picture of Sarah Tizya

Elders photo gallery

[Digital Collections Website]

Pictures 1-5

picture of Charlie Peter Charlie Senior playing a fiddle in front of a house

Charlie Peter Charlie Senior playing
a fiddle in front of a house.
Yukon Government photo.

picture of Stephen Frost hunting caribou in a boat on the Porcupine River

Stephen Frost hunting caribou in a boat on the Porcupine
Yukon Government photo.


John "Bull" Kendi cutting wood.
Yukon Government photo.

picture of Charlie Peter Charlie Senior playing a fiddle in a house

Charlie Peter Charlie Senior playing a fiddle in a house.
Yukon Government photo.

picture of Edith Josie and her two children, Jane Montgomery and Devin Josie, 1972

Edith Josie and her two children,
Jane Montgomery and Kevin Josie, 1972.
Yukon Archives/Harrington Collection, 79/27, bk2 #289.

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