Deed of Admiral Drake to Martha Cottman

By John Knight, Esq. 1751

Drake Deed 29kb"Whereas Mrs. Martha Cottman subject of Great Britain has applied to me for a Grant of the North East Arm and to carry on a Salmon Fishery, and the more effectively to complete the same that she desired the property of the ground from the west side of the two islands commonly called Salmon House Island and Crosous Island and for half a mile around the same both islands included as P Plan thereof hereunto annexed and having good information that it has never been occupied, or the property of any person or persons before, I do by virtue of the power and authority to me given by Admiral Francis W. Drake acting as Surrogate of Newfoundland by these presents grant unto the said Martha Cottman and her heirs forever the sole right and property of the said Salmon Fishery and the ground above described and the peaceable and quiet possession of the same without the least hindrance or molestation in the enjoyment thereof and all and every season are hereby decided for not to give any disturbance therein as they shall answer to the contrary. To prevent any dispute that may arise hereafter I have caused this to be registered in the records of Placentia. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of September 1751 and in the 24th year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Second"

Signed. John Knight.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that this is a correct copy of a deed to Mrs. Martha Cottman as recorded in the Registry of Special Grants in the Department of Agriculture and Mines on page 87 of the said registry (Note-there is no opposition to the plan mentioned in the body of the deed attached to the register.)

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