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In the 1960s, English-Montreal was home to Louis Dudek's Delta Canada Press. Dudek continued to serve as an editor of the Contact Press until the Press folded in 1967 and to edit his little magazine Delta which he founded in 1957. The final issue appeared in 1966 when he had published two books under the Delta Canada imprint. During the Press's first five years of operation, Delta Canada publications reflected a mix of poetry and scholarly titles. The poets who published under the Delta Canada imprint were Montreal writers or had close connections with the city: the list includes R.G. Everson, Michael Gnarowski, []  Raymond Fraser, F.R. Scott, Glenn Siebrasse and Richard Somer. Scholarly titles include Michael Gnarowski's history and index to Raymond Souster's Direction Magazine, his index to the little magazine CIV/N.

Elsewhere in Montreal, []  Raymond Fraser, an expatriate from New Brunswick, founded Poverty Press in 1966. Fraser edited the little magazine Intercourse and published several chapbooks.

Delta Canada (1965-1972)

Delta 19Delta 19. 1962. Special New Vancouver Poetry Issue. Edited by Frank Davey.

Louis Dudek's Delta magazine was founded in response to Raymond Souster's little magazine, Combustion. Dudek challenged Souster's international perspective, and announced in the first issue that Delta "is a poetry magazine for Canada with a job to do here." In the special issue on display, Dudek introduced his readership to new poetry of Vancouver.

Cover reproduced by permission of Louis Dudek.

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Pictures on the Skin: PoemsEldon Grier. Pictures on the Skin: Poems. Montreal: Delta Canada, 1967.

Cover by Sylvia Tait. Book design: Eldon Grier and Sylvia Tait.

Cover reproduced by permission of Eldon Grier.

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AtlantisLouis Dudek. Atlantis. Montreal: Delta Canada, 1967.

Book cover and design by Allan Harrison.

Cover reproduced by permission of Louis Dudek.

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The Gentlemen Are Also LexicographersMichael Gnarowski. The Gentlemen Are Also Lexicographers. Montreal: Delta Canada, 1969. A buckbook. Printed at Éditions d'Orphée, Montreal.

Cover reproduced by permission of Michael Gnarowski.

Poverty Press (1966-1972)

Intercourse. No 1, 1966. Edited by []  Raymond Fraser and Leroy Johnson.

Intercourse was founded by []  Raymond Fraser and Leroy Johnson. A mimeographed magazine, 17 issues of Intercourse appeared between 1966 and 1971. The offshoot of the magazine was a series of chapbooks published under the Poverty Press imprint.

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Poems for the Miramichi[]  Raymond Fraser. Poems for the Miramichi. Montreal: Poverty Press, [1966].

Courtesy of the Ralph Gustafson Poetry Collection. Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University.

Cover reproduced by permission of Raymond Fraser.