Heroes of Lore and Yore
Bibliography and Links
Dr. Frederick Banting |
Links Relating to Dr. Frederick Banting
Books About Dr. Frederick Banting
Children's Books About Dr. Frederick Banting
Books About Dr. Frederick Banting
- Bliss, Michael.
- Banting: A Biography. 2nd paperback ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.
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- The Discovery of Insulin. 2nd paperback ed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1996, c1982.
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- La Découverte de l’insuline. Translated from the English by Jean Chapdelaine Gagnon. Saint-Laurent, Quebec : Trécarré, 1988.
- Jackson, A.Y.
- Banting as an Artist. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1943.
- Shaw, Margaret Mason.
- Frederick Banting. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1976.
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
- The Discovery of Insulin at the University of Toronto: An Exhibition Commemorating the 75th Anniversary. Toronto: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 1996.
- Wrenshall, G.A.
- The Story of Insulin: Forty Years of Success Against Diabetes. Toronto: M.Reinhardt, 1962.
Children's Books About Dr. Frederick Banting
- Mayer, Ann Margaret.
- Sir Frederick Banting, Doctor Against Diabetes. Mankato, Minn.: Chicago: Creative Education; distributed by Children’s Press, 1974.
- McCarthy, Tom.
- Frederick Banting and Charles Best, Discoverers of Insulin. Illustrated by Krista Johnston. Ottawa: Novalis, 1982.
- Rowland, John.
- The Insulin Man: The Story of Sir Frederick Banting. New York: Roy Publishers, 1966, c1965.
- Webb, Michael, ed.
- Frederick Banting: Discoverer of Insulin. Mississauga, Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman, 1991.
- Webb, Michael, et Jean-Yves Lalonde, eds.
- Frederick Banting : la découverte de l’insuline. Translation, Lise Malo. Montreal : Éditions de la Chenelière, 1993.
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Links Relating to Dr. Frederick Banting
English Links
The Discovery of Insulin (National Film Board)
- http://www.onf.ca/FMT/E/MSN/14/14421.html
The Discovery of Insulin: Banting, Best, Collip, MacLeod: On-Line History Resource Centre
- http://www.discoveryofinsulin.com
The Quest (National Film Board)
- http://www.onf.ca/FMT/E/MSN/11/11774.html
Sir Frederick Grant Banting
- http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1923a.html
Visit the Banting Museum and Education Centre
- http://www.diabetes.ca/banting/banting.htm
Heritage Project
- http://www.heritageproject.ca/media/minutes/expanded/ssflem.htm
French Links
Les Découvreurs (Office national du film du Canada)
- http://www.nfb.ca/FMT/F/MSN/00/984.html
L'Encyclopedie des hommes célèbres
- http://www.sesame.hol.fr/MZD/Medecin.htm
Reflets du Patrimoine
- http://www.refletsdupatrimoine.ca/media/minutes/expanded/ssflem.htm
Any information, comments, or URLs are welcome for consideration. Please contact line.parent@nlc-bnc.ca