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Crime Trends, Demographics, and Public Perceptions of The Criminal Justice System

Presented by:

The Research and Statistics Division
Department of Justice Canada
Ottawa, Ontario

Slide 1 - Cover Page

Slide 2 - Demographics Introduction

Slide 3 - The Ageing Population and a Declining Fertility Rate

Slide 4 - Immigration and the Growth of the Population

Slide 5 - Immigration and Increased Diversity

Slide 6 - Young Aboriginal Population

Slide 7 - Public Perceptions Introduction

Slide 8 - Levels of Reported Violent Crime and Fear of Crime, 1970-2002

Slide 9 - Decriminalization of Cannabis: A Reversal of Public Opinion

Slide 10 - Communities' Perceptions Towards the Seriousness of Crime, 1999

Slide 11 - National Indicators Introduction

Slide 12 - Historical Perspective on Crime Rates

Slide 13 - Changing Violent Crime Rates Across the Urban Landscape, 1992-2001

Slide 14 - Proportion of Young Persons and Crime Rate

Slide 15 - Canadian Homicide Rate, 1926-2001

Slide 16 - The Nature of Crime is Changing

Slide 17 - The Nature of Social Values is Changing

Slide 18 - What Do These Data Tell Us?

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