The Reader
In School, as in all the books in the series, you'll find Jojo and Pichou. They are the main characters.
Jojo is the primary character. She always wears a large red hat and she has blond hair. Most of the time, she is facing you, but you only see part of her. Why? It is not because she is too large, since her face is right in front of us. It is also not because she is too high or too low on the page.
Try this with a friend or in front of a mirror. To see all of someone, you have to back up, away from the person. The closer you get to the person, the larger they look. As you get closer and closer, you can speak more and more quietly and the person will still hear you. You can whisper and the other person hears! Maybe that's why, in Ginette Anfousse's books, Jojo's mouth is closed.