Philippe Pasture De Costebelle


He was born in Languedoc, France in 1661. Costebelle was Governor of Placentia. He was the son of Francois-Berthelemy and Marie Du Plessis. He married (1)Anne de Tour; (2)Anne Mius d'Entremont. Pastour de Costabelle was a naval lieutenant in 1692 when he was posted to a company at Placentia commanded by his brother, Louis. After distinguishing himself in several skirmishes with the English, he was named King's Lieutenant and set about improving living conditions at the colony. He was eventually promoted to governor of Placentia and devoted himself to upgrading the fortifications, sometimes at his own expense. In 1709 a French force succeeded in capturing St. John's. Before they abandoned it the governor ordered all English fortifications destroyed. When the Treaty of Utrecht ceded Newfoundland to England in 1713, the colony at Placentia was relocated to Cape Breton Island, where Costebelle remained Governor until his death in 1717.

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