ellis River for Welbore Ellis (1713-1802), brother-in-law of Sir Hans Stanley. Also formerly known as Quagmire River, which is on Wright and Cundall 1874 and Cummins 1925. Bayfield 1850 Grand River; Meacham 1880 and Cummins 1925 Grand or Ellis River. Pacifique 1934 places Cartier's Fleuve des Barques here, but this is more likely Ship Channel, the entrance to Malpeque Bay.

Green Park: Provincial park at Port Hill. Named for the residence of James Yeo, a sketch of which is in Meacham 1880.

Greenhill: Former school name at West Cape, Lots 7 and 8.

Greenmount: 3 mi S of Tignish in Lot 2. School 1878 Green Mount. PO c1895-1914. Formerly called Laricotier Road.

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Haliburton: 5 mi W of O'Leary in Lot 7. Named by Robert Bruce Stewart, Owner of Lot 7, for Robert Grant Haliburton (son of famous writer) who was Stewart's arbitrator under Land Purchases Act 1875. Noted in JHA 1879. PO 1904-1913.

Hamilton: See Dunblane.

Hardy's Channel: See Conway Inlet.

Hardy's Point: Extends into Cascumpec Bay, Lot 11. Possible named for George Hardy, squatter in Lot 13 c1765 to c1790 when he moved to Lot 6. Not in Meacham 1880. In Cummins 1925 but no one by that name listed near it. Cundall 1851 and Douglas 1925 Pourdre Point.

Harmony: 7 mi SW of Tyne Valley in Lots 13 and 14. Selected for a school c1875 because settlers of many nationalities-French, Irish, Scottish, English, Dutch-got along peaceably. PO 1907-1914. Formerly called Line Road.

Harper: 2 ½ mi SW of Tignish in Lot 1. Named for William Harper, farmer and mill owner who died about 1878. School district was Harper's Road. PO Harper Road c1871-18756. Harpers Brook is a tributary of the Tignish River.

Hebron: 6 mi SW of O'Leary in Lots 8 and 9. School district 1886. PO 1907-1914. Formerly known as Indian Point.

Higgins Road: 8 mi SW of Tyne Valley in lots 13, 14, and 15. Named for John Higgins (?-c1865) a settler there as early as 1838. Higgins Wharf 2 mi N on Higgins road. Gesner 1847 mentions Joseph Higgins at the shore. Meacham 1880 notes no residents by this name. PO 1866-1914.

Hill's River: Flows S into Mill River, Lot 5. Named for John Hill, agent for Edward Lewis, proprietor of Lot 5. On the basis of a report by Hill, Lewis contracted to supply Admiralty with lumber and Hill was sent to erect a mill in the early 1800s. Douglas 1925 notes that "the project did not pay and Lewis found Hill was a partner in the profits, but not in the losses. Lewis committed suicide and Hill, putting in large claims against the estate, succeeded in getting Lot 5 sold, which he purchased". Hill came to the Island about 1813. He returned to England later, leaving the business with his son William. Hill published a pamphlet and a map of the area in 1821, noting this feature as Johns River, and applying Hill's River to Mill River. Holland 1765 called it Stavordale Cove for Stephen Fox-Strangways (1704-1776), Lord Ilchester and Stavordale.

Horse Head: Extends into Northumberland Strait, Lot 1. The point there had the shape of a horse's head when named. In Meacham 1880.

Howard's Cove: Adjacent to Northumberland Strait, Lot 7. Robert Howard came from Ireland c1819. Meacham 1880 shows Thomas, William and Mathew Howard there.

Howlan: 1 ½ mi N of O'Leary in Lots 5 and 6. Named for George William Howlan (1835-1901), a member of the House of Assembly when the road was named c1870, and Lieutenant governor 1894-1899. PO Mill River 1883-1912; PO Howlan 1912-1969.

Huntley: 3 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 4. PO South Kildare c1899-1903.

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Inverness: 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley in Lots 11 and 12. Named for Inverness, Scotland. School District 1865. PO 1870-1916.

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Josephine Shore: Adjacent to Conway Narrows, Lot 12. Named for Josephine Cahill.

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Kelly Road: See Roseville.

Kildare: PO c1840-1914 (not continuously open) at central Kildare, Lot 3. Named on Hill 1821.

Kildare Cape: Extends into Gulf of St Lawrence in Lot 3. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for James, 20th Earl of Kildare (1722-1773), a son-in-law of Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond. Cartier 1534 Cap d'Orleans. Kildare Capes is a name of series of capes in the same area.

Knutsford: 3 mi W of O'Leary in Lots 7 and 8. School district 1869. Possibly named for Knutsford, southwest of Manchester, England. PO O'Leary Road 1871-1913.

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Lauretta: 5 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 3. PO 1897-1913. Possibly named for a teacher, such as Lauretta Nelligan, who was teaching at DeBlois Road in 1898.

Lennox Island: In Malpeque Bay. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Lenox Island for Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond and Lennox or for his Brother Lord George Lennox. Became an Indian reserve in 1840, although Mi'Kmaqs had long resided on it. PO from 1912.

Leoville: 4 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 1. Named for Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903). PO 1896-1914.

Lewis Town: See Alberton South.

Little Miminegash: See Roseville.

Little Miminegash Pond: 3 mi SW of Miminegash Pond in Lot 3. Holland 1765 Duck Pond.

Little Pierre Jacques: PO 1884-1914 on E side of Glenwood, Lot 8. The PO served Milburn.

Little Pierre Jacques River: Flows S into Wolfe Inlet, Lot 8. Probably named for an Indian chief. Piel Jacques was among chiefs who presented a petition to the House of Assembly in 1832.

Little Tignish: PO 1866-1914 at St. Roch, Lot 2.

Locke Road: 3 mi NW of O'Leary. Named for John Locke, an early settler. PO 1892-1911.

Long Creek: Flows SE into Mill River, Lot 5. Hill 1821 Maddox River; Bayfield 1851 Long Creek.

Lot 1: PO 1873-1914 at Christopher Cross.

Lot 4: PO 1873-1914 at Campbellton.

Lot 6: PO 1862-1914 at Cascumpec.

Lot 7: PO c1854-1873 at Cape Wolfe.

Lot 8: PO c1843-1853 and 1863-1904 at Glenwood.

Lot 10: PO 1871-1913 at West Devon.

Lot 11: PO c1852-1914 at Freeland.

Lot 12: PO 1855-1913 at Ellerslie.

Lot 14: PO 1857-1914.

Lot 15: PO 1857-c1858, possibly at Egmont Bay.

Lot 16: PO c1839-1913 at Central Lot 16.

Luke's Creek: See Gains Creek.

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MacArthurs Creek: Flows N into Trout River, Lot 13. People by this name (or MacKarters) settled there in 1806. Meacham 1880 shows Samuel and Alex McArthur there.

MacWilliams Cove: At West Cape, Lot 7. Named for David MacWilliams from Scotland c1830 who built flour, carding and saw mills. Plan 1831 shows the family resident there. In Meacham 1880 adjacent landowners are David, Horation, Jacob and Alfred McWilliams. Cummins 1925 does not name it, but shows John H., Willington, Nelson, William N., John, Edward, and J.J. McWilliams as property owners. The Name remains very common in the area. MacWilliams Brook, MacWilliams Pond and MacWilliams Shore are adjacent features.

McNeills Mills: 5 mi NW of Tyne Valley in lot 12. Named for John McNeill, owner of gristmills and sawmills, who settle there about 1886. PO 1896-1968, John McNeil, first postmaster.

Milburn: 4 mi SW of O'Leary in Lot 8. Probably derived from the sawmill operation of William McWilliams on Little Pierre Jacques River. School district 1894; formerly called Little Pierre Jacques.

Milligans Wharf: On N side of Brooks river, Lot 12. Cummins 1925 shows Sol. Milligan there. Meacham 1880 lists several by this name on the S side of Brooks River.

Mill River: PO 1883-1912 at Howlan, Lots 5 and 6.

Mill River: Flows E into Cascumpec Bay, Lot 5. Possibly named for an early sawmill where Western Road crosses it. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Fox Cove, for Stephen Fox-Strangways (1704-1776); Hill 1821 Hill's River for himself, John Hill (see Hills River); Sutherland 1861 Cascumpec River. In Mi'Kmaq Atôgasoegagen, "trouting place" (Pacifique 1934).

Mill River East: 5 mi SW of Alberton in Lot 5 and on N side of Mill River. PO 1904-1912. The PO at Howlan form 1883- 1912 was Mill River. Meacham 1880 Mill River.

Milo: 4 mi S of O'Leary in Lot 9. PO 1908-1914. Origin unknown. The name recalls the noted athlete of Ionia.

Miminegash: 9 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 2. Douglas 1925 suggests form M'negash, "what is carried" or "portage place"; Pacifque 1934 has Elmenigetjg, "forward land". PO 1861-1921 and form 1967; also PO Ebbsfleet, 1894-1967. School district West Port 1882-1904, when it was changed to Ebbsfleet, which may have been derived from Ebbsfleet, Kent, England, although locally the fishing fleet and ebb tides are suggested as its origin. Before 1882 the school district was Big Miminegash. Miminegash Run and Miminegash River are adjacent features.

Montrose: 4 mi N of Alberton in Lot 3. Named by Donald McIntyre 1864 for Montrose, Scotland because the scenery was similar. PO Kildare Bridge c1854 -1871; PO Montrose 1871- 1913.

Montrose River: Flows SE into Kildare River, Lot 3. Meacham1880 N Br of Kildare or Montrose River.

Moss Avenue: See Miminegash.

Mount Pleasant: 4 mi W of Tyne Valley in Lot 12. Selected at a public meeting 1862 because of "the mutual concord and agreeableness of the in habitants with each other" (Douglas 1925). PO 1863-1913. Formerly known as Robinson's Settlement. See also Burton.

Mount Royal: 2 mi SW of O'Leary in Lots 8 and 9. Given in 1901 after Mount Royal at Montreal because the school was at a higher elevation than the surrounding country. PO 1904-1913.

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Nail Pond: N of Tignish in Lot 1. Tradition has it named for nails found after a shipwreck c1825. Because "Neal's" is on some early references Douglas 1925 suggests that it is probably for a person by that name. A family by the name of Noil of Dutch origin, which had become Acadianized, settled in PEI during its early history. In 1833 a petition was presented to the House of Assembly praying for a road from "Neal's pond" towards Cascumpec and Hillstown. JHA 1834 Nail Pond. Holland 1765 Sandy Inlet. In Mi'Kmaq Nioetjg, "dry" (Pacifique 1934).

Nauvoo Road: From Cape Wolfe to Haliburton, Lot 7. Probably named for Nauvoo, Illinois, USA, famous as a Mormon centre. In Meacham 1880. PEI Road Classification Atlas Navou Rd.

North Cape: The N extremity of PEI. On Holland 1765. The form North Point occurred on later references and still appears on NTS 21 P/1 1966, but North Cape is now approved, and is local usage for it. Named by Cartier 1534 Cap dez Sauvaiges, where he saw a man who fled when the French approached the shore; Bellin 1744 Pointe du Nord. In Mi'Kmaq Setunook, "where the water flows back" (Rand 1888), or Sipiaosgigeneg, "stretched rocks" (Pacifique 1934).

Northam: 3 mi SW of Tyne Valley in Lot 13. Named by William Gorrel and John Lock for Northam, Devonshire, England, a place 2 mi N of Bideford. On Lake 1863. PO 1875-1969.

North Port: See Alberton South.

Norway: 4 mi N of Tignish in Lot 1. School c1868, possibly given because it was on the way to North Cape.

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O'Brien Road: Former school district c 1892, 4 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 4. Formerly called Wells O'Brien, with William, Patrick and Sinclair Wells. O'Brien shown living on the road in Meacham 1880.

O'Leary: Village incorporated 1951 in Lot 6. Named for Michael O'Leary who lived on the west end of the road about 9 mi from the village in the early 1800s. He went to Ireland in 1858 and then returned to North America, drowning accidentally at Halifax. PO O'Leary Station 1877-1967; PO O'Leary from 1967.

O'Leary Road: PO 1871-1913 at Knutsford, Lot 7. School district before 1869 at Unionvale.

Oultons Island: In Cascumpec Bay, Lot 5. Named for Robert Oulton who with Charles Dalton raised silver foxes there from 1894. Meacham 1880 Savage Island. Known as Cherry Island when Oulton bought it.

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Palmer Road: 6 mi SW of Tignish in Lots 1 and 2. Named for two Palmer brothers who were proprietors of Lot 1. Schools were Palmer Road No. 1 and Palmer Road North. PO Palmer Road North 1912-1914.

Paughs Creek: Flows SE into Bideford River, Lot 12. Meacham 1880 shows James Pawe at its head. Cummins 1925 has Edmund and Ray Paugh at its head.

Peterville: 4 mi W of Tignish in Lot 1. PO 1876-1915. School district was Peters Road. Named for James H. Peters, a Charlottetown judge who owned land there. First postmaster was Peter Brennan.

Pierre Jacques: See Glenwood.

Pig Brook: Former name for a brook that flows SE into Harpers Brook, 1 mi W of Tignish. PO 1872-1876 at Ascension, Lot 1.

Piusville: 7 mi W of Alberton in Lot 4. Given by Father James McDonald c1873- for Pius Gallant and Pope Pius IX, pontiff from 1846 to 1878. PO 1884-1905 and 1919-1966. PO Piusville Station 1895-1919.

Pleasant View: 8 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 1. School district 1899. PO 1906-1913.

Port Hill: 2 ½ mi E of Tyne Valley in Lot 13. Named by early settlers for Porthill, a residence near Bideford, Devonshire, England. PO 1832-1969. In Mi'Kmaq Mogulawijik "brant place" (Douglas 1925), but Pacifique 1934 places this as Gillies Point.

Portage: 9 mi SE of O'Leary in Lots 10 and 11. PO from 1904.

Portage Lake: In Lot 10, 1 mi NW of Portage. The only natural body of water in Prince County. Said to be bottomless. In Mi'Kmaq Meskekumpudas, "deep pond".

Profits Corner: 4½ mi SW of Tignish in Lot 2. Meacham 1880 shows William Profit there, and Cummins 1925 identifies Lester Profitt there. The current family name there is Profit.

Profits Pond: On Long Creek, Lot 5. Meacham 1880 shows Duncan B. Profit there, and Cummins 1925 identifies Lester Profitt there.

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Ram Island: In Malpeque Bay. Holland 1765 and Douglas 1925 Grover Island, although the latter notes Ram Island as local usage. Possibly called by the French Ile aux Sauvages. In Mi'Kmaq Nganigatagang, "old cultivated field" (Pacifique 1934).

Rayners Pond: E of Kildare River, Lot 4. Named for B. I. Rayner, noted there by Cummins 1925 with 361 acres.

Red Point: Extends into Malpeque Bay, Lot 13. On Bayfield 1850.

Richmond: 6 mi SW of Tyne Valley in Lot 14. Derived from Richmond Parish and Richmond Bay. Richmond Village is noted in JHA 1855, but the location may not have been the same. Established as a station in 1872. School district before 1880 Mount Hemlock. PO Fitzgerald Station 1875-1906; PO Richmond from 1906.
Rosebank: 5 mi W of Alberton in Lot 4. School district 1894. PO 1905-1913.

Roseville: 9 mi W of Alberton in Lots 3 and 4. Named by Lawrence Doyle c1875 for a school because the abundance of wild roses. PO 1888-1913. Formerly called Little Miminegash.

Roxbury: 6 mi E of O'Leary in Lot 6. Named by Jerome Arsenault, who had visited Roxbury, Massachusetts. Selected for the school district c1877. PO 1896-1914.

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Savage Island: See Oultons.

Seacow Pond: 6 mi NE of Tignish in Lot 1. PO Sea Cow Pond 1876-1918. Adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lot 1. In 1846 Gesner wrote that the area was " the resort of great number of Walrus or sea-cow: hundreds of these animals were killed on the land by early inhabitants, among whose descendents pieces of their skins still remain in use. A deep pond near Tignish is said to be filled with their bones, and their tusks of ivory are occasionally found on the shore or in the forests. Only a few of those noble animals are now seen, and of their number which is stated by fisherman to be on the increase, none are captured". Holland 1765 Otter Pond.

Sheep River: Flows NW into Egmont Bay, Lot 13. On Wright and Cundall 1874.

Skinners Pond: 4 mi W of Tignish in Lot 1. PO 1856-1861 and 1867-1914. Adjacent to Northumberland Strait, Lot 1. Said to be derived from étang des Peaux, "skin pond". In Bayfield 1847. Wyld 1845 Stephens Inlet.

Smelt Creek: See MacArthurs Creek.

Smith Road: See St. Louis.

Spring Hill: 4 mi W of Tyne Valley in Lot 13. School district Spring Hill after 1880.

St. Anthony: 3 mi NE of O'Leary in Lots 5 and 6. Named for the Catholic Church there. School c1878. PO 1894-1914. Douglas confuses it with Bloomfield; Bloomfield Corner is over 1 mi N.

St. Edward's: 8 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 2. PO 1909-1913.

St. Hubert: 7 mi SW of Tyne Valley in Lot 14. Named for Hubert Arsenault, first settler. School district after 1880 St. Hubert's.

St. Lawrence: 7 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 3. Probably derived from the name of the gulf. School 1890.

St. Louis: Village incorporated 1964, 6 mi NW of Alberton in Lot 2. School first called Smith Road for John Smith, who died c1888. Later it was Union Road, which was changed to St. Louis c1890. PO Kildare Station 1882-1896; PO St. Louis from 1896.

St. Peter and St. Paul: 3 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 2. School district 1868.

St. Philip: 8 mi SW of Tyne Valley in Lots 15 and 16. School district c1878. PO Rosny 1911-1912; PO Caissie 1912-1914.

St. Roch: 3 mi SW of Tignish in Lot 2. School district 1857. Douglas 1925 St. Rock. PO Little Tignish 1866-1914. Meacham 1880 shows the school and PO on the property of Joseph DesRoches.

Stephen Cove: Given by Samuel Holland 1765 for present Black Banks Cove, Lot 11. Named for Stephen Fox-Strangways (1704-1776).

Stumptown: See Alberton

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Tignish: Village incorporated 1952 in Lot 1. PO from c1841.

Tignish River: Flows E into Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lot 1. Said to be from Mi'Kmaq Mtagunich, "paddle", because an Indian had broken a paddle there and went adrift. Such naming is not characteristic of Amer-indians. W. F. Ganong suggests in notes in the NB Museum that it may be Tedeneche, "strait across", in references to its straight across entrance. Clark 1902 has M'tagunitc, "tacking place". Pacifique 1934 has Mtagenetjg, "trail". Tignish Run, Tignish Shore and Tignish Harbour are adjacent features.

Trout River: Flows NE into Bideford River, Lots 6, 10 and 11. In Meacham 1880. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Foxley Cove, for Henry Fox (1705-1774) 1ST Baron Holland of Foxley.

Trout River: Flows NE into Bideford River, Lots 12 and 13. In Meacham 1880. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 Goodwood Cove for Goodwood, one of the seats of the Duke of Richmond. Efforts by the Geographic Board to introduce Tyne River, derived from Tyne Valley, as noted in Douglas 1925, proved unsuccessful.

Tyne Valley: Village in Lot 13. Named by James Rogers for the second district 1873, probably for the River Tyne in Northumberland, England. PO from 1872. Formerly called Trout River and The Landing.

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Union: See Dock Corner.

Unionvale: 1 ½ mi E of O'Leary in Lot 6. School district 1869, replacing O'Leary Road.

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Vanier Park: Provincial park at Mill River, Lot 5. Named for Governor General Vanier. Also commonly called Bloomfield Park.

Victoria West: 7 mi W of Tyne Valley in Lot 13. School district c 1879. PO 1892-1913.

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Walshtown: There are several references in JHA 1875-1900 to this place near Foxley River. Exact location unknown. Not on any map references. Hunt Walsh was the original proprietor of Lot 11, but this may only be coincidental.

Waterford: 6 mi W of Tignish in Lot 1. School district 1889. PO Horse Head 1884-1885; PO Waterford 1885-1913.

West Cape: 9 mi W of O'Leary in Lots 7 and 8. PO West Cape c1852-1913. School district Greenhill before 1880.

Wells O'Brien Road: See O'Brien Road.

West Devon: 6 mi SE of O'Leary in Lot 10. School district c1859. Probably named for Devon, England, but why "west" was added is a mystery, except perhaps because it was on the Western Road. PO 1891-1968; also PO Lot 10 1871-1913. Cundall 1851 Pilgrim's Rest.

West Lake Creek: Flows E into Kildare River, Lot 4. Bayfield 151 Gordon Creek.

West Point: 9 mi SW of O'Leary in Lot 8. School district before 1880. PO c1872-1914. See also Woodridge.

White's Cove: Adjacent to Northumberland Strait at Burton, Lot 7. Meacham 1880 shows George White there.

Woodridge: See Glenwood.

Woodstock: 3 mi E of O'Leary in Lot 6. School district c1886.

Woodvale: 5 mi N of Alberton in Lots 2 and 3. School district c1880. PO Woodville 1894-1919.

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Yeo Creek: Flows NW into Grand River, Lot 16. Meacham shows John Yeo there. Yeo Point is at the mouth at the creek.

Yeo's Creek: Flows N into Trout River, Lot 13. Named for James Yeo (1788-1868) who owned many properties in the early 1800s. Yeo's Point extends into Trout River where it joins Bideford River.

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