Brevet of Grant made to Sieur de Costabelle
of the Peninsula of Point Verte.

Copy of the Brevet of the Downs 35kb

"TODAY, the eleventh of the month of August, one thousand seven hundred and nine, the King being at Versailles, Sieur de Costabelle, Governor of Fort Louis at Plaisance, in the Island of Newfoundland, has represented to his Majesty that he has caused to be constructed on the land of the Peninsula of Point Verte distant by a short league from Fort Louis at Plaisance, in the Island of Newfoundland, certain lodgements, at a considerable expense, in order to place there a gang of labourers which is actually there with a number of all sorts of Cattle; and that for the past two years he has caused the woods there to be cleared, in the hope that the said land might produce some grain crops, and at the same time he has caused His Majesty to be petitioned to grant to him the said land, in title of fee and lordship, high mesne, and low jurisdiction, Now, Therefore, in consideration of the services of the said Sieur de Costabelle, and of the expenses aforesaid, His Majesty has granted to him the Peninsula of Point Verte, distant by a short leagur from Fort Louis at Plaisance, North and South of the entrance of the Roads, bounded on the south by a tongue of Beach called the Birgeron, seperated by a large pond from the beaches of the inhabitants looking on the East towards the entrance of the Gut and on the west adjoining the Ocean, TO ENJOY the same by him, his heirs and assigns, forever as their own, subject to fealty and homage to Fort Louis at Plaisance and to the ordinary taxes and rents, without being on that account, held, nor his heirs nor assigns to pay to His Majesty nor to his Successor Kings any fine or indemnity, which to whatever Sum it might amount His Majesty has made to them gift and remission by this Brevet; And in case that hereafter, His Majesty might have need of some portion of the said land to construct thereon any forts, batteries, parade grounds, magazines, churches, or other public works, His Majesty shall be empowered to take it as well as the timber which he shall deem to be necessary for the said public works without being held for any damages. And in testimony of His Will, His Majesty has granted to him the within Brevet, which he has deigned to sign by his hand, and to be countersigned by me his Counseller, Secretary of State, and of his Ordinances and Finances.


There are two endorsations on the reverse side of the Brevet as follows:

"Whereas the Within Mentioned Plantation and Ground were formerly bounded by a Gutt of Water, which by a late Storm, is now entirely filled up. I Do hereby forbid any perfon or perfons to Cutt Grass therefrom or by feeding of Beasts of any sort on the said Ground, where the Water formerly flowed to damage the afd Plantation or Grounds, or in any other manner to molest the same, finding that the aforeds Gutt was the proper fence to the afd Premises. Given under my hand at Placentia Septr ye 6th 1748.

Edwd Jekyll"

Placentia, May 20, 1803.

"We do hereby transfer and make over our sole life and title to the within Brevet to Mr. M. Greene, only reserving the right of raising Netts and Seynes on the said Fort and the privilege of a Flagstaff for the purpose of making or repeating Signals thereon, as specified by a Deed of sale bearing date as above.
Saunders and Sweetman."

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