Miguel Corte Real

He was an explorer. Born in Portugal in 1450. Miguel Corte Real outfitted the 1500 and 1501 expeditions of his brother, Gaspar Corte Real, whoagreed to share with Miguel the land he might discover. In 1501 Miguel was in charge of one of King Manuel of Portugal's ships assistingthe Venetians against the Turks. When later in that year Gaspar did not return from Newfoundland, Miguel orgainized a relief expedition and in May 1502 left Lisbon with three ships. After reaching Newfoundland the ships went in different directions to search for Gaspar but only to reunite on August 20 at St. John's. However, Miguel's ship did not come back and was never seen again. Before Miguelsailed to Newfoundland the King had granted him title to the newland (Newfoundland) and another brother, Vasco Anes Corte Real, held the same claim to Newfoundland which the King confirmed several times.

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