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Advertising the Book

Once the book is printed, it is the publishing house that is responsible for advertising and selling the book. At the beginning, there were Jojo and Pichou dolls. These were cloth dolls that friends of Ginette Anfousse made to look like the two main characters of these stories.

Photo: Jojo doll
Jojo doll
  Photo: Pichou doll
Pichou doll

The Jojo and Pichou dolls were being sold in an art gallery where Ginette Anfousse was showing her drawings. Such items, inspired by a story like Jojo and Pichou's, can help sell books. They are also nice souvenirs of characters or stories that we like. That's what we call "merchandizing". There are all kinds of merchandizing. Think of the bookmarks that you are given when you go to a book fair or to book stores. Think of the bags, caps and sweaters that have pictures of your favorite book characters on them.
