- The CCEA Homepage
The Central Canada Exhibition's homepage.
- The CNE Homepage
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- The Calgary Stampede
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Edmonton's Klondike Days Exposition
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Canadian Western Agribition
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- The PNE Homepage
Pacific National Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- RAS Homepage
Richmond Agricultural Society, Richmond, Ontario, Canada.
- RAWF Homepage
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Conklin Shows of Canada
- Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers International
"The only unified voice of all suppliers to the amusement industry worldwide."
- AmuseNET
"The Internet Collection of Companies That Support The Amusement Park Industry."
- CAFFEINE: Canada's Agrifood Directory
"Canadian Agriculture, Farm and Food: Extension Information Network and Exchange"
- The Coaster Enthusiasts Of Canada
Great site on all things roller coaster-related. Extensive video tape and book sections, including the web's only site on "World's Fair" books.
- E.F.E.C.O.T.
The European Federation for the Education of the Children of the Occupational Travellers.
- Het Molenschip
"The Ship You Don't Want To Miss!" A boarding school in Belgium for children of "occupational travellers."
"Safety Through Communication" - The National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials.
- National Fairground Archive
Fascinating site, full of information about the history of fairs in Great Britain!
- Southern Festivals
Southern Festivals newspaper is published every two months and provides complete coverage of festivals, fairs, special places and events through special features such as Locator Maps, extensive calendars and lively, informative articles.
- "The World's Columbian Exposition: Idea, Experience, Aftermath"
This beautiful and informative site, which focuses on the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, is the Master's thesis of Julie Rose, a student in English/American Studies at the University of Virginia.
- "Interactive Guide to the World's Columbian Exposition"
A popular topic! Great old photos and more information than you might ever want to know on this event.
- "1964-65 New York World's Fair"
A film covering the 1964/65 New York Worlds Fair is scheduled for completion in the fall of 1997. This site explains what's going on with this undertaking and requests any information which may help in capturing a retrospective of this wonderful event.
- IAFE Fair Links
- Western Fairs Association